What is the role of white trash in hegemonic white societies?

What is the role of white trash in hegemonic white societies?

Not all white genetic lines are good, perhaps forced sterilization of defective lines are nesssary for the future of the white race.

If your family background has a history of criminal activity and under 90 iq, sterilization should be required.

they look like they're having fun.
fuck off

With great effort, some can be redeemed.

they keep the criminal world white to ensure it only stay a minimal nuisance to the general population. In countries with high immigration the crimes committed are increasingly disgusting because the white trash has been overrun and are not allowed to keep order in the criminal world because of police focus on combating those accused of racism.


Look at the Yakuza in Japan.

They all look like they're strung out on opiates, but that chick on the left reminds me of my ex, which is weird because she was a total fucking leftie communist

So much for racial-purity and anti-degeneracy. Skinheads are untermensch.

I unironically agree, I hate the bogans here, they're all low IQ, alcoholic and drugged up mongs.

>tfw no white trash qt with ample bosoms to cuddle with

I'd imagine the way I feel about white trash is how redpilled blacks feel about the common nigger.

They should be incarcerated or euthanized.

Those boobs.

most of the white underclass can easily uplifted from their miserable situation

these people primarily lack direction and purpose in life. Provide them with a proper upbringing by conscripting them all into a Hitlerjugend / Bund Deutscher Mädel style organisation from an early age, and put them on track towards a proper life (men -> soldiers, women -> housewives). this pretty eliminates the "white trash" underclass within a single generation. the remaining ones, those resistant to socialisation, are to be physically removed from society. i recommend rounding them up in labor camps where they are put to use for the good of the nation.

> this pretty eliminates the "white trash" underclass within a single generation. the remaining ones, those resistant to socialisation, are to be physically removed from society. i recommend rounding them up in labor camps where they are put to use for the good of the nation.

Fuck. Old habits die hard. I can only wonder what will (inevitably) happen when this innate and dormant line of thinking within the minds of many Germans is stirred. No wonder NATO was meant not only to keep the Russians out, but also the Germans down - you guys are fucking hardcore.

This i have been thinking about them alot aswell under a new reich and came to same conclusion as you

>the remaining ones, those resistant to socialisation, are to be physically removed from society.

So to speak.

if you think thats hardcore, you have gone soft as fuck

Why do these neo nazi faggots wear those gay ass boots?

>life is all about having fun

it comes so naturally because what i described is LITERALLY what hitler did.
hitlerjugend and BDM had the primary purpose of shaping the youth into the foundation of a prosperous and healthy future society - that means making the men into tough soldiers and hard workers, and making the women into faithful wives and loving mothers. and it worked - even when germany was completely destroyed, when all our cities lay in ruins, when the people suffered starvation and abuse from the occupying forces, the fundamentals of society that had been created among the people by HJ and BDM prevailed and kept society together. this is why germany managed to recover so quickly from the post-war devastation, and managed to rebuild both a healthy and prosperous society and the biggest economy in europe within a few years - because the people shared a common sense of belonging, and a common notion of self-sacrifice for the good of the nation as a whole.

they seem okay to m- ....
>they listen to cuckstein

Gas them

This, also
Don't write them off immediately because they are of the lower rungs of society. Even if they are poor peasants they might still be good people. If they are domestic abusers, violent criminals, or just complete fuck offs, then there's always a place in front line infantry for them. You can never have enough canon fodder.
Also this, especially the part about
>. i recommend rounding them up in labor camps where they are put to use for the good of the nation.
Basically if they don't want to be good or at least benign citizens, then give those fucks an ultimatum. Either they immigrate to other country and shit that place up, or they get thrown in a work camp where they only get the necessary nutrients to live and maintain enough strength to be unpaid worker drones. (*government slaves*)

>white trash
>criminal masterminds
Nice meme

These days kids get taught the EU is responsible for peace and if light bulbs were legal Germany would kill again.

>tfw you notice it's a picture from Canada

That doesn't even have to be a Nazi policy ffs... creating a youth organization channeling youthful energy into productive efforts instead of degeneracy and violence can be done even without political indoctrination as part of the socialization process in such groups.

For instance, a pan national youth organization giving young people a forum to socialize, put their energy to good use in building infrastructure (giving them valuable marketable skills), having them help out in cleaning the streets (enviromental actions) etc. would be a net positive however you look at it - gives structure and meaning to young people, channels their energy into good things and reduces adolescent crime immensely.

...Do I sense bitterness, user?

Lmao. This is literally the same shit argument libs have for niggers and shitskins. If you're a real race realist, then accept that not all whites are ubermensch.
>not a gene realist instead

>you will never browse Sup Forums as a skinhead living in your moms trashed house while she's on vacation

JDIF pls go

Liberals only care about people who live like this if they are non-white. That's because they implicitly believe they are superior and don't need help.

>chicago kidnappings
Obama was the only black president, and if he called blm out for being racists majority woulda listened, now with trump this shit wont work, gonna accuse him of being even more racist

Replace the nazi shit with a black power fist and gang graffiti shit. Then liberals just know we gotta get more money for dem programs. But these white people, who are essentially the exact same thing, low class people who want to fight for their ethnicity, do not warrant anything but pure, ignorant, indiscriminate hatred. Diversity and tolerance.

The Nazis had child soldiers by the end, too, didn't they?

>muh dindu nuffin white trash just down on they luck, they need ejukashun and dem programz to git back on they feet
>"Failure is due to socioeconomic circumstances not race."
Same fucking argument retard. Prove me wrong.


I'm confident that the military can mould any retard into something resembling a decent human being.

literally what libs say about nigs. Assuming you're aware of the bell curve, you should know that shitty whites exist as well

That stacked blonde. God damn

The people in the op are neo nazis they generally don't want to live in todays society that is most probably the reason why they are so "disconnected" from everyone else. and would probably be way different under lets say the Third Reich. And if you were to be a genetic or race realist whatever then its quite funny because people living abroad in the US or Canada have a lineage of leaving europe and not giving a shit about their parent nations and have a habit of fucking off to a new nation when shit gets tough.

this. white proles are an essential part of any healthy european society. these "white trash" as you call them make the bulk of western military. they care more about their country than upper middle class numale code monkeys.

without white proles, orban, trump, or putin, would have no support and would be larping in a retirement home.

Geez, Why isn`t the anybody hiring them? The west is being raped by illegal immigrants and your kind just turned their backs against them? What happened to pride and dignity? Why are the gov`t kissing asses of other color?