Serious question Sup Forums. Is there anywhere on earth black people can go and be socially accepted...

Serious question Sup Forums. Is there anywhere on earth black people can go and be socially accepted? Like little to no racism?
>inb4 Africa
African Africans are animals who kill their own if they look even a little lighter than normal


Ever tried Antarctica?


Pretty sure nobody would complain

Depends on your definition of racism.

Working on the statistics of violent crime would certainly help blacks become more socially accepted.

It's not always fair how an individual is treated, but crying about it in the face of statistics doesn't help you.

Gonna need stats on blacks in Antarctica

All Africans are animals


New York

Pick one

>African Africans are animals who kill their own if they look even a little lighter than normal
How is that any different from how they act everywhere else they go?
Name one place where blacks live where they don't kill each other over stupid shit like Jordans or wearing blue instead of red.

Black areas of the South. Many blacks have repatriated to the South in recent years because the racial climate is so much more comfy.

The legacy of segregation is that in the black part of town all of the business are run by blacks rather than arabs and mexicans. It's separate and maybe not equal but more of a real society than the colored colonies of the North and West.

Well not so much crime stats wise.. i mean i am talking about lack of prejudice; but really I mean fear wise. If a black moves to a majority white neighbourhood it gets stares and avoided for looking different. I'm wondering if theres a place they can go without being treated differently than the other race.

>Serious question Sup Forums. Is there anywhere on earth black people can go and be socially accepted?
The local black owned barbershop, or hair salon, depending on gender. AME churches, if they're formally dressed.

>Like little to no racism?
Hold up. Do you think black people are really that different than everyone else?

Serious answer: America.

But blacks search non-stop for discrimination that either isn't there or is inconsequential. Victimhood is a part of their sense of self-worth, so they'll never be happy.

And that makes the Democrats very happy, because they need to keep minorities upset to motivate them to vote for Democrats.


lol, try again.

No. Obviously every race is guilty of being racist. But next to Mexicans, blacks seem to get the thick of it. Even the non nigrish ones that actually try to do something are prejudiced against.


user if your African you should return to your homeland and make it great, what's the point in African pride if your not going have pride in Africa?

The non nigrish ones suffer prejudice from their fellow blacks...aint shit we can do about that.

It should be obvious why they get the thick of it though.

> 2 nigs in chicago livestreaming on facebook
> bitch is pregnant
> boyfriend is wearing a Trayvon Martin costume
> 2 year old nephew sitting in back
> adults singing along to gangsta rap
> song literally about shooting people gangsta style
> everyone in car gets shot gangsta style
> happens everyday
> BLM says whites are keeping blacks down

They’re just fucking lucky we cant throw people over wall for simply being degenerates.

some homogenous european country where the people have never seen a black in real life, and are viewed as a celebrity.


Well.. what's the point in White pride if you're not gonna go back to Europe?
Also not that anyone cares but i am biracial. I may be living proof that a White Person and a black american (Hawaiian) can get along but I still feel like America isn't the place for them.

This is a false equivalency. We arent europeans, we are americans. We came from europe, but then we systematically murdered our own countrymen from europe, natives here, our own countrymen here, and died a fuck ton along the way to take this land and make it ours. Cause, you know, we'd rather die then spend one more day being persecuted under some distant king or queen and their armies.

Africans didnt do shit. We paid the price for this land. Africans were just slaves for a minority of whites, jews, and other blacks in the south.

Which, by the way, we killed and died a fuck ton more again to free from slavery.

Come at us.

>Is there anywhere on earth black people can go and be socially accepted? Like little to no racism?
If you work hard enough to become an intellectual and a rational, stoic being, and work in an intellectual field, you will find people who actually socially accept you and are not racist. Stay off of twitter and facebook and do not associate with those who do not live up to your standards of reason and civility. America is your only hope, user.

to clarify, it would probably have to be a second-world country in Eastern Europe with a shitty economy.

You're trying to get me to defend blacks and I don't want to. Really tthey don't have to worry about any whites actually doing anything if they don't live in the South. Just other blacks in Af. Am. Majority states mostly.

So Germany?

they would think of blacks as rapefugees, so probably not.

So, there's a conflict here, because many of the places run by black people are ALSO racist as fuck.

For example, the craziest of the BLM groups on colleges are literally demanding segregated dormotories.

Another obvious example would be the Nation of Islam.

If you mean colorblind racial equality, I would pick the French FL. They give zero fucks about your skin color or race. Your're expected to become french as fuck.

Yeah, some place like that. Like, America was supposed to be a melting pot where no cared who you were as long as you're nationalist; but obviously its not.
So France is the only one, huh?
I guess i shouldn't be surprised since they had like three revolutions in the span of several years.