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I thought this was common knowledge?

you have to go back


There was no conclusive proof before. Now we know for sure.
Sonny boy... I've been here since 2008. Fuck off.


I hope the place implodez

no shit. reddit has been the shilling since day 1 thats how they became so popular with such a shitty interface.

Somebody help, I need a quick rundown


it isn't, the sheep of reddit think they are in control.

now we have proof.

burn it to the ground!

Nice video, that's evidence of shilling for evey newfag that come in here and pretend their is no shilling.

It's pretty obvious that some boards here are completly compromised too, just look at Sup Forums and the bots that churn out shit 24/7, infinite proxies, captcha sevice, there's money behind that crap for sure.



We've known this forever. This is one of the many reasons why Sup Forums has claimed superiority over leddit since the two became rivals.



Not sure why this is important, eight chan isn't reddit
you have to go back

Saged and reported

Citizen journalism is going to be an important weapon in bringing down the pedophile deep-state cabal. The media is just as complicit in the deep state shadow government as the corrupt governors and senators.

>I thought this was common knowledge?

if you even mention the concept of shilling or point out an obvious shill, redditors will just downvote you into oblivion while calling you a tinfoil hat wearing retard

it's common to see it denied in more popular subs



anyone have the compilation pic of the fake news sites generating 50% of their traffic from China since December?


This is good demoralizing material. Factual Falcon is sieg heiling from beyond the grave.

LOL normies on suicide watch!

>mfw this probably happens on Sup Forums as well


You're not very bright, are you?

I think mentioning reddit should be an instant ban here

okay, its a guarantee

happy now suomi?

It just doesn't work as well here, probably due to less namefagging (people are more willing to speak true thoughts when anonymous) and less bandwagoning with upvotes etc.

It is. You'd have to be stupid not to know there are shills for every campaign, product, company, etc. Even here.

Not gonna lie, former Drumpf voter here. It's funny to see him crash and burn but seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes

Reddit is such a shithole. Why is it so popular?

Quick catchy headlines, accessibly quick links to picture, better comment structure.

And hivemind.

>better comment structure

desu whenever somebody link that shit it's confusing to navigate. Never understood why it was so retarded.

Haha ya leddit has always been shilling nirvana. That's the real truth, a red pill redditors don't want to swallow.

This guy gets it

>better comment structure

Its also a smaller audience. Reddit hits are seen by far more people than some goys on Sup Forums. Shills arent very common on here compared to reddit, facebook, etc. Fuck facebook will basically shill for you with enough shekels.

It happened clealy during the two last years and JIDF tried even before.
The thing is that Sup Forums is an extremely hostile environnement and the core posters have an adamantium spine when it comes to opinions, a shill can't just do consensus breaking like that, he will be bullied to hell and no mod will come to help him, he must absorb board culture to be efficient and when he did he is one of us and can't go back.
We are basically the agent Smith.

True, same with Twitter as well

it's cheaper and easier to do it on Sup Forums

Wtf #ImWithHer now

Also this is probably how the_donald, sandersforprez, fuckthealtright, altright, etc got their first boost to the top of reddit. Just saying

>Fuck facebook will basically shill for you with enough shekels.

So will reddit

And there are just as many shills here. It's just way easier to pick them out because image board culture is difficult to penetrate

That's why so many former CTR employees became full on Sup Forumslacks. They spent so much time on here that they became part of the milieu and could no longer shill



Seriously, after 2016 how would this NOT be common knowledge?

Lol it exactly the same shit that is going on here. Shill accusations and counter-accusations. Looks like they are having a bit of meltdown. I can't navigate reddit for shit. Man I forgot how much of a clusterfuck that place is.

Honestly, the_donald is pretty based. They are some hardcore folks, and will upvote anything good posted there with a fervor that can, at times, make Sup Forums look tame in comparison.

>former Drumpf voter here

You can't take back your vote you fucking Pooloo

Things move so fast here and there isn't any upvote-circlejerk system, that their ressources dry up before they can even make an impact. They have to work 10x harder than on platforms like reddit and get exposed frequently because the conversational tone is aggressive, uncensored and unapologetic.

Not gonna lie, former Drumpf voter here. It's funny to see him crash and burn but seriously we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes

This video presents the evidence well.

Reddit BTDO

I wonder where all the plebbitors will come to then...
reddit is the ultimate containment site, its the orville dam holding back the lake of normies, newfags and cancer from flooding 4chins

and its cracking and leaking
and you celebrate

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. We need this guy to get the nuclear codes and destroy islamic terrorism.

