If Dwarves are the jews of Fantasy, what are the elves, halflings, orcs, goblins, etc...

If Dwarves are the jews of Fantasy, what are the elves, halflings, orcs, goblins, etc? What political ideologies do they represent etc?

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>can fight

dude wut?

dwarves dont do business,

They were miners and dug out that wealth

Elves are the SJW as they always complain about being oppressed.

Orbs are nigger as they are barbaric.

well niggers are obviously orcs

>Female dwarf
>No beard

Asians are definitely elves with are naturally slender frames, hairless bodies and overall cuteness.

Gnomes are Jews. Dwarves are Germans.

lmao no

nordics are elves obviously

asians are goblins

Elves = Nordics

Orcs = Muslims

Middle Earth = Western Europe

Half lings = Gaelics

asians are high elves
native americans are wood elves
blacks are orcs
whites are human

Goblins should then be muslims. Slightly higher tech but still greenskin nonetheless

I'll pretend I didn't read that, especially from the most cucked country

Skaven are the Eternal Anglo.

this needs also an update

Dwarves are nordics
Goblins are jews
Elves are brits, snootily condescending from their secluded island (celts and scots are wood elves)
Orcs are nonwhites
Halflings are leafs

Dwarves are rednecks

Who the fuck calls dwarves the jews of fantasy you fucking retard?

they usually don't event trade

Asians are kobolds you disgusting dork fuck.

Dwarves aren't the jews. High elves are literally the jews of fantasy.

Dwarves are just bros. They don't fuck over other people for their riches.

While dwarves love gold they work for it themselves, they don't rely on swindling goyim and usury.


Dwarves have the best craftsmen and most shrewd merchants you git.

>Asians are goblins

So true

vigne a slut

Trump/America = Rohan

His presidential election was Helm's Deep nigga


dwarves are Irish goblind are jews elves are white people orcs are niggers and halflings are cucks (Swedish)

Nah, Tolkien popularized elves as we know them today and his inspiration for their language and culture were Nordic/Germanic, primarily.

Also, Nordics are relatively fair, tall, slender, and hairless.

Keep dreamin', chink boy.

>dwarves are the Jews of fantasy
wonder would could be behind this post

So they are Alpine Germanic speakers?

Dwarves = Germanics
Goblins = Jews
Orcs = Muslims
Men = Anglos
Elves = Asians

orcs are Brazilians and elves are niggers.

Jews are the goblins.
Orcs are the niggers.
Humans are the whites.

>white """"people"""


The Rohan people are sourced on the saxons.So they are maybe antic Germany or Britain.

Elves are literally white people
>dying race
>most advanced society
>worry about aloof things more often than actual practical matters
>have the power to change their decline but just dont for some reason

elves = lewd

I'm white. I can't speak for 80% of my country but I do know that asians are little kobold fucks. Elves are too adorable to be you dorks.

Elves are pretty much Finns/Swedes in Tolkien variety and Northern Germanic NS-tier eugenic races in other big classical fantasy novels

Elves are just general "foreigner" or formally advanced race
That could mean Asian, Roman, or even Nordic

1) There are not that many of em (low nordic populations)
2) We are the most beautiful race in Europe

Btw Gandalf is basically a Väinämöinen ripoff

Jews are goblins, you dufus

This, was just about to post this. Dwarves can fight and are a proud people, Goblin will do anything for some shekels.

>We are the most beautiful race in Europe
Wrong. We are

so what the fuck is an aboriginal then?

>want to write a racist book
>invent new fictional races based on existing races so people wouldn't call you a racist

Would bang


But that's wrong, you Blizzcuck.

Goblins are Africans and orcs, as offshoots of goblins bred to be bigger and stronger, are post-slavery eugenically bred African-Americans.

subhumans long ago exterminated to zero, because fictional people have more common sense


Dwarves are tiny Norsemen
Giants are Gigantic Norsmen

Orcs and Goblins are Turks and Mongols

>industrious producers thriving in hard labor and industry with wealth built by themselves from the earth (as opposed to jewish wealth built by resource manipulation).
>value physical strength
>honor above all
They are nothing like the Jews.

>Who are David, Gideon and Joshua?

Not all kike clines are created equal.

Orcs=Turks/Africans/Vikings depending on setting.
Asians are usually represented as some youkai or some Chinese deities ex. Monkeys, Foxes.

Jews are goblins.
Dwarves are Slavs probably.

Are you serious?

How the fuck are dwarves the fucking jews?

