Why are the nukings of 1945 justifiable ?
Is the Hiroshima nuking justifiable ?
Should of dropped 3.
>should of
They were necessary.
Without them to force Japan's surrender, the Soviets would have invaded and Japan would be split between north and south just like Korea.
on russia
China might Drop the third if they get uppity enough.
Se should have allied with the Japs and Germans to fight the Soviets instead
you fucking oilnigger wahabi scum fucking faggot cock sucking bastard stop blowing western powers and bowing for israel you fucking cucked bastard
give us mecca back you dumb bastard
Jordanians are true carriers of mohammads (pbuh) blood and therefore medina and mecca should be handed over to us and usa should be nuked you fake muslim faggot i hope you get cancer you gulf bastard
Was the rape of Nanking justified?
An invasion fucked up germany really bad and most of the germans wanted surrender
Japs wouldn't surrender so easily, it would cost millions of lives and would have destroyed japan completely.
Had the nukes not been thrown, Japan would probably be an ex-socialist third world country
Unless youre jewish