Is Trump retarded? Asks NYT

See this and tell me what u think

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law_of_headlines

Reminder that the commies would call political dissidents insane then send them to the gulag

Yes, anyone who believes that they need to own more wealth than the next 4 billion people combined in order to be happy is probably mentally ill.

They've called him everything else and its only been 1 month so why not

The left taught me there is nothing wrong with being mentally ill.

He has the early stages of dementia. Just like his dad.

>Is it time to call libtards mentally ill?

is that the guy from rush Limbaugh?

of course he's "emotionally retarded"

like all great men

Is It Time to Call Trannies Mentally Ill?

I thought they already did months ago.

NY Times is the one news outlet losing credibility faster than CNN is.

Their opinions are totally moot.

the article was written by someone who practiced Transcendental Meditation.

Is it time to call the media mentally ill?

Was it ever not that time?

>If I chop off my dick and balls and get some implants, all my problems will vanish!

>bash people for stigmatising mental illness
>do this
really jingles your bellend

I want to genetically sequence them and find out what gene is causing it


(((New York Times)))

i just read the article and the point of it was lots of presdents had severe mental issues like depression and alcoholism, so even if trump has mental issues that is not per se a disqualifier

but cocaine psychosis might be a new one for the list

>tfw first handicapped president

So tolerant!

It must be so, because my favorite retard have said so multiple times!

Too bad reality bitchslaps you with stuff like this:

That was FDR

>tfw second handicapped president

doubly as tolerant!


see and thats subscription growth... which was probably near zero if not negative

current stock price $15

down from $40 years ago

At this rate, the MSM might actually run out of bullshit claims.

mentally ill Svenfag here AMA

That Nancy Sinatra shit was a media alert on my iphone.

Then I come here and see the truth proving anonymous posters with unknown motives are more credible than the media.

Any news headline or title to an academic paper that poses a question can always be answered "no"'s_law_of_headlines

really makes me be slimy

Literally fake news

Also it is quite telling they are doubling down on it even though only two days ago, the NYTimes published a small opinion piece by a psychiatrist saying that labelling Trump mentally ill was irresponsible and disrespectful to genuine mental health patients.

Oh well, nevermind their constant contradictions.

Kek, I forgot about that one. Normally I don't give a shit about yellow journalism and shit reporting because it's so rampant everywhere but currently in the UK we have Channel4 (the biggest leftie channel) running a fake news week(s) special. As you can guess it's heavily one sided and fairly "fakenews-ish" in itself, I guess I'm just triggered by all this bullshit.

NYT has been on Soro's payroll for years.
>they're pushing the narrative plain an simple
>muh leftist agenda
>muh hillary
>muh antifa
>muh black lives matter
>muh.. etc.. etc.. etc

My little sister is mentally ill and I find this article highly offensive. It's one thing to call Trump evil, a nazi, crazed, deranged, hateful, bigoted, racist, or misogynistic. But to make fun of people with a mental handicap? Shame! I am cancelling my subscription and I will not be recommending your services to ANYONE.

Lol any medical professional who claims with authority that Trump is mentally ill or unstable without having met him or run a battery of tests is literally guilty of medical malpractice and needs to be disbarred from whatever regulatory agency they happen to register with.

Channel 4 is so progressive it makes my eyes bleed. Didn't they have that segment on "alternative views" that lasts a minute or so and it was always a muslim preaching about how wonderful being subservient to God was?

>As Kotaku’s Patricia Hernandez noted,

>tfw Forbes is now quoting Patricia worst spic "2014-2016" Fatnandez as a source of credibility

end everything

>that twitter pic

Go to sleep shill you're drunk


doing this meme again.

hahahahaha rinse, reuse, and repeat.

that's all they have

This is the dozenth time the MSM has tried calling Trump impaired in some way


when racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, Islamophobic, xenophobic, asshole doesn't work... TRY MENTALLY UNSTABLE!!!