Tell me

Why is this board obsessed with the worst boomer of them all? He represents the people who fucked you in the first place.

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Because it makes you angry

no he is stomping the dems who fuked usa


That geriatric cock must taste good

He's draining the swamp

The shadow government and global elites are in their death throws

Appointing people like Betsy DeVos and all those Goldman Sachs and heavy industry jews is precisely what a boomer would do. He's not winning if he's chimping out every day.

Millenials love to blame boomers on everything because they cannot take responsibility for their own failures in life

That is the reason most people voted for him

8 years of liberal tears, I would rather have Trump over Clinton any fucking day of the week.

He fucked us just like Daddy, we love his cock just like Daddy's

Obama and Hillary destabilized Syria and Libya and then their supporters call us racists because we don't want to deal with the refugee crisis that they created themselves.

Fuck all that dirty god damn bullshit.

This. Yeah, shit is more expensive but you don't have to live in a big city.

The boomers did completely fuck us on immigration though. No doubt about that.

thanks CTR! you really corrected the record

I am obsessed with the Fall of the American Empire. Trump is hilarious.

are you an edgy accelerationist? ROTFL

He's the only one who seems halfway serious about cleaning up the mess his fellow boomers made---the Clintons come to mind.

Oh, and by the way, he will have better things for young American soldiers to do than defend Estonian Nazis when Putin gets around to reclaiming Russia's Baltic coast.

So you can stop insulting Great Patriotic War veterans in the street or throwing resumés with Russian names in the trash now.

When the Russian army start shooting Estonian Nazis in the street, the souls of the Jews their great-grandfathers murdered will rejoice in heaven.

Hope being officially Judenrein for a few years was worth it, faggot.

Nha, he is everything the boomer aspired to be but were too stuck up in their own bubble to think for themselves. ?Ain't for no reason they are one of the generation that spent the most money, they all wanted to life the rich lifestyle yet never bothered looking into the process that actually make you rich, instead lying to themselves for years as their debt augmented, the money lost value and got shafted countless time by silver-tongued conman, eventually becoming a shameful generation that try to right its wrong by supporting idiotic causes that have no factual source like multiculturalism, only to still be manipulated, basically they repeating the same thing since the very start.

They were lied to for their entire life, to the extant that it doesn't even bother them that they get lied to right in their face, because it ''was always like that''. A fucking generation of coward, it is.

Only entitled millennials say boomers screwed them. I hate my generation.


Puppet for the Jewish Elite

He is standing up against their ideals

Honor thy father and thy mother, scum.

You guys can deny it all you want but you know OP is right about Trump representing the people who fucked us over even if he is a kike cock sucker.

The problem is we're so far down the rabbit hole of ""modernity"" and (((leftism))) that Trump is now a viable option.