Murderous whites

Why are white people such stone cold killers? Black people at least kill other blacks who deserve it, but white people constantly kill innocent people like Dylann Roof or the infinite amount of white school shooters. Why is this? Are white people just prone to violence? Or are they less evolved?

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Fuck off jamal

That didn't answer my question, Muhammad


Are you afraid to answer my question because you know it's true?

Pick one


Statistically we are the most peaceful and GOOD people on the planet. We just live in a opposite world where degenerates call good as evil and evil as good. Simple as that.

If whites are so dangerous why does everyone want to live around them.

>white people constantly kill innocent people like Dylann Roof or the infinite amount of white school shooters.
I wouldn't just blame white people for killing Dylann Roof. Kikes and niggers did a lot to move the lynch mob.


Roof was an idiot who couldn't control himself

Like this past summer where these niggers did a drive by and ended up shooting up a birthday party for a some 6 year old black girl. She was hit by a stray bullet because niggers can't shoot, but she probably deserved it right?

I thought this question would be easy to answer for all the extremely intelligent saviors of the white race here on Sup Forums but all I see is retardation

She died btw.

Because humans are trash and need to be removed.


Why they buy him hamburgers after the arrest. Who does that?


Obviously shitskins should get out of our areas lest we go stone cold killing.

White people kill for ideas they are willing to die for

Black people kill because it's a day of the week ending in y


sage goes in every field

Alphas that are the top predators of this planet.

She shouldn't have been born black.



>ideas they are willing to die for
>dylann roof has been proven to be mentally retarded

chalk up another victory for whitey, boys

>Black people at least kill other blacks who deserve it
Oh right, because killing innocent people when victimized through crime is well-deserved.

Precincts without mess facilities in their jail, that's who.

Cause we hate black people and we want you to leave.

I think OP has been sufficiently BTFO now.

They're just exhausted with all the uppity niggers whooping and hollering all over the place

What Dylan was experiencing is every white man's latent propensity for colonial conquest. It manifests in any number of ways in the modern age, but in his case he decided to kill minorities.

It's just a stupid fucking question. The white on black murder rate is miniscule compared to the black on white murder rate. You didn't need us to tell you this leaf.

Whites cowardly ambush innocent people.

When blacks get fed up they go toe to toe with cops, and normally do significant damage. Individually blacks are warriors. Their downfall is, they can't work together.

>Black people at least kill other blacks who deserve it
Good to know the thousands killed by black on black violence all deserved it.
Was worried for a while someone innocent was offed.

> proven

Proofadoodledoo faggot

Blah blah blah. Black people are so good. Yeah bullshit. Bullshit and you know it. Look at the sick shit you do in Africa. Hopefully people start posting videos. Blacks have no concept of justice.

Bitch everything right you get wrong

Blacks only fight in groups, whites refuse to.

When whites chimp out they level buildings and paralyze entire regions of the United States

>posts an american nigger with 20% white admixture
thats the only reason theyre above full blooded african chimps in any way

WTF? I love black people now.

>white boi is triggered by the truth




See you have no argument you monkey. Is it not a fact that you punch white people for no reason?

i bet you are too scared to watch :^)

>punch white people
>no reason

pick 1


Wtf is wrong with these NIGERS?

No actually that is not a fact kek. You whiteys will pull ANYTHING out of your ass for the sake of argument

What is the reason then? What is the knockout game about?

Why are so many black people such utter niggers?\
This is a trend that cannot continue

Really? The knockout game is not a thing?

We have nothing to do with what goes on in africa.

Even better. If blacks are so peaceful why does no one want to live around them?


Your genetics do. There's basically clones of you on another continent and we can see how they behave.

It's fun punching white people

All these mental gymnastics for you guys to go "But wat abut the B1acks!1!1!",te question isn't why are whites more violent than blacks we all know they aren't,the question is why white killers always go for kids or innocents when they do there sprees.Im yet to see an actual answer by you so called intellectuals

>who deserve it

When was the last time whites "chimped out"?

But muh white killers

They're not clones. American blacks are much smarter than Africans.

They subconsciously want to both leech off us and kill us. Niggers HATE whitey, even if they won't admit or don't know it. They want everything whites have created over time, and they want us dead too.

