When you realize that Milo didn't come on the show to win any political arguments (and why) his actions become crystal clear.
Lincoln Richardson
milo is not an intellectual though
And you can't win arguments with liberals because they are nutters
Logan Johnson
can you explain. Elaborate pls.
Lucas Hall
I love Milo to death but for fucks sake he got smashed while looking like a child who would not stop worming around in arrogance. Honestly, the shit he pulls is fantastic but our guy is loosing aim.
Luis Hall
Since when does milo actually do debates? I've only ever heard him talk shit in his echo chamber. Not surprised he got destroyed by a few people who debate for a living.
Probably doesn't help the room was 99% liberals
Jonathan Hall
... I don't think you know what a gay tranny giggling sounds like.
Adrian Nelson
I think he was trying to win brownie points with normies - people who only know him as the guy who Berkley chimped out over - he intended to come onto Bill Mahr and just act like a harmless fag.
Landon Hill
he looked like a total fag, not a 'homosexual man' but a total, raging fag. How can you support this jackoff?
Sebastian Moore
Welcome to cointelpro subversion. First they lift you up, then they let you down.
Milo is t the only one either
Henry White
Arent there 4 other threads about Milo's appearance already? Couldn't you have just participated in one of those rather than clutter the site with another pointless discussion about it?
Zachary Barnes
Because hes the ultimate opposition for SJWs. An absolute meme machine when he gets going. But as of late, hes gotten to pompous. Any more of this garbage and hes dead in the water.
Zachary Hernandez
>yfw Bill Maher unironically compared Milo to Hitchens
James Jackson
meme machine?
Henry Perez
Go fuck yourself. People hop on this site at different times, so its only logical to keep this stream of bs on Sup Forums as long as people want to talk about it.
Nathan Parker
Ignored the gay mannerisms until he said he was a gay catholic. Hilarious
Easton Howard
I'm not a (((Milo))) fan, but no one on the panel had actual arguments. The whole show was a trainwreck of talking points which is kind of expected with Bill Maher.
Andrew Morris
$.10 has been deposited, thank you for correcting the record!
Ayden Myers
Your whole post reeks of reddit you dumb faggot.
Daniel Parker
>he looked like a total fag, not a 'homosexual man' but a total, raging fag.
That's the point.
>How can you support this jackoff?
Pic related.
Angel Sullivan
Hes a provocateur. He shifts with the wind. Hes out for fame. The best thing that ever happened to him is the Berkeley riots. He doesnt stand for anything. He has no morals, no true north. He goes wherever the controversy is.
A gay Jewish man who likes black cock but is also a conservative? Cmon man, dont buy into this cunts act. Its only for money and fame.
Nolan Gonzalez
Isaiah Howard
>taking Milo seriously
Milo is a bootleg Andy Kaufman. Instead of trolling rednecks and women Milo is trolling liberals and women, and black people, and jews.
Not to mention redneck cuckservatives who aren't smart enough to be in on the joke and realize how hypocritical it is to aggrandize a guy who is all the things they supposedly hate.
Carter Stewart
i don't really care either way for milo. he's good at creating situations that redpill people on what the american left actually means in an environment where that rarely happens in the media
Oliver Brown
His posture made my neck hurt and I think he takes addy
Carson Cruz
these cards border on time travel tier foreknowledge
Elijah Ramirez
>hating censorship is the same as hating homos and jews
really makes me think
Nathan Taylor
He was hyper and rude -- I don't mean being provocative, just rude, like an asshole. And I mean "asshole" in a nad way. I was expecting a 10/10; he was a 4/10.
Lincoln Cooper
he trolled very poorly
William Carter
He's famous and quickly becoming wealthy. I'd say he's doing alright. He's living in a world of sheep begging to be sheared by him.
Ryan Peterson
He made himself look harmless and kinda silly. It makes the rioters and antifa look even more extreme.
Blake Richardson
Anyone who can be a gay catholic is obviously on crack. Any armchair philosophers care to explain that one to me?
Jordan Wood
>dumb jokes that fell flat I bet you laugh along with laughtracks desu Mahr's audience is practically a cult that laughs at everything he says and boos the evil right wingers
Jeremiah Murphy
I thought he was fine.
One-on-one he was great, but when the nignogs started taking up 90% of the time with applause breaks for their reenactments of the Devil May Cry reboot, there's not much he could have done.
People saw Maher agreeing with him and chilling out, and then saw the cancelled literally who BLM supporter being a sperg.
Nicholas Nguyen
It was well played. He played innocent so that anyone attacking him would look like the asshole.
Luke Nelson
People need to stop giving this histrionic kike attention, he is clearly an infiltrator with his promotion of niggerloving and sodomy.
Nu-pol needs to be purged.
Henry Clark
Not sure if shill or post ironic bait
>tfw never sure
Carson Ward
I just watched it and literally nothing happened on the show
Carson Moore
Catholicism is gay af
Charles Ramirez
>Bill actually comparing him to Hitchens
What the fuck? How dare he. Milo is nowhere close to Hitchens.
And I don't think Milo was even trying to have a real argument, I think it was pretty clear to me that he was there just to stir shit up.
