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Oy vey
b8 thread.
>being Christian
>not worshiping Kek
>current year
Not B8 I'm serious it is anti Christian not allow immigrants
>must submit to governing bodies put in place by God.
let'em see that.
don't let the memes take you too far from reality. We are all praising Kek but as we leave shitposting, quite a big part of Sup Forums is christians. And that's good.
Laws in Leviticus only apply to Jews retard
haha let me tell you how to practice your religion.jpg
>implying being Christian means you have to follow levantine civil rights and not just Jesus
Name a country that offers more opportunities for LEGAL immigration.
You SHILLS disgust me
Not to mention the ability to migrate was infinitely less nearly 2 millenia ago compared to today
we treat immigrants rather well
illegal aliens and criminals gtfo
also this thread is cancer
>saged and hidden
Good thing I don't claim to be Christian
Bunch of cucked quasi-socialist Jewish desert garbage
>old testament
>mattering to good christians
You're right! Native born Americans are foreign ourselves (just several generations removed), and when someone immigrates in accordance with the law we should be enthusiastic about accepting them among us, after all, they're the same as our grandparents. But please note that I said "in accordance with the law." Our God is a god of justice, illegal immigrants have committed a crime, and the punishment for that crime is deportation(which is incredibly merciful compared to the rest of the world). As far as I'm concerned, we're in the clear.
>People that haven't read the bible try to use the bible
Aren't these the same people which say "ignore Leviticus"?
This. Also, when leftists start using leviticus....WILL THE WINNING EVER STOP?
There is also unwritten rule that the foreigner should not rape your wife or stay longer than intended too.
>people still believe in the "nice Jesus" meme
Jesus never wanted you to tolerate evil. Jesus didn't intend for you to "start a dialogue" with evil. Jesus despises evil.
It's host rights.
You're not obligated to be a host
Also, europeans were never foreigns in Egypt
I love that these threads die everytime I post this image. leftists are too stupid to argue with legitimate theists.
What does the bible say I should do to foreigners who reside in my land and take my money by force through taxation?
Stop worshipping cucked desert cults.
>tfw fedora tipper so bible quotes won't work and so won't pics of dead kids since I have no moral compass
>that bible is okay to listen to when I want to cherrypick from it!
Yeah fuck off
>christians were proto-numales
wtf! I hate dead kikes on sticks now
>for you were foreigners in Egypt
And literally made into subhuman slaves by egyptians, lel
love it when degenerates cherry pick quotes from the bible they googled two seconds ago. i know these fucks, they don't listen to any actual sermons.
Egypt was the neigboring country. Checkmate.
I completely agree with that quote and as it claims, I will treat foreigners. So when they will chimp out, try to steal, murder or rape, I will expect them to get lawfully fucked up for it, the same way as I'd expect a native thief, rapist or murderer to be treated.
If you claim to be a Muslim and don't beat women and kill gays you're a total hippocrite
Source: UH THE QURAN!!!!!1!
>tfw athiest
Your jewish lies have no power here
>fedoras using faith-based arguments against faithfags
If you support that, you support killing everyone who displays infidelity.
most americans are not opposed to immigration, but rather want immigrants to follow the naturalization process and to assimilate.
I'm also outraged that we haven't been stoning sodomites.
Source: uh, the Bible.
You all are going to hell for wearing cotton and spandex mixed and for not giving your wife to your brother after one of you dies cause Jesus totally didn't die on the cross guys.
Illegal aliens != legal immigration
Exploitist cowards exporting terrorism == terrorists
If you come to America legally through the immigration system, you're welcomed. Fuck illegals and fuck Syrians and Somalians and all other African niggers, stay where you belong and fix your shit instead of destroying what humans have accomplished.
Christians, along with Muzzies, are the most judgmental people on the planet, full of self hatred and doubt directed outwards. The only decent religious people who aren't full of hate are Buddhists and Sikhs
If your a Christian u should have righteous anger towards the lefts 30 year plan for shilling brown votes, knowing US law could be enforced at anytime.
Better question is does Jesus call u to protect and preserve, your own well being when it's in your power to do so?
i will accept your point if you accept the entirety of Leviticus must be followed as well.
we actually get some good immigrants from africa, they are not at all like our "niggers" they are actual accomplished black families, many of whom do better than whites here.
we should keep muslims out because it is a major threat to our constitutional values.
Was Constantine's adoption of Christianity a mistake?
People here legally, sure. Each nation has its own laws.
Um, not a Jew lol. Old testament had jew laws.
Yeah but then we have the redneck retard that screams at random people in the streets.
