>Eric Trump and members of his Secret Service detail walk outside La Huella, a beachfront restaurant, during a private business trip in early January to Punta del Este, Uruguay. (Cristian Cordoba)
Americans are ok with this.
>Eric Trump and members of his Secret Service detail walk outside La Huella, a beachfront restaurant, during a private business trip in early January to Punta del Este, Uruguay. (Cristian Cordoba)
Americans are ok with this.
Yup. It's his money.
Isn't that where all the Nazis went to hide after WW2? Probably scouting it out for the family for after 2020
April get off twitter and get a fucking job you useless bitch
Woah POTUS' immediate family gets secret service protection now?
When did this happen? When Trump was signed in?
Love how the progressive left are all of a sudden worried about government spending.
I'm sure voters love it too.
Aren't these the liberals who will tell you that big government is efficient and good?
>security cost a million dollars a day for Trump
How so? Do you have a link to back it up?
Its all the fucking same only this time you don't have welfare blacks hoarding the fun because they "deserve" it.
If liberals weren't such unhinged domestic terrorists there would be no need to spend millions protecting Trump's family in the first place.
>I'm living on foodstamps
kek that fat bitch is begging for money for made up period pain and PTSD from period pain and calls herself disabled, not even medically or legally classified as disabled, self-diagnosed disability.
i can't fucking make this up
Goddamn, his face. It's like an elephant sat on it. Thank god he's got money.
Obama spent $100M on vacations.
>it's not okay when trump does it but perfectly fine when obummer does
>Obama did it, so, Trump can do it too!
That's just a stupid fucking argument.
It's about the shameless media bias.
Oh yeah, the trump organization is paying the salary of the secret service and their operations. That's the way it works.
Motherfucker I should have applied to work security at Trump tower.
Weren't you cucks laughing off all of the expense that went into protecting the last POTUS and his family when they went off on their numerous trips around the globe with their "entourage" ?
You're right. It is. Pointing out the fact that you idiots were fine with it before is not though
Saw the letters spelling entourage, read those letters as 'pedophiles'