I just realized.. I am scared

Every destabilization, every wrong doing in a country, It's all portrayed by the Zionists in strive for economical power.

Look :

Lybia : Under Muammar Gaddafi :

- Libya grew to have one of the highest per capita income and life expectancies of all African nations
- Literacy leapt to 88 percent.
- Deleted a serious growing muslim country.
- Carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the Great Manmade River project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country.

Killed, why : Muammar al-Gaddafi was openly advocating the creation of a new currency that would rival the United States dollar and the Euro. Gaddafi called upon African and Muslim nations to join an alliance that would make this new currency, the gold dinar, their primary form of money and foreign exchange. They would sell oil and other resources to the US and the rest of the world only for gold dinars.

What do they do (Zionists controlled Media) :

Gaddafi is the enemy, here's a huge misrepresentation of the "Crimes he committed", let's arm rebels.

And we have seen this before haven't why?

The same thing happened with Hitler, the so called antifa now (communists then) would infiltrate his speeches and cause caos, much like what is happening now with the Berkeley situation.

Protests and riots to limit the nationalist party were frequent as well, jews who controlled the presses at the time also published pro immigration propaganda, why? Dumb people spend more and reproduce faster, takes a couple of generations for them to notice and get smarter once they do, repeat again.


I've came to the conclusion that behind all this there are key people with a very clear plan, are they the Zionists? I know for a fact George Soros is the most public one, how can people take advice from a man who single Handel crashed 2 countries economies?



Other urls found in this thread:


Sorry for the spelling mistakes.


Yep sounds about right. Having a gold standard (audit the fed) and making alternative banks to the established world order (Rothchilds). It's bigger than George Soros it's the entire banking system. Usury and its enslavement effects (the more comfy version) would be curtailed although that's its not to say that slavery would end as society, in general, is based upon it since it's creation. The West would suffer most assuredly. But The Nations most capable of doing so show no interest in not being horrible to its own populace not to mention others.

Also, I want to add that if Africa did do it. I can only imagine it would turn into the biggest smokestack of the planet like China has become. Planet dead.

Are we winning at the moment? I'm still in a state of disbelief. I feel depressed.

Gadaffi has been trying to get off of the petrodollar for years. Bush, who was a big advocate of jews, let him live in peace. Obama, on the other hand, who hates jews, went out of his way to kill Gadaffi.

Winning? Na nobody wins. We are pretty much just corpses on the stack of corpses of history and we just don't know it. If Africa could manage its growth and keep its environment then yeah. But the tech is still not there yet. So drink eat fornicate and be mary.

Things are going slowly for us, but for the normalfags every info is rushing.
most of them don't even bother to check the news anyway.
All you can hope for is for a resistance to form.
The enemy's a faggot but he got legions of faggots with xir.

yeah sure nothing to do with Sarkozy move along you goys