Not kidding, I saw this last week.
but i am not a jew
Well, I'm not a Christian so I don't really care.
no where in this verse does it say that you should be happy when people break the law
or that you should allow the enemy of Christianity to come live with you
t. Chang Singh from Vancouver
Honestly this is 100% OP's post but then again he is not wrong, Christianity is a cucked religion and a jew tool.
>If someone slaps you turn the other cheek goy!
I thought it was already established that Americans form their own version of Christianity to benefit their political goals.
12 If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in 13 that troublemakers have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), 14 then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. And if it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done among you, 15 you must certainly put to the sword all who live in that town. You must destroy it completely,[a] both its people and its livestock. 16 You are to gather all the plunder of the town into the middle of the public square and completely burn the town and all its plunder as a whole burnt offering to the Lord your God. That town is to remain a ruin forever, never to be rebuilt, 17 and none of the condemned things[b] are to be found in your hands. Then the Lord will turn from his fierce anger, will show you mercy, and will have compassion on you. He will increase your numbers, as he promised on oath to your ancestors— 18 because you obey the Lord your God by keeping all his commands that I am giving you today and doing what is right in his eyes.
>I thought it was already established that Americans form their own version of Christianity to benefit their political goals.
I'm fairly certain that every religion has that done to it everywhere.
Leviticus is the fucking Torah, thats the jews book you fucking faggot!
That... only counts for Jews.
And of course they're not following that. It's too dangerous for Israel for obvious reasons - but just fine for Europe, oy vey... hehehehe
>treated as a native born
So the same rules apply to them as everyone else and they are not exempt from the law just because they are refugees? Cool, ill be sure to reference this in the future.
>Oy vey
Romans 13:1-5
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
Fucking liberals thinking they are bible masters citing shit out of context in jewish book and blaming it on christianity
The problem with these idiots is that they interpret the bible to meet their agenda. The bible is speaking metaphorically to say that we should love others equally. but the bible also says abide by the laws of the land. But these so called "morally right people" think they can educate Christians on how to live their lives is absurd. and guilt trip people into supporting them. its such bullshit
Oh, the Jews and their lies.
Protip: Jews were never enslaved in Egypt.
I was hoping for someone to post this picture
I'm pretty sure the bible says to stone gay people too somewhere. Can we start enforcing that passage too?
How about Thou shalt not murder? Because that's what they do. Just because we're supposed to treat foreign visitors in our land well does not mean that we don't have to hold them accountable to the rule of law be it God's law or man's law.
For good and bad they only quote the Old Testament and always blame Christianity (but never the Jews)
What ever happened to obey the laws of Caesars?
They have to be treated the same as natives according to that passage. Natives are expected to follow the local law and are punished for causing shit. In fact, if christians would really follow that passage rather than virtue signalling and treating them better than natives a lot of current issues would be avoided.
America is a secular ruled country.
Satan knows and uses scripture. Endangering others because 'muh immigrants' is stupid.
The Leftist religion trying to critique Christianity again, eh?
Ummm JEW Bible. Not New Testament not Christian. When Jesus said keep my father's laws as holy he meant the ten commandments NOT mother fucking Leviticus which only the most hardcore hasidic kikes care about.
> Jesus taught you to bend over whenever a brown person starts to cry
Christianity would of never impacted anything ever it is was started in the state that it is now. Christianity needs a purge and find its balls again.
Projecting your hatred again op?
You should really read the Bible.
God brought the Jews out of Egypt and had them genocide the current occupants of canna. God got pissed when they didn't finish the job and started assimilating other gods and their ways (child sacrifice). So God deported them to Babylon and destroyed the first temple.
Then God gave them a second chance and brought them back. But they went astray again so God sent Jesus stand at the intersection of the masses and the elites to preach hope to the masses and warn the elites. The elites had him murdered for it and God finished the elite temple Jews off in 70 AD with the destruction of the second temple and the elites that ran it.
Your speaking for God and your confusing ancient the Jews with modern Christians shows an astounding lack of knowledge in history disguises a feeble malicious attempt to manipulate people.
Get over it CTR. You lost the election. There is a new sheriff in town
If they want us to listen to leviticus then we should start stoning homosexuals again
"'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."
Leviticus 20:13
Do liberals really want people to start heeding the advice in Leviticus?
If you are christian and you dont wanna go on a crusade you should be ashamed.
I love when non-Christians quote from the bible with no idea what they're talking about.
Does this mean I can stone faggots and whores as well?
Yeah but liberals and scientists don't actually want to explain the Bible and how laws have changed in the last 4000 years, they would rather just say "omg this contradiction" and try to say the whole thing is trash.