
>somebody disagrees with you
>yell "then FUCK OFF!" as you sit with a smug smile on your face
>uproarious laughter and applause from the audience
>everyone else on the panel besides the single person who disagrees with you nods in agreement like you're a fucking genius

This is what liberal """"debate"""" looks like, ladies and gentlemen.

Other urls found in this thread:


>"are you an american?"
>"then FUCK OFF!"

tl;dr if you're losing a debate against someone just tell them to fuck off or go fuck themselves, and you win!

black man has a point. milo was talking about how he would prefer trump to hillary. as a brit the opinion of milo is irrelevant, he has no skin in the game.

>NSA spook blew white boi trump cuck out of the water

spin it harder trumpkin

The U.S. is a major leader of the free world, literally everyone has "skin in the game" from every country on who the POTUS is. Just look at the shitfit they threw over the executive orders?

Besides, aren't the liberals supposed to be all in favor of foreigners and globalization? Isn't that hypocritical? Do you think they'd tell a different foreigner that said he would have voted for Hillary instead to "Fuck Off!"? No, because that would be agreeing with them and that's all they care about.

>Besides, aren't the liberals supposed to be all in favor of foreigners and globalization? Isn't that hypocritical?
Nice strawman. Is that the best you have?

>Be NSA super spy
>don't even know know what ctrl-left is

Affirmative blacktion James Bond, everyone!


you in denial, reddit?

>>Besides, aren't the liberals supposed to be all in favor of foreigners and globalization?
How is this a strawman.

Usually liberals are in favor of immigration, right s for non Americans, and things such as TPP or NAFTA at the very least.

How was any of that wrong?

They were having fun.

The black guy was coming on to Milo and Milo knew it being the submissive faggot he is.

The only real idiot is Wilmore jesus christ how does he keep getting booked

How many times did chunky Idris Elba mention he was a spy?

Dude was enlisted in the Navy. What makes him a spy?

Did you not listen to Hillary at all during the election?


It's simple hypocrisy. Milo's vilified for being coarse, blunt, and making shallow attacks. They boo and hiss at him when he does it. Their pet monkey does the same thing and it's like an MLK speech to them.

>America First is racist
>Your not American? Lol fuck off

Every time.

They had a biased audience that didn't need reason. They came there to be entertained. As far as they knew they were attending Le Evil Gay Catholic Jew's execution.

>Being selective

Wow just as bad as the liberals but no one will challenge you because you have to start the first word in the echo chamber.

Milo did not get "btfo'd" or destroyed if you think this you likely have his cock down his throat.

The black guy went on a tangent about how Russian intelligence undoubtedly played for one side, their intelligence communities determined it was them and then Milo responds with
>y-youre just stupid!
So no they aren't going to argue back on a logical basis if that's all Milo could offer.

Based blacks > based fags
Based blacks are more oppressed cuz slavery

Milo's virtuous trolling was perfect and on point last night. He made the CIA nigger look like an asshole and Wilmore look like an idiot and Maher look like himself.

This meme is brilliant because he gets so assmad about it.

To his supporters maybe. But to the average viewer...he got destroyed.

>this is what American education and fellation of a fag looks like, the thread

I never got the purpose of these debates.

"This is my point "

"Are you sure that is true? "

"Absolutely my good sir."

"I really have no way to counter this except by viewing the actual statistics and seeing the flawed methodology and biased angle of view so I guess I'm supposed to take this point as fact and move on or if it offends me I just say "Fuck you" to you. I don't know how intelligent conversation can arise from scripted conversation and corporate guidelines but I'll pretend this is actually beneficial to the audiences."

Televised debates are stupid.

someone link the video please

the funny thing is: milo is an immigrant.
and liberal panel on a liberal show just told an immigrant to fuck off.

top kek.

More proof that you leaves are collectively broken and brainwashed.

>losing a debate
What you don't seem to get is, that Milo is full of shit, disrespectful and annoyingly rude. Also, he wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Your country is getting colonized by rapists.

>I have no idea what I'm talking about, but let me share these utterly dumb fantasies I got from the internet, the post

>Nice strawman. Is that the best you have?
You'd have to be the most intellectual dishonest schmuck to try to play this off as a strawman.

Support for globalization is a 'general trend' among the left.

Once something becomes a general trend amongst one side of the political dichotomy, then it no longer becomes a strawman position.

>You're a meanie head so nothing you say can be true or valid

Can't wait for Trump and Putin to gang up on your fledgling islamic republic, krautcuck


Found it for anyone looking

>spout fake generalizations about trans-gendered people
>Say former CIA officer has a low IQ
>act overly effeminate
>talk about sucking black cock
>be self proclaimed leader of the alt-right
>get praised on a chinese cartoon image board which prides itself for not being degenerate and for being "red-pilled" about cultural marxism while non-ironically worshiping a cock sucking jew who failed out of college trying to get an liberal arts degree

You can't make this shit up

>Trump and Putin
Yeah that's not going so well, is it. Just like your mental health or intelligence.

