How long till we get Thoth added to the ADL hate symbol list?

Other urls found in this thread:

>fresh OC

cool palendrom bro

forced meme

He's with us!

Order of the Ibis, Seekers of Knowledge

>>fresh OC

>forced meme
Does Thoth want us to stop?
What did he mean by this?


Getting spooky.

fucking checked. thoth is among us. I'm scared anons, thoth is a much more powerful deity than kek.

He's saying this:


>thoth is a much more powerful deity than kek.
Seems you upset Kek a bit there, user. I'm not sure how true your assertion is or not, but it is for sure known that Kek is a jealous god, so do try and spare his feelings.

Thoth, on the other hand, can take the abuse. He prefers to work from the shadows, anyway.

what did kek mean by this

hes here..

Its not a competition, its a collaboration.

numeric sequences have doubled in power

Perhaps Thoth does not want praise. Maybe when we get a palindrome it means it is blessed/approved by him, but he wishes not to be hailed when he does.

>wipes dust from ancient egyptian rap lyric..

>it was just dust that looked like an H, it was a THOT cult all along


Maybe Thoth just wants to see some meme magic happen and is supplying some

Thoth is an architect of sorts.

Did The Architect know of Thoth?

he is thoth, singles confirm

He doesn't want praise as revealed in pic related

He reveals hidden knowledge in palindromes

praise kek

They try to change you Thoth. They cannot turn the tide.


>Perhaps Thoth does not want praise.
Thoth is not petty enough to want praise. While I mean no offense to our great Kek, he is one that greatly enjoys the popularity his chaos brings.
Thoth, on the other hand, is satisfied in watching his machinations operate in perfect sequence matching exactly to his plan. Praise is nothing compared to the completion of the function he has set himself on.


We are all truly blessed today.



Could Thoth be giving the ADL to Sup Forums by adding so many memes to the hate list that it basically becomes Knowyourmeme but exclusive to pol?

i literally made that meme

>Perhaps Thoth does not want praise.

You are my hero ausbro

I got you in the screen cap

I do not expect us to be able to discern Thoth's grand plan in our mortal and unenlightened state, user. Though I do hope he sees it within him to give us bits and pieces, so that we may stay true to his path.

He's out to reveal something about the Jews that's for sure


Oh shit nigger


>first Isis
>now Thoth

This gif was made with your sequence.

May Thoth join Kek in the ADL servers

The Egyptians were the only people to have succeeded in throwing the Jews into bondage for an extended period of time. The fact that their Gods are returning to aid us in our meme war against (((them))) is almost to good to be true.

Hail Kek, bringer of chaos and thank you wise Thoth, bringer of wisdom.

>tfw thoth will rebuild a just and beautiful world after Kek purges it of the ancient evil of the kikes.


Proof that the bird really is the word.



praise thoth!

Praise KEK

Thank Thoth


The gets never end.

redpill me on toth? where does he fit into things?

>Dubz within a palindrome


Thanks Thoth!


I believe in both Thoth and Kek

We need your divine blessings soon, please help us!

He reveals important information to help us against (((them))). His gets are palindromes.

pretty much


The god of wisdom, writing, science, magic, and judgement. Friend of man, bringer of knowledge, self-begotten and fatherless. He is the muse behind every work of knowledge, the judge who damns the wicked, and the architect of the numerical laws that hold the universe together. He is at his most prominent during wars between the lesser gods, in which he acts as a mediator.

thank you for bringing this thread to those who seek wisdom. Stumbling upon this thread was not a coincidence. Always keep an eye out for his light and you shall never be in darkness


All the gets have been information based

Cosmic calculators

even the URL is a palindrome

so much high energy, we are truly in the best timeline thanks to kek and thoth's guidance

what the fuck is this faggotry
I fucking hate nu/pol/ and their forced meme bullshit

tfw you are unworthy of Thoth's wisdom

let's all focus on destroying moloch in our minds, also give kek a super powered spirit bomb

praise kek!!!

Thoth isn't a forced meme, he's a mighty god from the same pantheon as Kek. Embrace his wisdom, he will grant us the knowledge we need to rebuild the world.

You reddit fags really have no shame shitting all over this board. you cocksuckers.

Nice catch brother.


How dare you desecrate this board by mentioning the evil place we must not name? Heretic.

> (((ADL)))
> Egyptians
> something something the Old Testament and pyramids and slavery and stuff.

It would be pretty could to manipulate them into placing every god in the Egyptian pantheon onto their shitty little "hate list"

The meanings of these sacred signs are clear enough, we may believe, to those who were initiated into the “Language of the Word”; to them they revealed the mystery, while for the profane they veiled and still veil their true significance.

Wouldn't be that hard to meme this into truth desu. The Jews hate ancient Egypt even more than Hitler.

> 373
>The Egyptians were the only people to have succeeded in throwing the Jews into bondage for an extended period of time. The fact that their Gods are returning to aid us in our meme war against (((them))) is almost to good to be true.

oh what bliss it must be to live in ignorance, to live perpetually unenlightened. Take the true redpill and learn the secrets that have been laid about before you


Pretty soon the left will be demanding a ban on all of egyptian history and begin trying to deface monuments and historical texts.

>H E I S A M O N G U S

thoth's wisdom need not require praise
only a slight head tilt and contemplative nod to convey your acknowledgment


We have truly been blessed in this thread!

That's a nice image of Lorf Thoth.

Also oWo

"The Book is at Koptos in the middle of the river.
In the middle of the river is an iron box,
In the iron box is a bronze box,
In the bronze box is a keté-wood box,
In the keté-wood box is an ivory-and-ebony box,
In the ivory-and-ebony box is a silver box,
In the silver box is a gold box,
And in the gold box is the Book of Thoth.
Round about the great iron box are snakes and scorpions and all manner of crawling things, and above all there is a snake which no man can kill. These are set to guard the Book of Thoth."

As if they haven't already? Look at how much of Egypt's history is already suppressed. Do we actually know how the pyramids were built? The Sphinx was destroyed and pyramids were robbed of their gold caps.


May Thoth forgive my mispelling

you should try to get pharaos on that list instead.
As a result there'll be no more we wuz kangs posts on any social media.

Never. Thoth is a pathetic wannabe.

If we can get every Egyptian symbol listed as white supremacy..

The kangz sure will be butt-blasted

Cringy thread.

hey thoth can u bring that big earthquake and kill as many gipsies as possible? im bored


Is connection between Thoth and Moon Man real?

Oh, I like him, he's spooky looking.

Very anti-semitic.

Is this an avatar of Thoth?

Trying to force meme magic will anger Kek. Meme magic works because kek is the deity of chaos and chaos has no allegiance, rhyme or reason.

Digits represent chaos.


We wuz probably pharoahs and the kikes rewrote history to make us black.

Fucking kikes man.

damn, this bullshit again? give it up man, it's a failed and forced meme. If I didn't know any better probably some leftypol, shareblue bullshit.

At least Kek is intertwined with politics, this is just some circlejerk faggotry.

Egyptians already have the perfect equivalent for Moonman.

> Khonsu
> Literally had a crescent moon on his head
> "he was considered to slay the king's (i.e. the pharaoh's) enemies, and extract their innards for the king's use"
> Along with Thoth he marked the passage of time.


Thoth is a god of the moon, one of the few in any pantheon. Most polytheistic religions have a moon goddess instead of a moon god, so there could be something to that idea.

So thoth digits are a tiny bit more common then doubles, right? Every ten posts, but 11 posts after the hundreth? does that make thoth less powerful than kek?