Did Israel do the 9/11 attacks?

Did Israel do the 9/11 attacks?

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>Did Israel do the 9/11 attacks?
Now have a look at my pic related. Aren't they sexy? Have another look at it quickly.
Why is it that you don't support Israel, goy?
Now have one last look before answering my question.

Mfw IDF babes

cracky-chan is my first and real waifu


>tfw cracky went dark after her first few hardcore vids

No, they just let it happen.
People knew about 9/11 , they just let it happen to have a reason to invade the middle east.

What if you want to fuck your neighbours wife, but you need a valid reason to atually go in his home and do it.

Well if you know your neighbour plans to break in your home, you allow it to happen and capture him. After that you go fuck his wife and call the cops, you tell his wife not to say anything or you'll press charges.

Same with JFC, the CIA let it happen because JFC underlined the heads of the military organization in the USA.

i know this is bait but i want to believe

nah, but they most likely had fore-warning about the terror attack.

how old is she now? like 35?

That's what I thought on that very day. Truth unfortunately is far more complicated.

Maybe, but fuck Jews either way

>the early 2000's will never come back

Roll for your Jewish waifu

She goes by the name Shoeonhead now

what about the dancing jews?

Number 7 looks like a keeper.

no, boxxy was a qt larper. shoeonhead is a degenerate roastie with a smelly cunt




what a nightmare sight, can barely hide their horns, and im afraid that snakes come out form their holes, also their noses.

Sweet I got the Jewwiest one I bet she makes good matzo ball soup

but why are they so deformed

Les juifs sont la source de nos problèmes en france avec les arabes. ils créent des minorités dominantes qui opressent le peuple blanc et couvrent le travail de nos ancetres de honte. Ne trouves tu pas çela absurrde ? Moi en tout cas je te dis que c'est eux qui vont vouloir exterminer la race blanche et faire un monde juif ou musulman. Les blancs voulaient faire la meme chose pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, mais le sjuifs nous ont arrêter grace aux droits de lhomme.

cracky was perfect

>Did Israel do the 9/11 attacks?
No - pic related

Bonus for Cracky and recurring digits


If Israel did it, the CIA, NSA or FBI helped them. 9/11 was an inside job to make it easier to enact martial law.

Pretty much.

The American government did it; Israel may have helped because they have easy access to areas /w a lot of oil.


Not to mention their identities are both public.


Niice! I wonder what they'd look like with brains on the floor.

They were contracted by somebody else. Multi level psyop. They were part of the picture. Where they responsible? No. Just the hired help.

Evidence for this is starts with Sarah Lindauer. Check out her freeseattle video on YouTube. Also Judy Wood on the evidence of testing new technologies. Search Lucky Larry Silverstein and how he made out like a bandit from the attack. Search the missing two trillion department of defense funds and the office investigating this destroyed at the pentagon. The evidence of skullfuckery goes far and wide. Israel was a bit player in all this. Tiny bit.

Oh shit, wish me luck

It was also part of a plot to take the civil rights away from Americans. To create secret courts, and surveillance programs.

Why are you on Sup Forums -- get out there and campaign for LePen.


Trump knows who planned 9/11

No, but the (((globalists))) did.

>Jews didn't do it, but (((they))) did.

Fucking what?

Bush was involved in 9/11. He used Jews to get at oil in the Middle East. When the oil runs out, America will stop helping Israel.

Middle looks like she might be related to David Brock.

If I roll 9 I'll stay a goy. 0 and I'd probably convert just because.

Any other and its sudoku for me.

When Trump was talking about Muslims dancing and cheering after 9/11, he was wrong. It was actually Mossad agents who were operating in NJ.



Saudi Arabia was paid by lobbyists in the United States to carry out the attacks. Our government is run by special interests nearly 100%. The reason for the attacks was to declare war on Iraq and justify growing the M.I.C to create more corporate power.

9 or 7


Of course they did help:
Giving that link in hopes it wasn't edited since I read it because amount of redpills was quite high

les blancs n'ont jamais eu cette intention, il faut pour cela souffrir de démence et de démesure et d'un orgueil raciste et criminel qui se trouve que dans un livre de religion

jews ofc