Oliver Barnes
isnt that pic from an old hellblazer panel
Ryan Price
CTR is alive and well guys. This is a CTR SHAREBLUE endorsed psyop thread.
Jason Rodriguez
The other guys at the table looked awful as well. This was just a shit show. One comment that comes to mind is when the one black dude goes "you'd rather have Russia than the Saudis?" and started laughing. Like what kind of argument is that? They all literally talked about nothing the entire segment. The only real thing they said to Milo was to shut up for a second because his mouth and brain run a mile a minute.
Jeremiah Powell
That's because Milo is a fucking faggot and everyone that listens to him is secretly gay. Enjoy your gay sex nigger
Jonathan Brown
Maher and his panel were definitely out of Milo's league. Milo might be able to hold his own before some cucked college lefttards, but he doesn't have a chance against actually smart people.
We need better people to represent us. It cannot be that that degenerate faggot is all we have.
Xavier Lewis
Its because people literally rioted over him talking and when he acts like that it just makes those people seem like retards
Dominic Hill
Satan's on fire
Tyler Mitchell
maher probably offered him weed
Wyatt Price
This. During a video interview with Julian Assange, Maher makes a comment that he's basically living in a prison and you can hear people laughing as if a joke was being made. Why the fuck is there even an audience for this show? Remember when Anne Coulter was on and said she thought Trump had the best chance at winning and the audience erupted in laughter in an attempt to shame her? It's absurd.
Asher Hughes
/pol hates degenerate gays Loves Milo /our guy
Pick one- wew lad
Leo Bennett
They didn't say anything at all or make actual arguments at all lmao. What are you talking about? Of these people are so intelligent and high caliber why did the entire show turn into "go fuck yourself"???
Ryan Flores
catholics are scum and fake
look at all the countries that are catholic and compare them to protestant countries
Levi Roberts
Gay Nazi's are hot.
Alexander Price
Like you and your smart president
Brayden Myers
coming from a protestant country i have nothing to say
Ian Barnes
Going on Bill Maher looks fucking miserable.
He went on the show with a submissive yet sassy attitude to warm normies up to the "alt-right".
Yeah he didn't destroy Maher or whatever, but he helped to normalize the new rising right for sure.
Jayden Scott
uh oh
Carson Jones
>Bill talks only about things they both agree on >mentions something about Trump in the end he's flat out wrong on >"OH GEE THE SHOW IS OVER NOW THANKS FOR COMING ON"
what a fucking faggot, Milo had the chance to really fuck him up there
Tyler Wright
the one with the two niggers was even better, they literally just started screeching RUSSIANSTHERUSSSIANSTHERUUUUSIIIAAAAANS for 2 minutes with telling the audience to cheer as loudly as they can then just cut the show
Landon White
i thought milo actually acquitted himself quite gracefully with the exception of his "low IQ" comments
Ian Lee
>trump time traveler infograph can i get a rundown?
Ryan Evans
His point was to look like the innocent gay provocateur, which in turn makes all of the angry rioting leftists look like utter fools. Worked fine, he even got the audience on his side.
Brayden Evans
He came across as a crap alternative comedian. Perhaps because he is or perhaps to make the people who riot because of him look like fucking idiots.
Joseph Butler
I said the exact same thing. In fact the first thing I said to the person I was watching it with was "Is he on drugs?".
I couldn't even watch the full thing without commenting. Milo has gone from a relatively respectable debater and figurehead to some childish, giga-faggot who literally spent the entire interview looking like he wants to suck Mayhers dick.
It was embarrassing. He was falling apart and you could tell how much Mayher was struggling with the interview.
I honestly believe becoming famous and mixing with all these genuinely intellectual people is beginning to give him 1) an enormous ego which is diverting him from the original cause and 2) some kind of inferiority complex because he's realising "paki's out" and "women are shit" can only take him so far.
It's really sad because I loved Milo in the beginning and really hoped he would continue his red pilling of the world by being likeable and outspoken, but he has been failing hugely over the past few months.
He seems to care more about winding up SJW's than actually being the face of something bigger.
Juan Ross
He said it to niggers, so it would be true.
Juan Powell
He's not an intellectual, he's a mascot. He dresses up like a party clown and prances onto the scene, then all the little children and Democrats point and cry "there goes Milo, the head of the alt-right!" And Milo of course loves it because like every flamboyant degenerate fag his entire life revolves around obtaining as much attention (good or bad) as possible.
The media was desperate to pin someone to the alt-right as a sort of figurehead, but because they haven't had genuine journalistic integrity or ability to over a decade they had no idea how to do basic research and realize it stems from a bunch of internet pranksters. And so we get Milo, eager to do anything and everything for attention.
Lucas Robinson
>Pic related.
But milo isn't a deep agent. You don't know who a deep agent is, they are a deep agent.
And he's just larping a a blond guy. I'd say you're grasping at cards friendo.
Nicholas Perez
I am not a milo fan, but they turned his mic down and kept saying fuck you
he made them look like asses
kinda made me root for milo
Isaac Perry
The best way to show how much of an idiot a victim player looks like is to become one.