Nignog toddlers die in drivebys in shitcongo and deteloilet every fucking day. More black children have died in black on black shootings than children that have died in all American mass-shooting combined.

whenever their favorite soccer team loses. Or wins, actually. Can't understand white people honestly

>the infinite amount of white school shooters
The reason there are so many white school shooters is because white kids actually go to school.

>much smarter

What is it pol? Are we the same as africans, or are we a seperate admixture ethnicity?

But they weren't specifically targeted, you fucking dumbass honkey. This whole topic is about white people TARGETING innocent people.

Higher IQ = higher capacity for psychopathy is my best guess.

Good for you

Its got to the point the only people I view as intelligent are people redpilled on the nigger problem.
I'd drink a beer with that sort of person over any other.

again I'm not asking why blacks are savages I am surrounded by evidence on why,I'm asking why the few white killers seem to target innocents,are they even "white" by pols definition,is it autism,give me a fucking reason not a "but blacks are-",you guys are showing CNN levels of dodging a question

that church bullied Dylan, took snapchat videos of him while laughing at him

not saying what Dylan did was good but something set him off

*cough cough*

This user gets it.

>muh innocent peoples
Blacks have so much empathy for killing innocent people while committing crimes. It all boils down to the lack of empathy and disregard for fellow human beings.

They develop mental illness. Most of them are fine, unlike niggers who are born mentally ill. So there's that.

Maybe if niggers weren't so uppity he wouldn't have lost his cool, hmm?

Still is gas them both for being degenerates.

Anecdotal evidence v statistical evidence

>pure african

Pick one

Right wing extremism isn't that common. Especially accounting for police shootings. The only few times I've come across stuff like that was when a father and son were killed in a shootout with police and we're self-described "sovereign citizens." They managed to kill two cops though.

You also had the Oklahoma City Bombing and that sovereign citizen police shooting in Louisiana back in 2012, that left two officers dead. Seven people were also involved in the shooting and two face the death penalty. Then you had the Iowa cop shooter, Justin Boutique, Vita Zaverukha, and Eric Frein, but the list pretty much ends there.

Niggers kill more cops in terror attacks as well as more innocent people on a daily basis. And also, two out of the seven I mentioned above didn't even happen in the United States anyways. One of them happened in Canada and the other happened in Ukraine. The list of black cop killers is endless.

Also, what about daily crime in general? Niggers are the biggest fucking criminal scumbags ever.

Because you don't belong here, boy. Whites are going to lynch you soon. Run while you can't. We are all secretly planning it and waiting for Trump to give us the order. You won't know it, but whites will. Are you packing yet? Why are you still reading this?

White mass murderers make the news because they're very rare, and because the elite want to push the narrative that white people smart enough to revolt must be disarmed.

Shitskins regularly kill each other over money, drugs and hos like it ain't no thing, and regularly kill white people for the lulz. Nobody talks about taking away their guns.


I think he pretty pissed off at the whole nigs and white girls thing.

>Points the finger at all these people asking for answers
>They're all fictional
There is no school shooter or whatever profile you dumb fucking cunt.

First time I've heard that. Is that actually true?

Because society has been shitting on the "white" man since at least the '70s.

Yes, we're born killers. Don't fuck with white people.

This sounds like another dumb leaf shitpost, but it's the truth. Black's behavior in general feels toxic.

lol no. another example of whitey making up shit to justify his murderous hatred

So mental illness plus Blacks pushing him too far.Look at that an answer.The rest of pol should be ashamed,Mark Rubio was better at answering questions than these dodgers


yeah see the vid on youtube

It took me 4 years of off and on browsing Sup Forums to finally shake the brainwashing, but it did.

Born mentally ill? Hahah ok you retarded fuckhead. Maybe white people are the mentally ill ones if you think an entire race is born mentally ill.

you don't realize the irony of your statement, do you retard?

its important to show some respect to all humans of all colors

There is no irony in my statement you degenerate leaf.

Because they're not murdering black people for profit, but as a infestation that's destroying their profit.

Black kills whitey for whiteys wallet

Whitey kills black for whiteys wallet