Holy shit lmao Jake Tapper is pissed

Holy shit lmao Jake Tapper is pissed

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he should know that $0.02 has been deposited to his acct from soros inc

He so triggered it's amazing

It's a personal attack so it's good for him to punch back.

You know if you stop watching these ass clowns, they will go away.

Jesus fucking Christ. Breitbart is being unprofessional and mildly distasteful (that's their schtick and that's fine) but Tapper just went full retard

>Acknowledging Breitbart's existence

Good luck with the Internet shitstorm Fapper

>he mad

Basically admitted he's a dog

>lol y he so mad tho?

Keep hitting him, push him further and further out and make him take such extreme stances that he delegitimizes himself.


Which one of you chucklefucks handles Breitbart's social media?

CNN news desk actor

Don't feed the trolls. That's basic knowledge

>mildly tasteful
Get out of my country, chink.

Jew Tapper was in direct contact with Hillary's campaign and everybody who was paying attention knows it. He is a rat.

>Kike vs Kikebart

Fake Jake and Bullshitzer Blitzer.

For a bunch of self-proclaimed autists, I have to say most of here have more restraint than the MSM.

Tapper is in on Pizzagate. He has molested kids and has probably given his kids up a few times to others as well.

That's why he looks like shit... he has aged decades in just a few years.

>Getting triggered by the Breitbart's Twitter member



he tries to play the not completely biased centrist position so often too
kind of sad how pointless it is

>Fake Tapper

Jew Tapper honestly sounds like a broken up bitch.


>calls somebody else a doggy
>unironically says arf


jake fapper

wolf schitzer

This really is the best timeline. The media knows theyve been outed for dnc operatives. America finally has a president calling it out instead of cowering in fear like bush

Contrary to the MSM our opinions are not accepted by the mainstream so we actually had to develop social skills rather than being able to spout whatever shit we want and have everyone agree.

And it's starting to tell, these people have no idea how human psychology works.

Twitter is fucking people up, man.

Feels like the generation that got access to the internet during their teens is the only one that learned to make a difference between their private life and their online presence.
Everyone else is forgetting the filter.

Jake Tapper is a moron

He posts 20+ string twitter posts together

Just fucking write an article on CNN And link it.

It's fucking amazing people with TV shows use twitter to get their views out. Shows how censored and controlled their shows are. Probably entirely teleprompter scripted with talking points he has to follow.

He got more likes, he won.

What are you talking about Tapper owned that Breitbart intern bitch.