Things americans do that everyone hates

>Calling it soccer instead of football.
>Using short scale instead of large aka a billion is a thousand million for burgers instead of 10^12.
>Using the imperial system instead of metric
>Using the term North America to refer to the US.
>Refusing to acknowledge that some people don't have just a First and Last Name so they just call you however they want.
>Raising other people's children.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wearing shoes indoors.


You mean faggotball?
That's what we call it now.
The rest of your shit is stupid too but I'm really not feeling it.
Blow it out your ass.

>a yank
Why do you have a shitty version of rugby where all the lads wear shoulder pads and helmets? Fucking poofs

>Dude the trillion is now a billion lmao.

>calling someone a poof

That's what everyone seems to call it now.
I didn't even know wtf you were talking about.
Milliard is a fucking gay ass word.

>Refusing to acknowledge that some people don't have just a First and Last Name so they just call you however they want.
That is literally everyone on the planet. No one is going to call you by your five names in their entirety.

>using literally wrong
We do that too and I hate it but I did it, so I guess I contributed in my own way.


soccer is a much better name, taco

>When your country is all everyone talks about because any country aside from America is third world
All other countries aside from us aren't legitimate countries.

>>Using the term North America to refer to the US.

Have to hand to you, it's really impressive that Mexico has 122 Million people and no one gives a shit about your country.

>actually throwing our dirty shit paper into the toilet instead of stacking it up to the ceiling like animals

Football has way more intense hits then rugby does don't be stupid.

Things Mexicans do that everyone hates:
>flood our country withe illegal immigrants welfare leeches

Except your mother when you have really fucked up.

My dad died a very gruesome death in America, so I hate hate America forever for that.

First on the list is being some fat illegal in the United States. We will not tolerate your ugly subhuman asses any longer.

Be alive

>Be cooler than everyone else

Glad to see we aren't letting our emotions get the better of us leaf

>Calling it soccer instead of football.
That's a British term, dipshit.

>worth anything
How's the wall coming, buddy?

>doesn't use A4 paper to print

>uses 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper

Fucking hell, WHY

Yeah but acknowledging that doesn't let them feel stronk.

I can do whatever the fuck I want in my own house
I respect other people's house rules and boundaries but telling me what to wear in my house is too far. Besides I have a rat problem and need my steeltoes to kill the mice that come out of the wall since I don't want to shoot up my walls trying to get rid of them. Too bad I don't know how to make mustard gas or I'd get rid of those furry little sunflower seed stealing bastards once and for all.

>things Europeans and Anglosphere people do
>pretend to be more manly than they really are

Seriously. All the movies and shit make them out to be cool and manly and shit, then you go to their countries and they're a bunch of passive agressive faggot queers.

I have never met a single Aussie or Brit that I didn't want to punch if their gay faces.

>>Using short scale instead of large aka a billion is a thousand million for burgers instead of 10^12.

> 10^12
> a billion is a thousand million instead of 10^12
> a billion is ... 10^12

10^12 = one trillion = a million million

>Using short scale instead of large aka a billion is a thousand million for burgers instead of 10^12.

This is retarded. Who says a billion is 10^12? I have never heard that ever

t. Someone who has done math at university

>billion millions

shut up nerd

>The rules of association football were codified in England by the Football Association in 1863 and the name association football was coined to distinguish the game from the other forms of football played at the time, specifically rugby football. The first written "reference to the inflated ball used in the game" was in the mid-14th century: "Þe heued fro þe body went, Als it were a foteballe".[9] The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the word "soccer" was "split off in 1863".[9] According to Partha Mazumdar, the term soccer originated in England, first appearing in the 1880s as an Oxford "-er" abbreviation of the word "association".[10]

Don't get them back here