Why are Iranians so radical Muslim while islam was clearly an foreign and opressive force...

why are Iranians so radical Muslim while islam was clearly an foreign and opressive force? and not to forget that all their note worthy history took place in pre islamic times.

state brainwashing. The government are destroying old churches near armenia and the fire temples near yazd and shiraz. They are denying that we had pre-islam history just like how cultural marxists in the west says that white people have no culture. we need to buy guns and take down the enemy

Because invading muslims killed the last of the indigenous Persians when they migrated there.

That would be the Iranian government. Iranian people are slowly getting tired of the Ayatollah's shit, and certainly aren't willing to die for him in the upcoming world war.

Hmm same could be said about Christianity

Overreaction to foreign interference. They were fucked over again and again and again.

>Denying we had pre Islamic history
>Swedish flag

Hey there Ahmed

>why are Iranians so radical Muslim

leaders of the country != people of the country

Islam is like chaos corruption.

Makes me real sad, desu. Iranians are one of the few bro-tier people in the Middle East. You guys have been kind to us Armenians for the most part.

>They are denying that we had pre-islam history
Pick 1 fucking mudslime bedouin rape spawn

>just like how cultural marxists in the west says that white people have no culture

I'd like you to think (404 brain not found)for one second how the fuck did you come to abuse this term.
It's capitalism that encourages race mixing and mass migration, not Marxism or communism.
You piece of Larping shit.

hey joe sixpack

arabs and turks are controlling the gov, not iranians, those fucking azeris and iraqi rats are screwing with us. and please dont talk about rape babies you fucking albanian shithead. im only 25% iranian (taleish from dagestan) and 75% russian

Autistic commie detected
It is cultural marxism deal with it

> Christianity
> foreign and oppressive force
Are you high or just a muslim?

depends on where you live, and if you can call raiding defenceless monastery's and villages history worthy of notice. maybe if you live in mayan and aztec regions. and in the regions within the Roman empire conversion to christianity was freely so it was not opressive.

i dont recall capitalism telling me white people, western culture, greek and roman philosophy is evil.

Pay debt autistic commie

Lenin rejected Marxism of his time as being too opportunistic. He sure as hell would reject """cultural""" branch of it.

Is Lenin based?

>russian rape baby


You're a part of our cultural history so i dont see why we shouldnt be friendly with you. Even if we are diferent nations we still see you as a brother (atleast we from shomal)

Top kek what the fuck are you even posting you fucking retard. At least elaborate what you even trying to say.

While partly true, I don't think christianity ever was as oppressive as Islam seems to be to the old customs. In fact I'd expect that most of our knowledge of the old cultures and gods are still in existance thanks to monks.

this is the real answer, for any bluepills reading

Iran is dead. Islam killed Iran. What remains is hollow. This is why Iranians migrants assimilate so easily, the host culture fills their hollowness. Iranians are a sad bunch, eternal losers, chained to their past.

i rather be russian than albanian greek

Yes, Russian and Iranian is a good combo, they have the strongest men genetically.

what about the tiny minority of Zoroastrians?

Can you imagine how much better the world would be if we kept our pre-abrahamic religions.

That one family had to go and fuck everything up

i could say that the current iran is like when the roman empire tried to force people into christianity. You dont know how many have converted to christianity and zarthost. When the old guard dies there will be change. We just have to wait or get help from the west.

stockholm syndrome. islam = cover for arab imperialism.

> send from the US,
you would not be living there if not for Christianity. we owe everything to it (at least the culture we developed around it).

no, not really. abrahamic religions did more harm than good. pillaging, burning, oppressing science and progress.

> this thing happened and therefore no other thing could have happened that would have yielded a similar result


Fuck off you retard

>Marxist communist doctrine doesn't encourage race mixing

>Marxist communist doctrine doesn't encourage mass migration

Stupid kike. If everyone's equal why is it that white men invented the car, plane, train, combustion engine, computer, mobile phone, TV, movies, internet, superior medicine, superior civilisations, satellites, electricity, light, space probes and literally everything else you're leeching off.

If everyone's equal why didn't niggers in Uganda invent the internet? Or women?

Why is a quantum physicist, electrical engineer or doctor equal with a garbage truck driver or the local town heroin junkie?

Fucking retard. Communism's a fallacy there's no such thing as equality; iron law of nature, bitch.

burning the library of alexandria, inquisition, catholic church, arap jewish empires (islamist think islam is real and not a fraud) so much retardness in abrahamic religions honestly.

Look better in the bastion of capitalism.
Or are you oblivious to the fact that American "cultural influence" is the reason for the moral decline of the west and now also East?

Turks control Iran? Well that's a new one turks hate you and you hate turks, sure as hell ayatollah islamshitisteini isn't a Turkish puppet kek

Same with arabs, aka Saudi

Hey Estonia stfu and back to cleaning toilets fucking subhuman

??Albanian Greek?? What is this new meme?
If anything you should be shitpostin with "turk rape baby" to which I reply that turks got bleached hence western/coastal Turkey being European in genetic composition while East being middle eastern /mountain peoples

That's American feminism/social justice/human rights you retarded idiot
Angles and
Americans brought niggers into society ans gave them freebies and free pass on all crimes, not soviets.

Christianity was not agressive for most part, people converted freely and intolerance for paganism came much later, there is a reason why we have still so many paganism in our christian traditions (best example is Christmas).
The only example of forced conversion that I can think of was from the franks over the saxons with Charlemagne.

Did you play ck2

Actually most of Iranians I've met are proud of their history and some of them are really big we wuzers

Rare ish

>Hey Estonia stfu and back to cleaning toilets fucking subhuman
Look who is talking, eternally indebted shitskin migrant resort. Dude you are the toilet.

What is operation ajax? This is what happens when western powers meddle in the internal affairs of developing nations on behalf of corporate interests. When an elected president is toppled to allow western oil interests a better deal with a crony you open a Pandora's box of retaliation that could go on for decades.

*Commercial starts*
"Hey America we know that you have achieved silver cucking status, our special Israel & Islam level. This entitles you to such benefits as:

- fighting wars in the middle east against non aggressors
- losing your middle class
- importing terrorism
- losing your women to degeneracy

but wait theirs more. If you act now, you can upgrade to our gold status:

- Death to Iran via the US military
- Death to Syria via the US military
- Even more muslim terrorists
- The raping of your children
- The slavery of the innocent
- Mexican cartel violence across your states

But wait theirs more. Since you have been such a good client, you and only you can act now through your help in overthrowing your government to achieve Platinum status:

- Nuclear Holocaust with Russia!

Hurry now because Iran is going to have that nuke soon and you wouldn't want us to false flag a nuclear attack on American soil to engage you in war.

Our competitor Yankee Christianity has nothing to offer and you should just forget about the good times you had with them.

Buy our product now!"

No, I don't like cuckolding simulator 2, I prefer map painting 4.