
Face it. Individualism is the final redpill.

Stop blaming the Jews for your problems - your problems are YOURS, and only YOU can solve them.

Collectivist ideologies of the 20th century have roundly FAILED - fascism, communism. INDIVIDUALISM has prevailed - the most prosperous nation, the USA, is fundamentally individualistic. The philosophy of Ayn Rand MASSIVELY shaped America in the 20th century, giving rise to entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs.

China has only succeeded by embracing individualism - they abandoned a planned economy, and replaced it with a market economy. Giving rise to entrepreneurs like Jack Ma (founder of Alibaba) - that is, JOB creators, WEALTH creators.

On immigration - face the facts. Individualism is going to prosper over collectivism. Individualism is just too alluring to people - they prize the idea of being masters of their own domains.

Individualism is the final redpill. If you are a nat soc, you're an idiot. Your outdated ideology has already been replaced.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just realised I didn't explain my point on immigration properly.

Basically you can't stop globalisation and immigration, because they are the result of individualism.

Nation states are not dead yet, and may well contribute to war in the next couple of decades. But the movement of people, information, goods and services, on an ad hoc basis, between nations, is only going to increase, because the people of the world are naturally inclined to embrace individualism - allowing the individual to have the greatest freedom possible, including moving to another country.

Face facts, Sup Forums.

>giving rise to entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs.

Bill was a nerdy kid who liked computers
Mark is a a Jew
Steve Jobs stole Steve Wozniak computer and, Wozniak didn't want to even sell them.

>Ayn Rand

Lived on Social Security for most of her adult life.
Literal hypocrite.

Individualism taken to its extreme ends up as anarchy which gives rise to collectivism.

Ayn rand was spooked
there is nothing wrong with collectives formed on the basis of mutual self interest

And they each earned billions of dollars more than you have. :)

That's completely irrelevant. The point is that individualism is the philosophy that the entire world has embraced, and will continue to embrace, with the pace of technology.

Look at social media - inherently individualistic.

Societies that emphasise personal liberty are the ones that have done the best, and are the most stable. The UK, the US, Germany (modern day), France, Japan, South Korea - they all have individualistic, capitalistic societies.

Individualism is the only true philosophy in life. Collectivism is a temporary phenomenon which ultimately gets beaten by individualism.

donald trump isn't trying to stop the inevitable
he is trying to keep the country safe first. Until white men can safely move and work in places like Mexico, China and the Middle East, hell yeah we are going to be tough on them. And the average joe doesn't need to be held accountable for the Intelligence Community's fuckery in those parts of the world making them the festering shitholes of crime and greed that they are. Keep shoving another man's evil in white america's face is like shoving your most beloved dog's nose into a huge pile of human feces on the sidewalk and telling him bad dog. Eventually the dog will get fed up and bite back.

nobody disputes individualism. But forcing globalization on us when the world isn't even a safe place, a free place or a fair place yet is a false pretense. Hell look at how the average person in china lives, and tell me why america deserves to lose out on trade with that place. Tell me why we grant scholarships to the chinese, the indians, the africans who don't return to their countries and make them better, but stay in america and bloat the system.

White men created a state that was more free than any other place in the world at the time, and when they were challenged twice by the british they fought like hell to keep their nation.

When countries like Saudi, China, or anywhere in Africa, start getting their shit together and actually fight for their freedom instead of swindling the American economy for a free lunch then we'll talk about globalization

your post is a disgrace and you should get out more.

Fucking lol, you blindly cling to this man to fix your problems.

Fix your own damn problems. The people who get on in life already are. :^)

I concur, but go deeper beyond individualism

Greed is no way to live.

By the way I do agree with you about other countries becoming more nationalistic, and thus we should be nationalistic in return. I agree with you there. This is why I supported Trump.

I am not saying nationalism is bad - as I said, nation states are not dead yet. I am saying that nat soc is bad. I am saying that people who fantasise about a nat soc society are fucking stupid. They should embrace individualism.

Notice that in the OP I specifically said not to blame your problems on the Jews. That's what I'm criticising.

