Redpill me on anarcho-primitivism, Sup Forums

Redpill me on anarcho-primitivism, Sup Forums

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It's not a good idea, it's just the barest bones ideology that was left to Kaczynski after having been subjected to the Harvard CIA ran LSD experiments on psychic deconstruction.

Pretty great if you want to be a caveman.

Pretty terrible in every other way.

>why contain it

Once we have the population under 500,000,000 it will be possible.


The bigger question is was primitive man racist?

Ted Kaczynski realized that technology enables fast-paced living, which causes psychosis in the general populace, and it scared him so much he went inna woods to escape it.

Basically, 95% of the population can't handle the dopamine. And they lose their shit and we get what is known as modern society.
Ted predicted this and he's been right about the whole shebang.

I just read his wikipedia page because of your post. He is a genuis! I have always talked about this topic so have come to the same conclusion as him without ever knowing him.

Modern society and humans are simply incompatible. Modern society was not created with the best interests of humans in mind, but rather what was best for the industrial complex.

I developed these feelings after spending a month in a survival camp and realised that was the happiest I had ever been.

This is not to say technology is bad, but it is not being used or created to make our own lives better, but rather is driven by industry.

How would everyone eat if they only hunred?

I can't speak for Ted Kaczynski and I haven't read his works yet (I am about to), but your question I guess is based on the assumption that we should have 7 billion people on earth. The only reason we have so many is due to the things he complains about.

He is a brilliant man and his thoughts on how bad modern society is for us are correct imho (as I type away on my iPhone lol). His use of violence was evil and cruel, though, and he does deserve life in prison, or worse.

Grow potatoes. Eat potatoes.


One time I spent a month in a small rural town and I didn't have a cell phone or computer. I was pretty happy! Sometimes i wonder why I am living this way. I wonder if I have the strength to go to a more primitive life.

Would life be better if our energies weren't put into technological progress in the material world, rather into a focus on the immaterial? IE, a non-Satanic system.

I am reading his manifesto at the moment:

It is funny when you overlay it with current events.

LSD is overrated.

Should implement soft eugenics to discourage the bottom half from reproducing for a while. Automation should be able to resolve the pension issue for the subsequent several decades. The first world needs to avoid being overrun by billions of half-retarded Africans in the process, though. Eventually they will provoke wars to give us excuses to start nuking them to resolve their population problem as well.

it's Loserville, population: you.

the ultimate hide-your-head-in-the-sand game.
even worse than mexicans fleeing their country instead of staying and making it better, at least they end up with better lives.

>Die of potato-famine
Irish detected.

What about modern medicine and the prospect of one day colonising the galaxy? Anarcho primitivism is without great vision and it's not an evolutionary stable strategy, as technologically advanced nation states can easily push aside anprim communities.

Kill the heretic!

if you've ever dropped acid and dealt with normies and technology, you would empathize.

ted just couldn't come back from that mindset.

Anarcho-primitivism should lead you towards faith in God if you aren't a total degenerate.

It's true that easy times make weak men and tough times make the kind of men that can keep the fabric of society strong. But how long does this go for? Is this just some neverending cycle of rebirth in civilization?

God and his objective morality is the answer. That's how a society can keep its morals in place. And coincidentally is the entire plot of the Warhammer 40k Imperium of Man setting.

See atheists, this is the key. Mankind can't exist without religion. It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. We HAVE to look towards something greater than ourselves. That's how we are. That's how we are made.

Play Rust. That's Anarcho-Primitivism.

Have fun, user.

Cultural Marxism is a new religious movement. Not all religions have gods.

>Anarcho-Primitivism will create legions of ravenous noclipping bears


It really isn't. Fucking micrograms, as in the scale of one billionth of a single kilogram, of the substance is enough to completely dissolve a man's entire life's worth of mental conditioning and unconscious habits. LSD in the 60s might have been the only time in human history that a chemical completely shifted the zeitgeist of an entire generation at a right angle to where it was at in the past by about a tenth of the span of a single human life. And probably as a result of the CIA spreading that chemical around to try to see if they could use it to do the exact opposite of what it actually does by limiting and controlling people through it.

Have tried it. Not my thing. Of course, I never enjoyed fevered delirious hallucinations when I was sick, either.

> Sup Forums is one person

>Redpill me on anarcho-primitivism, Sup Forums
It's retarded. Basically you sit in a shack without heating and crap in the woods. You probably die with 45 from some disease because you don't wash your hands or if you do, you don't use soap.

>fevered delirious hallucinations

Are you sure you didn't get n-boned?

Taking fifty benadryls or getting bad research chemicals from China is like fevered delirious hallucniations, but LSD is something different.