Ask a neuroscientist

I just finished my master's, so im only a young padawan um behavioral neuroscience.

But I know enough in the following areas, from most to least

>anxiety (normal and pathological)
>spatial analysis
>selective breeding
>artificial selection
>motor-sensory processing

Ask away

PS: I wont dox myself providing proof

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Sorry for the typing errors, im high

Also bump for the mentally ill

Ok, clearly It was not the time to do this

Are you the user that posits that every time you go to sleep you become a new person because of a disruption in consciousness?

How would one go about reducing the amount of dopamine receptors they have?

No im not

Lead poisoning can do that, or maybe getting superfat and sitting around not doing shit

what's the point of your education??

literally i know everything what i need to know about humans behavior

However if it's makes you happy, congratulation

how to decalcify your pineal gland?

So, homosexuality is a paraphilic mental disorder, am I right or are you a Jew?

>work with lead all day sitting in a chair

Just fuck my dopamine up.

What's your opinion of therapeutic nerve blocks?

What's your take on this book?

does marihuana sap the will to live?

How do I quit coffee? I have been drinking it for 10 years daily and i cant get an erection without it. If i drop it i get massive headaches and constipation. Should i just kill myself? I'm 25.

Are traps and the feminine penis gay?

What is your opinion on interracial babies. What are the genetic effects of having parents from two different backgrounds?

>Ask a neuroscientist
Can a man made and/or natural virus infect and control a person's brain and subsequently all of his/her/its actions?

But by that logic you could say that you are never the same from moment to moment, no sleep necessary for that 'magic' effect to take place.

William James famously said that consiousness is a stream

Well, I wanted to be a university professor, so I had to go into academia for that. (here in Brland is mandatory)

It gave me a ton of genetical and neurological knowledge about behavior

Drink coca cola, it will decalcify everything hehe

I think one of the biggest errors of recent times was removing gender disphoria and etc. from the diagnosis charts, we are under attack from inside and outside by the gay lobby.

You mean beta blockers ? Or selective reuptake inhibitors ?

What's the deal with N,N-Dimethyltryptamine?

Why is it in the body?

Interesting ways to change habitual behavior and traumatic association?

I am unable to produce mental imaginery (aphantasia called). Do you think it could be serotonin related ? I have noticed I dont easily hallucinate from hallucinogens either which usually work by stimulating 5-HT2 receptors.

Hipothetically speaking, its possible. We are really far away from doing something that control ALL actions

But you can see in the way toxoplasmosis work (and theres scientists trying to use it for benign purposes due to its interesting dynamics) that its possible for an external agent to rearrange some circuits.

In the case of toxoplasmosis, it famously can cause rats to have a lessened fear reaction to the cat's piss odor, making it more vulnerable to being preyed by the cats.

It also seems to make humans tolerate cat smell and like cats more.

Which theory of consciousness do upyou most agree with?

>You mean beta blockers ? Or selective reuptake inhibitors ?

There are a number of different kinds, some are a combination of opiate and anti inflammatories. You inject it in the area surrounding nerves that are damaged to reduce pain.

Short term ones are used a lot for things like knee surgery. I'm more interested in longer lasting ones to deal with crippling pain from nerve damage.

Can nofap increase serotonin/dopamine?

how do I convince myself to be productive all the time and be less compulsive and autistic about time-wasting?

to visualize reality I suppose, because even if you are awake, everything you see is a construction of the brain using the information from the senses, so, you are kind off perma hallucinating, based on your brain's "decoding" of reality. When it gets glitchy is that you see crazy shit.

So, I would think we need the hallucination mechanism to construct the world around us.

DMT is fascinating but its far from my area of expertise. I think a read on the varieties of religious experiences by william james could offer you some insight on the possible adaptative reasons DMT could have evolved in life.

Well, long term change depends on long term potentiation, which means you need to spend enough time for your body to become habituated in doing whatever it is you want to do

Best way to be good in changing behavior is to have a habit of making effort, going the extra mile, that way it is easier to spend enough time doing stuff to develop this long term potentiation of the circuits that will allow new habits to form.

