Did Israel do the 9/11 attacks?

Did Israel do the 9/11 attacks?

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>Did Israel do the 9/11 attacks?
Now have a look at my pic related. Aren't they sexy? Have another look at it quickly.
Why is it that you don't support Israel, goy?
Now have one last look before answering my question.

Mfw IDF babes

cracky-chan is my first and real waifu


>tfw cracky went dark after her first few hardcore vids

No, they just let it happen.
People knew about 9/11 , they just let it happen to have a reason to invade the middle east.

What if you want to fuck your neighbours wife, but you need a valid reason to atually go in his home and do it.

Well if you know your neighbour plans to break in your home, you allow it to happen and capture him. After that you go fuck his wife and call the cops, you tell his wife not to say anything or you'll press charges.

Same with JFC, the CIA let it happen because JFC underlined the heads of the military organization in the USA.

i know this is bait but i want to believe

nah, but they most likely had fore-warning about the terror attack.

how old is she now? like 35?