George Takei

Hey Sup Forums look at this interesting little poll I just found.
h ttps://

Other urls found in this thread:

George is angry at Trump for firing him.



Is that nipfag asshole seriously shilling for the media? Does he really think the media is fair? No shit his libtard followers are going to vote for the option he wants them to vote for.

How the FUCK much are (((they))) paying him?

I'm 12 and I saw this on Facebook, is it real?

voted with 4 accounts, for the media option

Global rule 2 faggot
Enjoy b&


I've heard Takei say Japanese internment was "the worst moment of American history." lol even Republicans would put slavery and Indian removal ahead of that. George is just a self-centered fuck.

Sit tight and wait for your b&

My ban will be temporary, you will always be a dirty Brazilian.

It's just sad that there are people on Sup Forums who don't get "I'm 12 and what is this" references. I'm with you user.

h ttps://
you know what to do boys

Kinda interesting that the poll is 50/50 right now, considering it's fucking Takei.

yea that surprised me as well

Truly the greatest timeline.

Got my vote in.

What's funny is that people are crying "WAAAAAH TRUMP'S VOTES ARE RISING HIS VOTERBASE IS BRIGADING" when Takei's followers are purely leftist.

bump this shit

Just doing my part

He fails to mention it was a Democrat policy every time he brings it up

Don't have twitter, and I don't want to sign on just for this.
Can we have regular updates on the poll results? (Starting now?)

and then he went on to be prez
trump, that is

I snitched on you honkies earlier for the lulz.

They always do.

This pic here shuts down people like Takei who hate walls and love immigrants, maybe redpills them too.
>pic related
Tweet this pic calling him a racist nazi for not calling for open borders in Israel since they have taken zero refugees

>looking for screenshots if anyone has the balls to do it



Exhibit A: The media made cancerous George Takei popular.

Go vote you faggots, it's still only at 47%

Did he shut it down or something?

What makes a man touch someone else limp dick in public? Fucking degenerates.


Doesn't look like it from my end

Then why is stuck on 47? Seems fishy..

The polls on Twitter don't update live. The number of votes was exactly 44,440 for a while until it was just bumped up to 45,229 just now.

We really need to fuck up this poll. Takei has been talking too much shit. We need to meme him some digital aids.

It is real, and, in fact, it has happened more than once. Takei simply cannot keep his hands to himself.



How's Hong Kong btw? Never been, but seems like a pretty interesting place.

Compared to Western cities and mainland China I mean.

Vote faggots!


I hope the hacker Sup Forums shows up to this!!