If they are competing with old habits, dont try changing 100% over night, just give enough time for the new habits to grow organically.

Probably, its very unlikely that anything in the brain doesnt involve dopamine/serotonine transmissions. The tricky thing is understanding what channels do what and what is lacking to cause this effect. But I think its probably more associated with missing dopamine receptors, since excessive dopamine transmission is associated with hallucinations.

I agree with William James take which considers consiousness as something which exists in different gradation levels throught nature.

It emerges out of a natural necessity to better adapt your behavior without increasing brain size and simply emcopassing more stimuli->response patterns.

It needs memory, and the hability to inhibit instics and to use the working memory to buffer past to project future to consider behavior. Once you have language and our capacity for complex semiotics, it gets exponentially more complex. Its also very reliant on dopamine transmission, since most coma patiants lack it, also azlheimer has it blocked by beta amyloids etc.

Yes but not necessarily. Got see it case by case. Faping less is always healthy tho

Get into the habit of making useless efforts, eventually it will be easy to be productive.

Its more complex than that, im not an expert is imaging, but internal visualization is extremelly funky stuff.

What is your opinion on interracial babies? How does the combination of two difference races affect the child and is it beneficial non-beneficial or neither?

What do you think about split consciousness theory?

What's your take on MK Ultra?

or using drugs right?

Thanks dude, maybe my excessive fapping has made me unable to produce enough dopamine to produce mental imaginary.

in what way do you mean removing gender dysphoria?

I've been diagnosed with gender and body dysphoria, what is wrong with me?


atleast you have plenty of free lab rats around you for testing.

Do anti-depressants work or are they a Jew trap?
Should I take them?

Can I get rid of this shit permanently?
Is it even a mental disorder or is it just a reaction to how shit the world is?

What effect would they have on major depression?

I don't want to be like this.

you are crazy tranny wanting more attention, killing yourself will maximize your attention.

anti-depressants makes you alot more apathetic. but then again depression too makes you apathetic. best option is to make major lifestyle change ie. exercise, healthy diet, supplements are very good. maybe anti-depressant make these things easier to achieve or make more apathetic about achieving it.

Dude, if you don't solve the root problems to your depression, meds aren't going to cure it.

Are you a neurocientist?

Mengele Jr.

Should society turn a blind eye to school fights? Millennials are such pussies in my country I think it's because they never got disciplined correctly.

Some people only learn by experiencing pain.

t. us army

I actually don't want any attention, I just want to live my life peacefully and happily either as a good male role model or a good "female" role model

male or female, doesn't matter to me but you've triggered me and I'll dismantle all your argument with a single phrase, "you transphobe"

but yes I agree with you that I have a mental illness and my highest chance of happiness can be argued to transition. Will I? Probably.
What causes this illness, I dunno, I hope we find out but I'm not the person do find out, I'm just the unlucky faggot that has it

Well, my personal opinion is mixing races is ok for the child's health.

Such a general variable such as 'race' of 'ethnicity' is to broad to be able to make any decent assement of the impact on the child, unless we are talking about a black child suffering prejudice or something like that.

The problem is not the race, its bad genes that promote short term thinking, inneficient brain circuits that take more to learn requiring greater rewards for the same value association, vulnerability to developing anxiety disorders, etc.

These are the real problems and they exist in all ethnicities in some degree or another.

All these theories that postulate 2 brains someway or another are based on the fact that we have two distinct neural networks, one that is task oriented and another that is leasure oriented, and that they have competing value systems which constantly fight over which one will control your behavior.

Unless you have ADHD in which case both activate at the same time and you sort of try to work while having fun and if not chanelled right it can fuck you up.

I believe systemic psyops have been continually employed to this day, is it any surprise that the CIA is the biggest drug cartel in the americas?

There is indeed a war for your mind, and a deliberate push to dumbfy the population.

Sure, chronic drug abuse can cause the reduction of receptors as a tolerance building mechanism.