To what, an-cap? I hope that's not what you're suggesting

i gave you two quick sentences on trump, not implying blindly clinging on to him. He's not a failure by any stretch but IMO he is commendable for wanting to keep this country safe first and foremost.

>being born into a world of problems
>being born after other people have been born
>being told it's your fault for being born
>being told everything is your fault, as you are trapped to exist in a society you had no part building.
>Being told it's not societies terrible infrastructure that causes you to be a loser
>being told you are just a loser.

What type of society is this?

>the most prosperous nation
>less than 60% white
>on its way to become Mexico 2.0 both socially and economically within the next 20 years

and I will say I agree with you here...I think pol needs to stay libertarian. There's something very cucked about idolizing a nation who completely lost and imploded on the world stage.

stay true to america, stay true to libertarianism, small government, and free will economy.

those are pol's roots and it needs to come home.

btw britbong I appreciate you commenting on individualism. being from a country that's never had a monarch, I don't know what it's like to have a history of feudalism/anti-individualism.

>The philosophy of Ayn Rand MASSIVELY shaped America in the 20th century, giving rise to entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs.

you are dumb as a rock. Do you think the rise of Mark Zuckerberg is a good thing? I can't stand using windows software, they are logging your keystrokes and spying on everything you do. I have a windows laptop and everytime i uninstall the camera and microphone drivers, it automatically reinstalls them.

>Individualism is just too alluring to people - they prize the idea of being masters of their own domains.
This is a teenager's grasp of the human condition. Not that I expect anything more from a Randfag

Individualism is the vital first step and foundation. Not the final answer.

The individual, even John Galt does need others to survive and continue. We are links in a chain. Without making some sacrifice to build common cause with others who share your core beliefs, then you will inevitably be destroyed that others who do. Individualism requires that others share/respect your beliefs. That in itself is a reliance upon the collective.


>Individualism is just too alluring to people - they prize the idea of being masters of their own domains.

I used to believe that too, but I changed my mind a while ago. The idea of individualism may be appealing to some people for the reasons you mentioned, but it may also be unappealing to other people for those same reasons.

Some people DON'T want to be "masters of their own domains" because they believe they don't know what's best for them. If someone believes the state can provide more resources than they could ever gather by themselves, they will lean to collectivism (Communism, NatSoc, etc.)

Basically, people with low self-esteem (and IQ) will believe in collectivism, while people with average and high self-esteem (and IQ) will believe in individualism.

I suggest you watch this video (on Individualism vs Collectivism):

And read this (On the immigration question):

> the most prosperous nation, the USA, is fundamentally individualistic. The philosophy of Ayn Rand MASSIVELY shaped America in the 20th century, giving rise to entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs.

The USA is fucking garbage though, don't praise it if you haven't lived in this swamp since birth

This. We're full don't come here also this place is utter shite.

depends brother if you are like me you grew up primairily over the clinton/bush/obama years of setting up a pile of shit of a country then this place does seem like utter garbage, but talk to your dad or granpa about america before then and it's honestly still fucking garbage


Forgot to mention, they start talking about collectivism after 11:20.

True, I apologise, I do actually agree with most of what you say, especially about the fact that places like China are becoming nationalistic and we should respond. But yes I am just aiming at collectivism, not nationalism. America has always been nationalistic but strongly individualistic.

Yes it is.

>btw britbong I appreciate you commenting on individualism. being from a country that's never had a monarch, I don't know what it's like to have a history of feudalism/anti-individualism.
Sure we had a monarchy, like every other European country.

But we are one of the nations that fostered the idea of individual liberty. J.S. Mill and especially John Locke were highly influential on the founding fathers, who were of course English descendants (Washington, Franklin, Jefferson)

Fuckin love Hobbes 2bh.

>The individual, even John Galt does need others to survive and continue. We are links in a chain. Without making some sacrifice to build common cause with others who share your core beliefs, then you will inevitably be destroyed that others who do. Individualism requires that others share/respect your beliefs. That in itself is a reliance upon the collective.
Okay, fine, but I'm just saying that people shouldn't embrace nat soc style collectivism.