I didn't like the CIA officer. Instead of participating in the argument he just accused Milo of being confused, and somehow tried to call him even more faggy.

Didn't he also come out the other day and say that Trump was indeed in Russia's pocket?

Milo is a disgusting faggot who deserved to be shat on by the guests and the audience. Just look at what he was wearing.

>This is what liberal """"debate"""" looks like, ladies and gentlemen.

Saudi Arabia is more humane and tolerant than Russia. This is your brain on liberalism. Any questions?

That's not true at all he said, Saudi Arabia and Hillary was more of a threat than to the Russians. That's not the narrative, that's why the black dude HAD to say fuck off. I'm i seriously the only one who immediately noticed this? And the black dnc guy and the white rnc guy looked like actors pretending to debate, like is that not clear?

>>be self proclaimed leader of the alt-right

Hur durr.

>"the alt right hates me"

Yes, Milo is certainly self-proclaimed.


But do you genuinely think that Saudis giving Hillary cash for her campaign is the equivalent or somehow less worse than Russian intelligence hacking into the DNC through various emails and a server to extract classified data and serve it to the public....

These people constantly whine about how much Europe hates Trump.

This negro actually had some points, even though i disagree with him. Larry Wilmore guy though was way worse, complete shit.

But don't act like Milo doesn't deserve some of the flack he gets - he gets pretty annoying and keeps talking over people he debates. He's not Ben Shapiro who can just kill everyone with facts, Milo has this trollish, immature attitude which doesn't help in any sort of serious conversation.

Its not actually a debate though, they just pick a topic and say their views on it and/or crack jokes. Sometimes they rebut each other but its not televised as a debate format

So now when all the smug to be third world Europeans try to chime in on how behind the times Americans are they can "FUCK OFF!"?
Liberal hypocrisy has no limits, how many foreign people have invested themselves in the Democrats for their own personal gain?
Last i checked Milo isnt paying people to protest. Milo isnt inciting rioting from across boarders and Oceans. Milos not in America illegally and marching through the streets pleading the American Government condone entering America Illegally.

>>act overly effeminate
>>talk about sucking black cock
>>be self proclaimed leader of the alt-right

Clearly you dont know much about Milo


I hate that kind of shit, I don't owe anything to someone just because they served.

This, Milo is an embaressment. Any credibilty is lost when you mince around like a faggot and don't let others get a sentence out before interrupting them with some flamboyant bullshit

That's pretty much the definition of xenophobia, but what should I expect from a panel filled with fag-bashing niggers.

them digits arent'

Remember: ad hominem is always viable

"The left is dead
The onky way they can be radical is in opposing us"
Jonathan Bowden, notable right winger and Literal Hitler

no link OP? You fucking worthless fuck

milo got BTFO anyone who isnt' an autistic Drumpftard could see it.

Why do you think what's important is that the emails were released by hackers instead of the content and implications of said emails?

No one denied the truthfulness of the emails, said they were fabricated or anything like that. They just complained that secret immoral shit that was going on that they'd obviously never normally let see the light of day got brought out into the light against their will.

It's like the babysitter is abusing and raping your daughter every day and you found out by putting a secret camera in your house and then saying the problem isn't that your daughter was getting assaulted every day but that you video taped them without the rapist's permission. No, the problem is the rape, stop being a fucking retard.

what a homophobe

get bent, redcoat.

Ok look I get it, we all know the emails are true that's not my point.

Regardless of which part of the spectrum you side with, you shouldn't be ok that foreign actions are trying to undermine an election.

This guy said a lot of stuff about how it HAD to be state-sponsored Russian "hackers" but have 0 to evidence. Why didn't anyone push back?

>I'd rather deal with Russian spies than Saudi Arabians
>Legit response
>Sup Forums gets butthurt

You just don't get it.

There were no winners on that show really except for Leah Remini

The audience cheered for things Milo said more than once.

Why does the nationality of the hackers matter?

Would it change your mind if the hackers turned out to be American instead? We'd never know about this shit without """"illegal"""" shit like this occurring, they do all this stuff in secret behind closed doors. If anything I'd call them patriots and praise them, Russian or not.

>undermine an election

If anything they helped us not elect a fucking obsessive-compuslive liar sociopath. I wouldn't really call that "undermining".

Cyber attacks will happen no matter what. Knowing that is the case, how about you make your password something a little bit stronger than, i shit you not, "password"

Both sides can agree that Forrest Gump was a fucking idiot the whole time, right?

so.. America First?

Milo did get BTFO while simultaneously making the self-unaware cucks on the panel look like retards.

It was one of his worst performances, he probably meant to go soft on them because he wants to get rebooked, this time with more than 10 minutes to BTFO cucks

What arguments did Milo present for them to debate

>Why didn't anyone push back?
Because The nigger jester in the middle wasn't going to argue that.
The turbo kike Maher wasn't going to argue that.
The RNC cuck was there just to be there "Look we are balanced :^)"

And any time Milo tried to talk Maher told him to "shut the fuck up for a second, christ, fuck!"

Ben Shapiro would have done a better job