I dont like talking broadly about subjects I dont am very knowledgeable about, and this is one of these, but nowdays gender disphoria has been excluded from the DSM-V. It is a disorder in which a person feels like their body is not right, like anorexia but in a sexual identity dimension.

Interesting, I'll look into being trans just makes me want to find out why I'm trans, assuming there is a cause. Ty for the input

Are we as humans a collective consciousness or individual bodies of energy?

why not both?

Is SAm Harris a legit Neuroscientist or a fraud?

I already know the answer, I'm just testing you.

Suggestions for post acute withdrawal of opioids?

Yeah, I believe that we are individual bodies of energy in a collective consciousness and so we are connected by empathy.

We feel each other and ourselves.

What are good ways to combat alcohol dependence? Specifically, get rid of cravings.

I have so many funny stories regarding this

Here is one
>be me
>be moving 10 rat cages with around 5 rats in each from a lab to another lab
>take elevator
>cleaning lady takes elevator with me
>cleanign lady says "yours are so white and cute, the ones I have back home are black and huge"
>me "you have pet rats?"
>her "yeah I adopt them"
>me .. O.o

As trump would say
>The drugs are real
>the diagnosis is fake

Depression usually has a cause, and more often than not it emerges from metabolic changes associated with bad lifestyles + genetics

I think a huge number of people suffering from disorders that get prescribed with SSRIs and etc. dont get properly diagnosed, sometimes there is an underlying ADHD for instance, which makes the person go thro several experiences where she has not full control over her motivation and behavior, and a lack of proper knowledge can lead this to be diagnosed as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disoders and etc. Which are all stemming from the main cause, but since it isnt treated, the person only gets worse.

I think there is a jew conspiracy behind trying to subvert ADHD research and prevent proper diagnosis and treatment from unshackling millions from mental slavery.

see above

Yes, I am =)

Same, except I have a feeling that when a large amount of ideas (memes) are beign perpetuated it can place enough people into a similar mindset and consciousness and have an effect on reality, in a similar aspect that if an entity in space has a large enough mass it will not only bend space but bend spacetime as a whole

What do you think of cryonics and how plausible it is to revive a cryopreserved brain and repair brain damage with nanotechnology?

What do you think of mind uploading, specifically the Moravec transfer?

redpill me on the effects of nicotine on the brain

dont listen to the larper. Get some magnesium citrate. I went from insomnia to back to lucid dreaming.

What is your opinion on the Libet experiment and its implication for free will?
What percentage of your colleagues are hard determinists?

I feel this is true. I actually try to remember how I like or think from the day before so I can hold on to some constancy and grow in that timeline so to speak

respectfully, go away Mr. Attorney General.

Slam your head into a wall repeatedly

We should abolish schools as we know it

Most schools are super bad in enforcing basic justice that is required for proper human development

Humans were not build to interact mainly with people from their age groups, it really only helps to create a paralel society that disconects each generation from the last, it breeds anxiety by forcing people to open up control of their behavior and development in exchange of a shitty package. You are confined and forced with interact with people that have lots of problems.

And worse of all, mentall illness is contagious, by interacting long enough with mentally ill people, you sort of absorb some of it.

Im not a hippie that wants kids to be in safe spaces, but there is nothing good in suffering without purpose, and it will only teach you to avoid suffering and to blame those who caused you the suffering, like SJW mindset that is so prevalent today.

What we need is a new way of thinking about education, in which different individuals are assigned completely different study regimes using different methods that better make use of their inate thinking patterns instead of trying to force everyone in one model and needing to drug people into fitting into it

Idk m8 I'm in the same boat I love coffee almond milk and hazelnut swirl. I have candida and I have eye floaters and heart palpitations but I keep drinking the sauce lol. I think the only way which I'm going to do is portion out meals for the week and when you have a craving at a meal at home until it subsides. To get through the headache take Tylenol it won't come back

Are you familiar with scopolamine? Obviously not a virus but yeah.