Impossible! Just thinking about this pisses me off, the only thing that cool me down is a cool refreshing sprite

If I had to guess about a connection between a shill scheme, XD, and Le Retid, I would focus on Debbie Bautz to begin with

>pronounced bots

> They are some hardcore folks, and will upvote anything good posted there with a fervor that can, at times, make Sup Forums look tame in comparison.

The_Donald are just Sup Forums memes reposters, a more normie friendly parrot.
Everytime I post some OC here I see it back on their board via research searching with hundreds or thousands votes during the next week or so.

Not that I really care, in fact that's good for the meme diffusion but without us they are nothing more than a more normie friendly parrot.

there was. These guys posted part one on reddit months ago and it got insane attention because they introduced the fact that vote manipulation is happening on reddit, and they even filmed the process of how to do it. This video is LITERALLY part two of that older video, as per the title of the video saying 'part two'.
If you want to quit being called 'a leaf', quit fucking acting like 'a leaf' and saying dumb shit.



I don't even mind, I'll take any help we can get, even if it's on reddit

how is /r/The_Donald 'normie friendly'?

I don't think you use reddit at all.

after I got banned from publishing in the normal avenues, or even posting links on physicsforums.com, I became very active on /r/physics.

Shortly the new mods took it away from the old mod /u/fauster, and they deliberately turned it into a shit hole to make physicsforums not have any competition. Also, they stopped allowing my links on /r/physics and shadow banned my comments

>they are not humbled even unto this day

Fuck sprite. I'd shill for Dr. Pepper for free though

They are already here, didn't you see the HWNDU thread ? Basically non-whites LARPing as nazis and cringe during a week.
The flood of extremely low quality canadian and american posters is the same thing: basically underrage fags coming from Reddit and Funnyjunk or other shits like that.

It's all about never stopping to redpill the newfags by posting the same shit again and again and again until they are convinced and assimilated and do it to the next generation.

Enjoy your ban.

It's for pussy demi-normies who are weird enough to go on online forums but not weird enough to question taboos.

More normie friendly than Sup Forums, that's for sure.

You can't redpill someone by telling them to check out Sup Forums, they will seriously think you are a racist nazi.

What a world we live in, huh Sup Forums? Good thing I'm well prepared with my Fabrique Nationale Five-seveN.

Any of you god damn faggots can help me get amazon.com/Methods-Regression-Quantitative-Applications-Sciences/dp/1412940729
this book?

>5.7x28mm from a pistol barrel

you under-prepared, son

god damn it Serbia fuck off


>inb4 samefaging

Help me my friend. Do some good. Don't shitpost all day. I promise not to come to live in Australia.

I gotchu Senpai

You know what this means right? More will be coming here.

>since day 1
Before 2008 there were no shills on the internet and reddit was a great place to find content that made you think. The flood of Facebook and mobile users made the internet a place for normies and the shills followed.

All normies should get off the internet and go play sportsball or whatever, I am talking to 90% of you faggots.

Reddit should just shut down already.

Will their ever be a better website than this? After 10 years I'm still here I left Reddit in 2011

did you try #bookz?


List of subreddits obviously controlled by shareblue:


>I wonder where all the plebbitors will come to then...
Sup Forums, is already tumblr's spearhead

Yeah. Also tried lib.gen.
Also tried using proxy changing my IP in Chinese one and trying to google it on chinese google.
None of it worked.

If you've been reading Edward Bernay's book "Propaganda" from 1925 carefully, this should come as no surprise to you.
The most effective propaganda must appear as if grown organically from the centre of a community.

Texas is that you?

>The bogdanovs bow to her
>she controls an army of shills
>there are debbiebotz inside you right now

I read that in sad Serbian broken english....then I had a good chuckle

Where did you meet Serbians?

Reddit was literally boosting EnoughTrumpSpam with next to no votes trying to get it to take off.




Watch the video retard

I know this has been going on for a long time.

I just think this is pretty fucked up to do, it's literally people who's entire business is to control what people think and like. They can pay people some extra cash to sit on their computer and just try and control the conversation. Which pretty much makes people believe whatever they read because it comes from another person.

This tactic isn't just limited to Reddit, it happens on all Social Media.Our entire media and culture is controlled by people who run these companies. They can literally pick and choose who the next celebrity is just by controlling social media. Through Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

If you can control someones media, you can effectively control the people.

yeah, trump's twitter comments are especially one sided

Go there and say le ebil n word or anything bad against women or how the kikes should be guessed and tell us how it went.

I'm waiting.

I don't think that compares at all.

it's way cheaper here

some fag on Sup Forums paid to put a banner of Luvia mocking Rin some months ago


