Birthplace of human species

>birthplace of human species
>fertile af land with shitload of natural ores and minerals

Can someone give me an explanation why Africa is (for the most part) a shithole filled with tribal warlords and not top-tier civilization?

>inb4 black people
Hard mode: No racism. I'm talking selective pressures that caused civilizations in other regions.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Northern_Cape

>Live at starvation levels for over 4000 years but there weren't selective pressures in Africa that would create civilization.


Nigga Africa is bullshit for growing stuff otherwise companies would have invested in the thing long ago turning it from Africa to Farmcountry. The terrain is shit in most places, the forests are a bitch to cut down, so many small animals plan to kill you off

Africa is a shithole in terms of agriculture.

Africa is fucking easy to live in for hunter gatherers. They can just go into the forest every once in a while, grab some food, then sit on their asses for a while. Farming never developed due to this and shit soil, and they stayed as hunter gatherers for thousands of years. Plus they don't need to worry about stocking up food for winter so they never developed skills like restraint or planning.

Nevermind what kept the white man out until the 19th century, the continent is riddled with shitty diseases that kill men and more importantly their horses and livestock by the droves

Africa's just not a good place to put a civilization without the proper technology first with the exception of select areas like Ethiopia with it's good defensive position and trade route, Egypt/Sudan with the Nile, and Ghana with its fuck ton of gold you can sell to whitey for a fortune


As an example, Liberia was doing fine because it was basically a European colonial society without white people and an overlord. Then it went to shit when it went under the rule of savages.

here is a handy wall of text that explains a lot

Because Africans can't even get a man a few trucks full of gravel.

Honestly Africa should just come under colonial rule again. As Walter E Williams said:

"With but few exceptions, most African countries are worse off now than they were during colonialism, both in terms of standard of living and in terms of human rights protections. Once a food-exporting country, Zimbabwe recently stood near the brink of starvation. Sierra Leone is rich in minerals — especially diamonds — has highly fertile land and is the best port site in West Africa, but it has declined into a state of utter despair. Africa is the world's most natural-resources-rich continent. It has 50 percent of the world's gold, most of the world's diamonds and chromium, 90 percent of the cobalt, 40 percent of the world's potential hydroelectric power, 65 percent of the manganese, and millions of acres of untilled farmland, as well as other natural resources. Before independence, every African country was self-sufficient in food production; today many depend on imports, and others stand at the brink of famine."


When the land is so bountiful. You don't need progress.

holy fuck I never realized this, I could use this as a weapon against liberals.

What is Carthage. Yes ot was originally a Phoenician colony but when they got cucked it was on its own, and thats besides the fact that at that point he population had merged woth North African seed.The answer to OP's question is colonialism + Jews=niggers

>birthplace of human species
>civilizations in other regions
There's a large period of time where you can't have both. Niggers are the problem. Anyone with half a brain left.
Because of poor land management. Plenty of food was produced there when whites were running it.

Actually, liberals are right that colonialism was a huge mistake. But they're completely wrong in why. It's liberalism itself which ruined these countries, and now the same power hungry control freaks, without the third world to order around, are starting in on our own countries. And they've left indoctrinated converts in charge. Such a shame because Africa has such potential to avoid the statist trap and to blossom into a truly free civilization.

I voted for Trump btw.

Most of Africa is either a desert or arid/semi arid and not suitable for farming and such not good breadbaskets, the critical prerequisite for civilization.

>>inb4 black people
>Hard mode: No racism.

Hey guys, ca you tell me what 2+2 is
>inb4 4
>hard mode: no addition.

>hard mode, no racism

Answer is still niggers. Its nothing to do with racism. Niggers are fucking stupid.

>Farming never developed due to this and shit soil
Explain Orania then.

I think it's due to geography. But not in the way that guys like Jared Diamond think.

Food is relatively abundant year round (at least it was before whites colonized and gave them more food, technology, medicine, etc. and the population exploded to unsustainable levels). Wasn't like Europe where if a tribe didn't have the foresight and intelligence to plan ahead, they wouldn't survive the harsh winter and their weak genetics would be removed from the gene pool.

What was more important in sub-Sahara Africa is physical strength and stamina to ensure you don't get chased down and killed by that lion. And those are obviously the traits that were selected and evolved in that part of the world. Intelligence, not so much.

seriously.....huge fertile continent and nothing to show for it

its just the blacks

And yet when they kick out all the blacks, it looks like pic related.,_Northern_Cape

Antifa BTFO

We left Africa to get away from the Africans.
It's shit now and it has been this way for 40,000 years.

Very interesting. Mind if I save?

Same dumb argument, sandniggers and snowniggers had it 10 times worse and that didn't stop them from reaching civilization.