I've had eye floaters since I was like 6 or 7 years old. what do

trannies who go through transition are just as likely to commit suicide as trannies who dont. so dunno, I see its just waste of money going through it. have you tried taking more masculine approach to life ? ie. become more masculine instead of submitting some inner feefees?

what is the best way to learn a fuck ton of shit in a short time while under a lot of stress with possible adhd and/or depression in the mix?

I think the secret is to realize that 'mental illness' is not the end all be all of labeling.

I have migraines, adhd and have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Based on all I know I should be dismayed to know that, but I think if I was not the way I am I might miss a ton of great stuff that no one else is really looking at.

There is a thin line between insanity and brilliance, you can be as uniquely brilliant as you are uniquely problematic. Dont build yourself around what pulls you back, but on what pushes you foward.

Maybe you can live your life like a pseudo female, and have a great life, but there should be more to life than that.

There are many possible enviromental, genetical, and life history reasons. But more often than not, I personally think its born out of a wish to have it easy. Growing up as a man is hard, if you are sensible and have depression or other imbalances its even harder, and being a woman could be a way to postpone dealing with all these issues since they have such easier access to rewards, and such niche protection from personal attacks that the idea in itself is appealing on a homestatic basis.

If you can envision yourself being a woman and being less anxious, its not long before you get tricked into thinking that is your natural state.

Most people regret it. Look up the sad satistics one day when you are in a good, stable mood. It will open your eyes


What do you know about rats?

Nerve damage here to friend, fucking sucks but I'm only about three months since my accident, fuckin 45 hole in my arm resulting in damage to my ulnar nerve. Shit sucks, can't feel anything besides random shooting pain (pun not intended) but all the pain is in my hand, injury is lower on my arm.

Dude, I take magnesium and shit ton of other supplements cause I lift but the thing I was talking about isnt dreams, its when you close your eyes and try to picture something and I get nothing.

pls answer

>from a Brazilian """university"""

No thanks, Hue. Literally some high school nerds in my country can beat the shit out of you in terms of knowledge and intelligence.

Interesting bread, bump

Dude I have ADHD and as soon as I started on medication not only can I focus but my depression is gone 100%.

Also have you seen this :


Google my bro, I had/have serious adhd & depression (70mg vyvanse, 100mg zoloft) and fuck dude the ability to find whatever the fuck you want is amazing, bluelinks everywhere, you can just find all the answers to anything as soon as you wish.

Do you take a vitamin d sup?
2k iu daily if you don't. Fixes many mental and lethargy problems if you are deficient.

See I agree with all what you've said but I've had a good childhood, good role models, obviously not everythign has been perfect but my issue I don't want the attension that SJW bring, I don't want to be grouped with those that 5oclock shadow men in dresses crying when they can't shit in the female bathroom

I want to be me, I don't plan on killing my self and I'm going to live my life in with the belief I'm making the right choices until I can't think that otherwise or until the truth is staring me in the face

I have, but I'm still young and I can "pass" as female and if its obvious I'll live the short time I can handle it as a male and dedicate myself to finding out the causes and treatment for identity issues

Yeah, I've tried being more masculine, 5 years of judo, women, video games, I like what I like but not because of the relations to my sex, I like it because its fun.

It fucking sucks but I think I'm making my own choices for reasons based on my own thinking thats all I can do really, I don't have the expeirence or information to not make a mistake and this might or might not be the one of them. I believe if there is a god he'll give me a hand if I need

I was a good short talk with whoever showed interest, Thanks. Always lurking peace niggers

what is the cure for neuroleptic induced permenant anhedonia

I think we are individuals but also connected somehow. Like islands in the sea we are connected in the deep, but each place is its own unique ecosystem.

Never heard of him

Well that always suck.
I have thought about this topic for a while with regards to withdrawls in general, honestly ? My best advice is to move to a fucking shaolin temple for two years. But since that is not really possible...

Keep yourself busy, there is nothing worse than just chillin and waiting for all the withdrawl symptoms to eat you up.

There are some treatments to help with that, but im not versed in them. Seek a doctor maybe?

Well, there is no secret path to victory here, the more you resist, the bigger the latencies will get, but you will never get rid of them.

