Post-Meme War Confessional

Alright faggots get in here and confess if you LARP'd as CTR during the election sometimes.

I did and I think all the others did too.

Other urls found in this thread:;


You sad sad person, just end yourself already, your life is a waste

Shit, user, that genuinely made me feel sad.

Why the words?

During the primaries this board was 99% pro trump content. When the general public didn't give a fuck about politics. The closer you got to nomination, and the closer still to the general the more and more people started trolling. The majority of anti trump threads right now are shitposts by people just looking for lols

i did.

i reckon lots did too, but i think they all were as shitty at "defending" hilary like i was that i am sure plenty of people were sent towards trump because we as "supporters" seemed so retarded and idiotic

Australian veterans saw some shit I can't talk about

It isn't over
Never get complacent

Yeah I didn't actually defend her, I couldn't, all you had to do was say DRUMPF and you would yield a thousand (You)s

i did it on facebook an reddit.

was hysterical, i think the only agreements i got were from other fake shills doing just as poor a job as me.

Who is this guy? Can someone give me a quick synopsis?

You need to change your life for better. Larping on this website can't be a positive force in your life. This might sounds like some new age shit but think about it. Peace out.


Funfact : CTR, just like JIDF and other shills, were almost all Sup Forums LARPers.

Infowars is a cointelpro operation.;

Bill Cooper predicted 9/11 first and paid for it with his life on November 5 2001. Cointelpro Alex Jones gets to live and deceive you.

Wake up.

Are you asking for, dare I say... a quick rundown ?

i larped as a time traveler once

it was fun getting (you)'s and feeding off the tears of butthurt trump supporters by uttering these two simple words


>mfw they always take the bait

I'm still LARPing as a Hillary supporter on a daily basis.

I'm the biggest Trump supporter ever in real life. I've gotten into fights, attended rallies, voted for him in both elections ect. ect

But holy shit watching naive retarded anons get booty blasted over obvious bait is so fucking hilarious. I literally start laughing so hard I start crying sometimes.

>meme war


This board is a LARP

let's not confuse newfags too much
there are paid shills as well as you treasonous shitposters with your 7 proxies
it's pretty much confirmed Buzzfeed doxed /ourguys/ from HWNDU and are probably the ones who tried to push the narrative that they're all actors, for example
you used to be able to torpedo shill threads with pic related

pure autism. i don't think anyone ever really gave a shit about this aside from the ones posting them

i should clarify
there are paid shills, salty liberals, and canadians and australians with proxies
learning to distinguish between them is an important step to becoming a soldier in the meme war
for example i'm not going to bother replying to this faggot above me because he's either getting pepes from 9gag or that filename is designed to trigger me

i'm neither of those though

you can be canadian and australian in spirit
the only difference is the quality of shitposting
stop being such subversive faggots there are literal old ladies on Sup Forums now

Can I get one?

"Why should we fight" he asked me,
"'Cause England is at war?
Why are they fighting now, Dad,
What are they fighting for?
What does it mean to you, Dad,
To babes, and mum, and me?
The Germans won't come here
From away across the sea.
So why should you go there, Dad,
And leave us here to cry?
Is it cause England owns us?
Is that the reason why?"
His eyes look widely at me,
I tightly held my son,
And this is how I answered,
His questions one by one.

"We fight when England calls us,
For in her sacred keep
The ashes of our fathers
Lie in her soil asleep.
And many times for England
They fought that she'd be free,
And they are part of England,
And so, my son, are we.
And some may pass her by, lad,
And some may scorn her hand,
But we must be forever
A part of that fair land.
For everything we have son,
That's good and fine and just
Was washed in British blood
And given to us on trust.

"And we must keep that trust, son,
Against the force of greed.
And fight beside old England
Whenever she's in need.
And once again she's calling
Across the Empire wide,
And all her Empire answers:
"You'll find us at your side"
Oh yes, we're owned by England,
But we own England, too,
As you are part of me son,
And I am part of you"

Guess which country wrote this. Tip: It's not Canada.

The point is that Australians are English and vice versa.

godspeed lad
remember we're all here for the same reason
we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

Of course my friend, we're still blood brothers (if you're Anglo American ofc)

who got all the canadian vpns banned

Never. I always fought against CTR. It was real. And their fights against me were real, too.
>pic related

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

i voted for hillary

>Nat Soc here

I go through phases.
Every few weeks i'll spend a day or two CTR larping.

>pic related
>I'm on WAYY too many layers of irony

The government lies, YOU'RE GOING TO DIE

I actually think Trump is a fucking idiot but an idiot blindly stumbling in the right direction is much better than a cunning, calculated political operative spiriting in the wrong direction.


I'm sure there's no correlation between personal wealth and intelligence.

>I literally start laughing so hard I start crying sometimes.
Get a better hobby my nigga