Oliver Hall
>m-milo was just trying to humanise the alt-right g-guys!!! honest!! He lost on purpose! He totally REKTD them with some triggers XD
I used to follow Milo when I was an edgelord, dude fucking bombed out here so hard it was embarrassing for you guys. I can not see a single point where you can objectively say "yeah he did well".
He starts off the discussion by instantly getting shut-down by Larry Wilmore for speaking out of turn. Larry Wilmore interrupts him further down the line in the panel, but he looks better doing it because, from a spectator perspective, Milo is being inflammatory and thus it looks like Larry is sticking up for himself, not fucking up the discussion , which is what Milo's interruption was doing.
Milo brings up some claim that trans people commit sex crimes, but provides 0 sources/citations of this, just kind of brings it up. I thought it was a bad look, but it would depend on what fence you are on, regardless it looks more like he is just being a provoking/edgy retard because previous to that he was "purposely misgendering to trigger XD"
He then misconstrues Larry's argument, and gets double-teamed.
Then he just insults the panel because it obviously isnt going his way, calling them "low iq" and "terrible people". This just stops any possible constructive discussion on any topic, and Milo just looks like a provocative disk-jocky who isnt worth the time.
None of this is a good look.
Like jesus christ, if you actually think he did well here you are so fucking deep in the kool-aid you need a fucking life jacket.
Milo pisses me off a lot because, to the average layman with a shallow pool of understanding on the topic, he can come across sophisticated, strong, intelligent. He can come across like a winner, even when he has been categorically proven wrong, it's a really fucking annoying trait. Like I said, I used to follow him - this was easily one of his worst performances I've ever fucking seen.
Liam Brown
Milo was just breaking the ice.
This wasn't about him sharing deep redpills, it was just about getting more of the public to like him.
Then they can come check out what he has to say.
Jackson Campbell
I cringed at like 2 seconds in a bailed.
Hes been like this since he announced this giant "pizzagate" expose that got cancelled last minute, shifted locations and was 30 minutes late. He said he had many "dc numbers calling him" and he cant do it. Bannon? Threats? Who knows.
He dressed up like shit. Yes you're gay, but you're also creating second hand embarrassment for anybody who wants to take you seriously.
He seems like a smart guy, I wish he wasn't so goddamn retarded. Drugs are a strong possibility.
Zachary Miller
>I love Milo to death
Nathaniel Hill
you mean the country's with all the oldest university's and architecture
Cooper Myers
>Not his usual smart and cool demeanour kek Milo was always a self-proclaimed provacteur and troll. He is not an intellectual stop treating him like one.
Christopher Morgan
Milo is coked up and sleep-deprived in a quarter of his interviews. He does coke and ecstasy like all fags.
>Check out this BASED gay jew guys! Entry level!
Asher Stewart
I'm not familiar with Milo to be honest. Were you expecting him to be combative? That's not the point of the show as far as I know, it's just to talk openly and freely about subjects that hurt extremist feelings.
Aaron Ramirez
That whole show is trash, I have no idea why It's so popular, It reminds me of Jerry Springer trying to get altercations started.
Aaron Taylor
well, If he was coked up why couldn't they debate him on the panel
they tried lecturing him on being gay and then just started swearing at him
Hunter Baker
He's definitely on speed, probably Adderall.
Chase Carter
>intellectual argument from him that we are acustom too. wat
Parker Russell
He's pretty smart and a very skilled debater but that doesn't change the fact that he's a drug-addled homosexual.
James Hill
Probably drunk he was acting like this when he did the drunk interview thing with Sargon and metokur.
Ryder Brooks
Was that supposed to be a debate? All they did was tell each other to fuck off, no real talking points. We're living in an idiocracy folks.
Aaron Peterson
He was recently labeled a white supremacist by CNN and generally considered a Nazi by historical lefties. This show allowed him to present himself as 100% non-threatening to all the normies that watch the show.
Owen Collins
I don't know why you guys haven't got over the new factor and realized that Ben Shapiro is truly /ourguy/
Brandon Harris
jew* factor
Jacob Perez
Hes repeatedly declared that he loves black cocks and you're surprised hes acting like a colossal faggot?
Hunter Young
atleast someone on Sup Forums is not a total fucking retard
Andrew Rogers
He negates the privelige of a priveliged attack.
Nicholas Flores
>11 minute video of a jew faggot and a turbojew propagandist bickering back and forth
no thanks
Jeremiah Adams
All faggots are junkies that's why they have aids
Nathan Thomas
>expecting to win an argument against a man who can press a button to make it look like his non-arguments are okay and silence the opposer >on his show where he probably only research catch 21 non-arguments
But I mean, taking any political advice from comedic sources is already stupid enough.
Christian Peterson
Jewish tradition I love it
Nathan Gray
Time travel is the only thing that makes sense anymore
Michael Taylor
This x100
Adam Cook
>fag being a fag >disorienting
Fucking brainwashed UK cucks
Jonathan Reyes
>A gay Jewish man who likes black cock but is also a conservative? Cmon man, dont buy into this cunts act. Its only for money and fame.
What's interesting is how even Bill was implicating that.