>Hard working
>Stout and hardy
>Marvels of Engineering
>Blacksmiths and Jewlcrafters
>Eat mostly meat and cave mushrooms
>Can throw axes 100s of feet into wood
>Wears full armor in battle
>Weilds huge sledgehammers
>Weilds huge axes
>Live in frozen tundra and underground
>Love history and lore
>Have always allied with humans
>Genuienly funny
>arent afraid to call out pussy elves


Anyone who say Orcs are based on blacks are retarded, they are obviously based on huns/turks/mongols

"...squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types."


don't you know anything about lord of the rings?

Bearded, love gold and mining, nomadic, semi-incestuous
But nonetheless hard-working and respectable

a bit like Jews, no?

I'd say white Europeans and their descendants e.g. Americans, etc. are Elves. God-like , super - humans.

Muslims are obviously Orcs. Hordes of vile , dark creatures from the East who only know how to destroy.

I'd say Negroes were Uruk-Hai, a mix of Orc and Man,

and your other Orientals, etc - Men.

Well we left Europe and sailed West for Valinor the undying lands.

Also their names often sound Turkic/Ugric inspired

If I remember correctly there also was a Siberian people named Orok(or something similar)


fucking weeb leave

Elves are cancer, at least Orcs and Dwarves are cool, only low test fags like Elves.

>Female dwarf.
>Less hairy than a tumblrina.


it depends on who is writing them. In my experience, Dwarves = Mussies, Elves = Asians, halflings = Children, Orcs = Blacks, Gobbos = Mixed Heritage, Humans = white people.

Dragons represent broader ideals, like capitalism, authoritarianism, ect.

Vampires = jews, Ghosts/undead = older generations. Trolls = the proletariat.

Pixies/fairies = Women, Genies = Wealth/Riches, Warewolf = Alcoholics/drug addicts/abusers, Mages/Wizards = intellecutals/business and/or political leaders.

But what are the keebler elves?

>the only fantasy i understand is lotr

More like

>goblins in european folklore
>small and grotesque, mischievous or outright evil, and greedy, especially for gold
op said fantasy in general, most of it is just derivative of folklore. i haven't read lord of the rings, though

> Dwarves = Mussies
>Elves = Asians
>Orcs = Blacks

Must be some shitty fantasy.


Dwarves are swiss.

Hobbits are Welsh.


What are the Dutch?

>wonder would could be behind this post

J.R.R. Tolkien who based his Dwarves on Jews and the mysterious Dwarven language was inspired by semitic languages.

Continuation of the Nordic race on the continent

i'd fuck >50% of those ching chongs. i do have very low standards though.


Well if you wanna go by Warhammer Fantasy, we're mixed in with the French for the Bretonnians.

Skaven are obviously Canadians.

Maybe if you're some retard who can't see symbolism for what it is.

i wanna rub that elfs cute hair and ears

>nordics are elves
dark elves now, swedenistan

are the spirit of the best and most wise aspects of our ancestors. they never grow older (unless they are destroyed), and they are fair and beautiful, but can of course be corrupted.

represent the average person. concerned with family, friends, and their local community, without much concern for the world at large.

corrupted elves

literally not worth discussing

Elves= black men
Dwarves = trans community

Bretons are numale antifa types. A mix breed. If I'm not mistaken they actually fought with the redguards to defend their shitty territories. Pic related.

How come they can't decide what elves are?
Sometimes they are forest hippies
Sometimes they are a fallen race
Sometimes they are slaves
Sometimes they're just more magic humans
While dwarves have consistent roles, elves are always different

The Swiss are mountain Jews

elfs=advanced future whites

no niggers pls

Cause Elves are fuckable to a greater degree than Dwarves are.

If something is interesting and fuckable, people like to play around with the concept more.

>elves live longer than most races
>dope ass arts, science, etc
>higher standard of living
>elves are white people

orcs are niggers



Orcs are nigs and mussies

Western European = Man
Eastern European = Dwarf
Scottish/Irish = Limp Wrist Bretons
Scandinavians = High Elf
East Asian = Ancient Elf
Eternal Anglo = Wood/Coal Elf
Asian = Goblin
Amerindian = Orc
Mestizo = Uruk-hai
North Africans/Arab/Indian = Haradim or Red Guard
Jews=Vampire or Lizard People
Manlets = Halfling and Hobbit
Negro - Negro
Aboriginals = a Mistake


Those are the real Jews of fantasy though, the Warcraft ones even talk like Bernie Sanders

Bruh the IDF doesn't just whine about reparations, they hunt muds on the West Bank.

Don't forget

>vegetarian hipsters
> best looking race