Baltic pol, what do you think about Russian takeover

- Baltic states fear that US dwindling support for NATO could encourage Russian aggression in the area

- Would Russia want any of you guys back?

- Is there a sizeable population in your government and citizenry that would like to be reunited?

It always seems the Baltic posters in this forum shit all over Russia and would never go back. But I've been hearing different. Let's hear some opinions.

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>But I've been hearing different

Russian Internet Defense Force

Also fuck off

Russia or anyone really would be insane to do so
> no natural resources
> population lives off EU gibs=used to gibs
> no exports of value
> old infertile population that needs muh pensions (paid in gibs)

The only way these countries are attracting a remote amount of interest these days is by being next door to Russia

We should give them back to russia

t.goldberg and silverstein

Everything I have always believed is that most slavic countries would rather be part of Russia again. My croatian friend says that russia has better cigarettes.

It is pretty clear. Russia would love to have them back, for purely geopolitical reasons: the need for a harbor in hot waters. It is really that simple.
On the other hand, it's up to them. I don't understand why they feel happier with the west, since they became whores and toilet cleaners in all europe.
Anyway, since the conflict is now mainly economic, let's see how long can they survive on EU gibs, while their manpower and brains are drained faster and faster.

>US dwindling support for NATO
Did you watch the Pence speech yesterday? The US isn't moving away from it, in fact, I expect the russians to get completely BTFO by them... as usual

>Russia would love to have them back
>slavic countries


I hate my countries educational system soooo much.