Hurr tell them not to rape. Don't try to avoid it. Don't try to prevent it

>Hurr tell them not to rape. Don't try to avoid it. Don't try to prevent it.

Why do they do this, Sup Forums?

>buddy system

Who protects my buddy then? Checkmate.



They lack self awareness it hurts. They champion Islam, but act as if the west can't control themselves.

Ridiculous. Targeted to the wrong audience. As if rapists give a shit about your checklist.

I think the world should be a perfect Utopia where every single person is good and decent, and so I am going to live my life like the world is a perfect Utopia where every single person is good and decent instead of accepting reality and taking responsibility for myself and my safety: the flier.

>That inconsistent formatting

Don't they realize nobody is impressed with adults displaying a toddler's understanding of criminality?

Good stuff, Felipe

Most people who post things like this do it to get facebook likes.

A few especially retarded ones do it because they are turbo sluts who want to act like turbo sluts with no consequences, and think this can actually make a difference.

is this real?

if you format, you are raping the paper.

Phew that was close, insane people almost did insane things but you gave them a FUCKING UNLAMINATED BUSINESS CARD and convinced them otherwise.

Honestly, this is pretty good advice. I think that the buddy system is a great idea for rapists.

Also, have you been raped OP? Want to let us know what it was like and how it affected you afterwards? Or maybe it was your mother who got raped (by close family) and not you.

Who the hell doesn't know that rape is wrong? Even rapists know it's wrong. That doesn't stop them from raping.

The ones that are annoying are the ones that when you try to argue back say "So you assume that men can't control their sexual urges?" and shit. Yes. That is what I am saying.
The men that are raping aren't going "Hurr I didn't know raping was bad, I'm sure glad you told me, I'm gonna stop now.". The men that rape don't often really care that they are told not to rape.

This flyer is visual rape
>random space between left margin and 2
>random indentation in paragraph 5
>random fonts
>random bullets

>Rape culture demeans everyone
>make a pamphlet implying all men have violent sexual urges and they must be reminded not to be rapists
It's funny because I was branded a misogynist when I told some women they could avoid rape by remaining sober in public, having good situational awareness, and carrying a concealed firearm and being competent at its use. Actual solutions to their problems are not on the agenda, because then feminists would be out of a job.

>thinking telling people not to rape is going to do a goddamn thing

There are two response to this

> well, fucking yeah
Like any normal person

And if your response is not that then you are to far gone for someone telling you rape is bad to do anything.

What if you don't want to take turns with your buddy?

You guys realize the flier is making a point about how ridiculous the idea of rape culture is right?

>If you find that you are about to rape someone, blow the whistle until someone comes to stop you
This is satire right. I refuse to believe this is real

It's definitely satire. Has to be.

The flier is making fun of the idea that women are responsible for not getting raped. We know that women aren't responsible for getting raped. But to pretend that women can't prevent rape through sobriety, travelling with others, carrying a rape whistle etc is just false. The flier is stupid because it implies that instead of informing women on how to avoid getting raped, we should just tell men not to rape since they are the ones inflicting the rape. Of course men are responsible for the rap, but telling them to stop is retardedly impractical because rapists couldn't care less about what society has to say about rape or even what their own conscience has to say about rape. We should inform women on how to prevent rape and inform home owners on how to prevent robbery.

Post the comic.
The wristband one

I think the point of it is to show how instructions on how not to rape, assuming men are powerless against their urges. It tries to make itself seem stupid and tries to make you ask yourself "this is dumb, i can control my urges just fine". But it fails in it's delivery.

This guy explained it way better than me