Whats he thinking at this exact moment?


Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm the real Don

Throwing the fattest, faggiest lemon party this world has ever seen.

nice link you have there

He probably is thinking about opiates, since he is an addict to them.





OP what a great vid, I'm so glad you linked it



OP is a gigantic cancerous faggot


>I've been found out

>"Don't call this a fake news story."
>'Don, this is a fake news story.'

He did it! The absolutel madman!

Thank you based user

OPs without links should be perma banned

>I'm going to let you finish
>keeps talking over him

>Don fucking Lemon

The bullies have become the bullied.

that fake news nigger just wanted attention. He probably knew that this is gonna be picked up and maybe even mentioned by Trump.
The moderator nigger was kinda to be honest. It is not really fake news if they just talk about the expenses.
Although when he said he never heard about a mainstream news story that was made to deceive people, he was full of shit there...

>I-i just wish these Chads would stop calling us fake news, i mean we have headlines and reporters and everything, i just wish they would sto.. FAKE NEWS means news that are total false by the way, it's not totally false that.. god i just wish these Chads would stop calling us fake news, w-were nice guys

Better squelch his personal opinion as to why this "news story" doesn't deserve national coverage and discussion!!

>create the term fake news to label anything you dont put out as a lie to win an election
>lose the election and your term gets used against you daily


>Don Lemon goes on a long run over how CNN is not fake news
>the other black guy is about to explain why he thinks CNN is fake news
>suddenly cut off
and of course a German has to defend this shit, why are Germans suddenly becoming the new leafposters/Swedecucks?

pizzagate = fake news
planes getting eaten by black holes = real news


Don Lemon tried to define "fake news" in very strict terms of sharing a story known to be a complete lie. Of course, they're guilty of that, but in this particular case, they're focusing on a topic where, although the numbers are real, the comparison is dishonest. Fake news can also be fake by omitting obvious details that contradict the narrative they're trying to tell.

God, these nu-anchors are such balless twits who can't argue/debate for shit.

If you bring someone on who's civilly against your point, you let them speak and dig their own grave. Pulling the plug just makes you look like a petualnt child taking their ball and going him when they don't get their way.

Not sure if trolling

>Being too stupid to get the implications and narrative they are building

anytime anyone talks about CNN people immediately associate it with Fake News now. lol butthurt


>This isn't fake news goy. We're just discussing if the president spends too much on personal protection and if there is a way would could reduce it and expose him to a higher probability of being assassinated."

no fuckin way


Hes thinking "damn I could go for some white cock right now"

I just agree with lemons definition of fake news. Thats all! Relax Trumpcucks...of course he was wrong for cutting the other nog off, but no news organization is unbiased in my opinion and every news outlet is gonna accentuate points that fit their narrative.
And by saying FAKE NEWS about 10 times in a short conversation on a channel that got fucked by Trump he was definately trying to trigger them and make headlines...

>imma let you finish
>talks over him and then cuts his feed

It's fuckin hilarious that they are not just booty blasted at fake news, it's the fact that people are going after fox as much. A guest on my local NPR was crying that they/CNN/MSNBC are the real news and that fox and every other outlet perpetuates falsehoods

>Oh, that sucks.

At least he cut the nig off

He's always so sour

I was only trying to hold a dialogue. No need to get so defensive, Fritz.

Why didn't you respond to me?

Yes, his definition of a made up word is partially correct. He got time to define fake news. Why didn't he allow his guess to define fake news?


>I'm going to let you finish
>continues to talk over him
>cuts his feed

Topkek, it's like CNN actually knows it's fake news

The Trumpcucks refered to the other burger and turkeys rapebaby

Well I agree with you thats why I didnt respond. No need to be jelly, I love you too user

>what we're doing right now

I think it's fucking hilarious that CNN is now the Fake News Network to everyone in the country. Even their fans associate CNN with Fake News. And you know everyone that works there is livid about it. I bet they can't at sleep at night. This is truly the best time line.

Isn't it funny that the news organization that sucks the hardest is hosted by a man whose last name is a name for a useless broken machine?

This is fake news:

>Intentionally putting out a piece to decieve
>intentionally misrepresenting somebody else's opinion
>taking excerpts from an inverview to give a false impression
>omitting information from a story to give a false representation
>proposing a story based on no evidence or sources
>omitting or falsifying statistics
>recording something in a specific way as to misrepresent the subject (such as a recording a crowd at such an angle to make it appear larger than it is, or only recording people with certain opinions from a crowd to misprepresent it.)
>using tone in an article to mislead the audience about the story's topic

These are all fake news traits and all of these are done by CNN

"How do I journalism?"

>it's not really fake news if they just talk about expenses

How many times did they talk about """"cost""" when taxpayers were paying for Obama's trips to Hawaii, golf trips, putting his mother in law up in the White House, etc.? Funny how it's suddenly a concern now that Trump is in the white house.

The best part is I'm pretty sure CNN are the ones who came up with the idea of fake news to dissuade people from using alternate news sites and to discredit Trump. The internet took their bullshit, refined it, weaponized it, and flung it right back at them. kek

>O-ok!! T-then you're part of the fake news story too!!
What did he mean by this?

>MSM creates the fake news term
>It's immediately used against them
>They try to backpedal all day long
I love this timeline.

>Big Boss is recovering in Cyprus
Every Fucking Time


Fake news started to counter Pizzagate. Use Google trends and type in fake news and then Pizzagate.

>guys this boat is sinking!
>y-your sinking t-t-too!

The media in general tried something similar after Brexit, as I'm sure you remember. There was a wave of coverage which was obviously trying to convince people that the pro-Brexit vote was the result of misunderstanding or intentional misinformation, and the idea was to de-legitimize the result and plant the idea-seeds in people's minds for eventually overturning it.

With the "Fake News" thing they tried to refine this idea a bit more and make a true Meme out of it, with an easy catchphrase and everything. IS FAKE NEWS RESPONSIBLE FOR TRUMP VICTORY??? was the implication.

You can't bullshit a bullshitter, and you can't out-meme the Meme Masters. It only gave the meme armies a potent new weapon to capture and use against their media enemies.

Did you install Walking War Robots
?/10 ???

he seems like the kind of guy that takes it home with him all mad and shit taking it out on his cat.

It is fake news because the underlying message is that Trump is wasting taxpayers money. Where were the news stories when Obama went golfing every week? Where were the news stories when Hillary received the questions to the debate?


Reason will prevail! Good luck with germanistan user. Stay #woke tbqhfamilia

Has anyone else ever run a news story on how the president and his family should be protected less, which is what they imply by wanting to calculate and reduce the cost of protecting them. Even if it isn't a fake news story, it's in extremely poor taste.

Do we know the black based guy's name? I want to check him out and send him an attaboy.

You should really attach a few examples to these, to get the point across better.

Uncommon is the best I can do

Paris Dennard

Get out Reddit

Good definition, user.