Other urls found in this thread:
>wins election
>still holding rallies?
The madman
He's already campaigning for 2020. Playing levels of chess that shouldn't even be possible.
It's in Florida apparently
Madman confirmed. Stay comfy niggers.
1 more 7 fug
>>wins election
>>still holding rallies?
It's one way presidents have historically gotten "the people" to rally behind their platforms. No big deal.
Godspeed God Emperor of Mankind, Kek bless
He needs a safe zone, hes too butthurt.
>t. Kike
He needs a room full of people of love him and believe every word he says.
Donald has had to put up with the FAKE NEWS media holding him accountable to facts and it's fucking tiring.
Uh ohhhhhhhhhh Speghetti O's.
Jesus, that is one UGLY motherfucker.
MSM is so fucking fucked.
They hold the fake news line way to long. Trump should have been booted out of office a long time ago according to them.
How long are they going to keep lying? What can we do to stop the madness?
We must speed up it's downfall. Tweet the #FakeJake hashtag.
It's getting tiring and I can't see why they are allowed to do this. Isn't this against the law?
(((Do it)))
Got to update you guys in here on something you should watch and posted in others before:
>pic related
I'm an ex-MAD II (Militärischer Abschirmdienst Abt. Sabotage und Spionage Abwehr)
Got into it after i became a Hauptmann (rank)
You see this guy here:
He is basically a smart business man. All he did as spook was push paperwork and other low-tier intelligence work.
He claims he got scoops here and there and all #TheResistance is eating it up.
Louise Mensch on top and several neo-con and MSM people like AMJoy do the same.
That guy is great at social media marketing with his BS stories and worst of all is that he is being misinformed on purpose and Louise Mensch just took the bait
>pic related 1/2
It's 2.5 hours away should I go? Trump will you take me onto your wing?
>pic related is my MAD Abt. II Marke backside not showing my former number
I bet on both of them to keep going and i will update. Let's hope they get themself into the MSM soon
Watch and enjoy because i'm sure both of them will try to bring the ruses and baits on MSM, i hope they do!
Shadilay Sup Forumsacks