>farming and such not good breadbaskets
Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) at one time could have almost fed the continent, until nigg..oops..I mean space aliens and God destroyed their agricultural industry
> between 2000 and 2016 annual wheat production fell from 250,000 tons to 60,000 tons

here is a 2 minute explaination of the problem :

>before whites colonized and gave them more food, technology, medicine, etc. and the population exploded to unsustainable levels
Why would whites give them more food if food was already abundant? You don't even need to know history to see the flawed reasoning there.

tl;dr malaria

What are mosquito nets? A simple mechanical solution can be devised with local resources. Almost every other civilization in existence has had to deal with disease. Why didn't Africa?

Hard mode is more like impossible mode.

Even without saying black people, your average subsaharan group simply did not evolve socially. They're still deeply rooted in tribalist habits that make it nigh impossible for them to cooperate and develop. Any rush of civilization requires outsider influence, see Rhodesia which fell apart the second Mugabe removed outsiders.

the first point is right. the border divisions of a lot of african countries aren't along ethnic lines or historical context, dividing many them as they are was a bad idea.

>birthplace of human species
Quite literally no proof of that

It's easy to just apply occam's razor to the whole shebang

Why is Africa a failure? Is it because

>muh geography, muh soil, muh disease, muh culture, muh itsy bitsy this and that
>niggers are just inferior to whites

They simply were not wicked enough to enslave entire nations through the use of money/power. Look at britain, great little country, but it conquered half the world, africans simply wanted food and some territory, the brits wanted the whole damn world

really gets my blood boiling

>Shit soil
>Subsaharan Africa has the most diverse fauna anywhere in the world outside the Amazon

Pick one

The same reason Haiti, Jamaica, Detroit, Oakland, Chicago, New Orleans, etc. are all shit holes.

They are populated with niggers.

This is obvious.

I don't think you understand. The reasoning is simple, Africans evolved alongside their surroundings. So, they never greatly outgrew their food supply as it was simply not livable to do so.

Industrialization has a byproduct of greatly reducing death rate, so African nations that would have once expected a huge amount of infant mortality and a live span below 50 years are now having to adjust for such a surplus population actually surviving.

European colonialism completely destroyed Africa. Not say it was much before, but all the shit that happens today is like 85% post-colonial effects.

its pretty complicated. a lot of the staple crops didn't lend themselves to mass cultivation like in other places. more brutal disease environment. decentralization of early productive capacities. simple chance

there's pretty significant variation in stability and economic achievement among SSA nations, which is a clear indictment of a simple race-driven argument.

>occam's razor
This is really supposed to be where you start testing because testing simple things is easy.
You're not supposed to just assume the simplest explanation.
Not that it's necessarily wrong.

Two things. Natural selection set the bar low for niggers and they are relatively isolated in terms of tech transfer from other civilisations.

The Saharan Desert prevented effective trade between Africa and the rest of the world. Whereas the Mediterranean was full of commerce with the Near East and Far East.
It wasn't until the Columbian exchange that they began trading extensively with Europeans.

r/K selection and time preference
Africa is easy mode, no need to develop low time preference. In other climates with fertile summers and harsh winters, only those who are time aware and save for the winter survive. Being able to forgo eating something now and saving it for winter. Meanwhile most African tribes don't even have words for time, impulse control is foreign to them as is planning for the future. There's a tribe that has to walk many miles to get fruit from a particular tree. When asked why no one plans one closer to the village, they just shrug, too much work for no immediate payoff. That is why they're incapable of building civilization.

you dont know what tropical diseases are huh

No evolutionary impetus to develop advanced civilization.

Civilization developed farthest in regions where the survival challenge involved forward-thinking and deferral of gratification, primarily anywhere with a harsh winter. When you can't find fuck all for food six months out of the year, the only civilizations that will thrive are the ones that figure out systems to compensate.

In Africa the survival challenge boils down to not losing the Malaria Mosquito lottery, which isn't something a primitive civilization can really solve for. Food was plentiful all year and sub-Saharan Africa was reasonably isolated from the rest of the world so there weren't any external pressures to force them forward either.

>birthplace of human species
>Can someone give me an explanation why Africa is (for the most part) a shithole filled with tribal warlords and not top-tier civilization?

because all the "humans" have left.

The advancement of civilization has always been dependent on one thing: free time.
This means that for people to have the time for developing technologies or trying new social systems, they must exist in an environment which is hospitable enough that you don't spend all your walking hours seeking food and shelter.
And yet not so hospitable that there is no motivation to improve your conditions.

Tropical regions are too nice, no need to develop advanced clothing or shelter or hunting/farming techniques.

Sub Arctic regions are too harsh. You spend all available time during the day simply trying to ensure you don't die at night.

Temperate zones are perfect, especially because of they experience 4 distinct seasons.
You die in winter if you don't prepare during summer
This means that every summer you have spare daylight and energy to think about and experiment with new techniques which can help you survive the winter