Its gonna happen, I was talking yesterday about a protein that allows some sort of artict animal's heart to not freeze bellow zero.

It potentiates the action of dopamine and also binds on the acethylcoline receptors, creating motivation and focus, its highly addictive. Also helps reduce stress and hunger.

In my faculty id say there are really few hard determinists... there is this one guy, our statistician, which is completely deterministic, I think im the most deterministic after him hehe.


Go to a doctor, there is reasons for the eye getting polluted with floaters based on genes, diet, habits, and theres treatments for that.

Well, the deadline in itself is extremelly motivating.

But you need some pre-exposure to what you are going to learn, otherwise its very hard to acquire everything so quick.

Meh ... I wouldnt call it 'connected by empathy'
Empathy is merely the capacity to propose/feel who someone else is feeling/will feel. We have seen it in rats, dogs, etc.

Truth: you don't know shit. The human brain is capable of thinking, meaning your pseudoscience is worth nothing.

Best of luck to you. If you are going through puberty wait it out

I do man, too lazy to conver to IU's but between 100-150 micrograms daily. It did a little bit and I got few other herb supplements that are preddi nice.

Is there any way to potentiate neurogenesis/brain plasticity?

I grew up poor and didn't have acess to good nutrition + smoked, over the past 2 years have learned a ton and want to give myself a second chance, I'm 19 btw.

hey OP

how long until my weed tolerance is back to baseline? I've been smoking daily for years

What's the fastest way to learn stuff ? What do you know about information retention mainly ?

Thanks, I have an appointment at the end of the month for a counselor. My problem isn't with getting past the sickness after a binge it that after 2 or 3 weeks clean I will end up on autopilot and end up searching them out and abusing pills with no real thought or intent behind it.

It's very hard to explain but I've noticed it happens if I consume sugar like soda pop.

I have a very addictive personality although it seems to have gotten better as I age.

I'm also interested in anything you know about this minus the context of drugs. From what I've read, evidently most people literally see imaginary images, memories, etc. I don't, which is funny because I draw technical designs almost every day, and I used to do life painting. I tend to think analytically about the spacial relationships of what I intend to draw instead of actually picturing it. Ironically I've been told that I have a photographic memory, I don't remember everything or every detail but I tend to remember things more accurately than most people.

Do you know anything about the minds of pedophiles? Like what makes them think the way they do? Almost no reliable research on this topic.

i have adhd and anxiety, alot of anxiety, i also have ibs, any tip to better myself?

Scopolamine allows criminals to control people just by blowing the pollen of a flower they inhale unknowingly, consuming a small amount is extremely powerful.

The subject has no memory and criminals will have people empty their bank accounts or sign over titles on their car.

Very interesting

You are killing it with replying to everyone quickly OP, good thread.

How do I know for a fact I have adhd, did a test once and it was positive but when I took it to my doctor he said it was just a meme and didn't give me medication for it

>i get massive headaches and constipation
Ween your self down till your off. Its the caffeine doing that.

How do I cure my anxiety disorder?

It's completly unkown, what's "wrong" with you. There is no way to show with science, who is mentaly ill and who isn't. It's heuristics and whats accepted in society. Even the project failed to get biological knowledge of psychosis and depression. There are a hundreds of theories about both.

op, can you speak a bit on recursion in the learning process(or in general as you have encountered it)? specifically are there some related chemical loops/processes that i can look into? thanks

Tons of ways, you are young and your brain is still gonna develop a lot until 28.

Stimulate those networks, do exercise, learn different languages, learn how to play music, theres also dietary changes you could look up to or scientific articles about it. Right of the top of my head I can only remember really invasive stuff done on rats.

Idk, baseline ... 3 months ? Fastest way depends a lot on what brain is learning it. Some people are capable of sitting down reading a book and learning stuff taking notes etc, others will prefer to look at youtube videos first and get themselves acquainted with the topic. In general we suck at reading, any other form or learning is better.

How can I into learning.

>Brazilian intellectuals
>I'm high

No thanks