>but talk to your dad or granpa about america before then and it's honestly still fucking garbage

>Baby Boomers

wew, hell at one point Boomers circumcised boys like jews at a rate of 80% at its peak in the 1970s

Though most in the world who like the US consider the 90's the last good decade of it

>American patriots will try to defend pic related

>Individualism is the final redpill. If you are a nat soc, you're an idiot. Your outdated ideology has already been replaced.
>natsoc is anti individualism
you're not ready for a final redpill

That book made Officer Bar Brady quit reading

the self cant exist by itself you fucking idiots

>being from a country that's never had a monarch, I don't know what it's like to have a history of feudalism/anti-individualism.
you don't know much history then i suppose

Grow up, faggot... she's a shitty philosopher.

We humans are not just individuals. We are culture, religion, ethics, - in short we are society. Immigration is not about individuals, neither are society.

What you believe is "right or wrong" is not a product of you and you alone. It is to some extent a product of your culture and the society you grew up in.
If you blindly accept an open border policy, in the name of liberty and individualism. You will see how your society will change - and not necessarily to a more individualistic manner. But will change according to the cultural demographic.

I'm reading Atlas Shrugged currently. The first third was pretty good but then it starts to go downhill. Think about the capitalist utopia it paints - yeah sure, it looks productive (even though it makes no sense why it should but nvm) and great, but there are literally NO CHILDREN THERE. It's not fucking sustainable, it's a dead end, and she presents it like it's "THE FUTURE!!!!"

This. I start to realize more and more that LotR had much more to it than i first realized. It shows that no matter how fucking grim shit looks, you keep fighting for your people. You keep fighting for everything you and your ancestors stood for, and everything that could possibly come after you.
Because it's the right thing to do.

There are more forms of individualism than objctivism.

thank god someone isn't retarded


Ethnolibertarianism is the perfect form of government

Is this a hard book to read?

>communism will only work if everyone agree to it
>Capitalism will only work if everyone does stuff for themselves.

>no one is equal
>we must put everyone at the same standard

>Is this a hard book to read?
It's an unedited monster of a book written by a shitty author with flat characters who espouse the authors personal opinions and theories.

Yes, it is a hard book to read. Its only saving grace is there's a market of college-going autists who need something to rationalize why they're not getting baked and banging the hot chick down the hall from them.

>I'm reading Atlas Shrugged currently. The first third was pretty good but then it starts to go downhill. Think about the capitalist utopia it paints - yeah sure, it looks productive (even though it makes no sense why it should but nvm) and great, but there are literally NO CHILDREN THERE. It's not fucking sustainable, it's a dead end, and she presents it like it's "THE FUTURE!!!!"

That's because she wrote it, refused to edit it(or let anyone else edit it), and shoved it out the door. It might as well be philosophical fanfic.

>This. I start to realize more and more that LotR had much more to it than i first realized
It's true, the only problem is Tolkien's obsession with the landed gentry and his desire for a return to class-based nobility. Few people seem to realize that sauron's ways are actually the future, and that by the end of the book the elves leave, man ascends, and industry takes over anyway.

>they abandoned a planned economy, and replaced it with a market economy.
They actually haven't done this at all. They keep the former, and have a miniature version of the latter to abuse free market systems from the west for their own advancement.

>Giving rise to entrepreneurs like Jack Ma (founder of Alibaba) - that is, JOB creators, WEALTH creators.
Jack Ma doesn't make jobs. He just middle-manned what was already a system in place.

>Implying Collectives have the interest of everybody on a personal level.

Collectivism implies that everyone is under a mutual self interest when that is not the case.

You sound like a sperg who will retrofit whatever you need for your argument like you are on the wrong argument for mock trial. I think you will grow out of this phase soon. Like hell individualism is the final redpill you pleb.

What happens when a group of individuals gains the power to enforce collectivism on the rest of the population? We can already see that individualism is being gradually destroyed as coordinated propaganda campaigns and mass immigration tear apart our cultural and racial identity.