Post your favorite RedPanels

Post your favorite RedPanels.

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i'm fucking dying

>tfw to intelligent to understand this

help me out lads

I'm amazed the kikes haven't shut down redpanels a long time ago.
Best webcomic of all time though.



Can someone explain this political compass to me?

pretty gud

Maybe a sort of metaphor for Milo?


He copied Calcifer

all jokes aside, asuka is best girl


whats so funny?

Liberals believe anyone can be a Nazi. He was a victim of fake news.


These are the worst comics I have ever seen and I wish you would stop shilling them


i dont understand the 14/88 thingy
is it like the new generation are being held back by the baby boomers
or is a reference to "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" and the 88 precepts

If you are this newfag
>guy makes shit vidya game webcomic
>thinks he needs to take his comic about a video game obsessed asshat to the next level of drama.
>has his character go from making game puns to his wife having a miscarriage, and expected people to take this seriously

ive literally seen this everywhere
what the fuck does it mean?

It would be nice if it weren't true


Authortarian left is complaining about Donald trump. Authoritarian right is Donald trump. Ancom is being an idiot and he lost all the money. Ancap is a successful billionaire.

Lurk more


Holy shit

The 'secure an existence' (14) part is being held back by Nazis (88) which guarantee that the movement can never gain traction because of guilt by association (people will support the right for whites to exist, but are strongly opposed to the Nazi boogieman).

The 6,000,000 (Jews) look upon this with glee.

y duz thiz luk lyke p00p?

white nationalism (the 14 words) is being held back by neo-nazis (88 = Hail Hitler), since it's perfectly reasonable to want a future for your people and children but only edgemasters want to be associated with literally hitler, and this baggage holding white advocacy back is much to the pleasure of anti-white jews (never forget the 6 million)

88 stands for HH which stands for Heil Hitler.

Basically the message of white nationalists (The 14 words you put) is being held back because of their reverence / association with Hitler / Nazism.

the jew part is pretty obvious

Holy shit

It was one of the first ones he made

This shit invalidates any chances of being treated seriously. good job.

Damn fucking right.

You're not supposed to understand it lad. I forget the name of the artist but all his comics are nonsensical.

You're seeing patterns where there aren't any.

he's implying trump isn't an idiot because an idiot doesn't just turn that million dollar loan into trump's enterprise

>88 = heil hitler

Try this retard
