Anyone else don't give a shit?

Anyone else don't give a shit?

I watch you human's play together with your imaginary flags and race and i laugh how retarded you all are because i'm still a human that can laugh.. then i think what a pathetic species we are... This world could be a paradise without retards on earth... I sit and think what the fuck is the meaning of all of this... there is no meaning we are all lucky to be evolved on this level to ask these questions... you humans don't understand how small we are and still fight each other meaningless bullshit... and most of these humans are so greedy it's ridiculous and primitive. I just sit here and think how fucked up we all are in the end.

You humans are pathetic species, killing each other with meaningless stuff, everyday hate and jealousy because of your emotions to feel special and imaginary god figure who you pray for just to not feel alone.. Being alone it's hard for a human because their brain is mentally weak. Let me explain how you humans are meaningless in this universe. If something destroyed this planet nobody will know you ever existed you are just dust in the infinity space.. The truth your next evolution would be extinction because your species is not capable to evolve into a better species.

So i'm here with a cup of warm tea just enjoying the madness of this pathetic species. The most funny part is how people think they are special so fucking cringe. We all the same shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

that dot is more than one pixel on my screen

way to ruin your credibility by starting with a lie

The scale of the universe shows just how powerful God really is.

>that pic
>we are small so we dont matter

your perspective is the one that matters. and your reality is your perception. if you gonna think like "lmao who cares" size is the wrong point to start.

also enjoy your reality, nihilism makes everything terrible.

Wow man, so deep, i guess we're all insignificant so we should just love each oth-
>gets stabbed by a refugee

Totally agree bro, nothing really fucking matters anymore

that pixel is actually a dead fly on my windshield.

wow, ur so smart and ur only 15! that's some deep thinking u've done there! congrats buddy!

God damn who pissed off Norway? They are shitting on everything. This thread is for faggots.

fuck off norway

>things are smaller when you're further away from them, so fuck my wife


what the fuck happened to antarctic?

thats a fake picture

the world is actually more sausage shaped than anything

>Oh hurr I'm a nihilistic faggot, I just don't give a fuck about anything, *humps trap waifu pillow for 50th time today*

You should actually care about all the money that gets wasted on wars and welfare and is not spend on space exploration.

It will be really tragic and funny, when an asteroid wipes out human civilization because we spend all the surplus money on Obamaphones and refugees.

p.s. That's literally what Germany is doing this year. The whole budget surplus will be spent on 'refugees'.

m8 why worry about shit you can't control?

live long and prosper. It's all you can do.

they claim that the ice wall from game of thrones surround us but are incapable of explaining why it didn't take decades for an explorer to go around the coast of the antarctic

no one's even heard of ur gay country, are u black or asian?

>We all the same shit.
Get out nigger

> Nihilism is the real solution to all our problems! I may only be 15, but I have a full understanding about life

Now compare yourself to the smallest particles

>nihilism makes everything terrible

Nihilism is literally reality without the imaginary bullshit. It makes things clear and gives you perspective. If you're too weak to handle that, you can always go back to sucking Muhammad's cock you fucking dirty roach.

If humans are so insignificant, then why does it matter what reasons they're killed over? Because they're being killed by other humans? Why would that matter in the slightest?

Why shouldn't someone be praised for acting in their own self-interest instead of dedicating their lives to loving something that's insignificant and meaningless?

Next year you can shoot up your high school instead of your middle school.


>The most funny part is how people think they are special so fucking cringe. We all the same shit.

And yet here you are believing yourself a step above the rest, at least enough to criticize the poor (in mind and body) without even recognizing your poverty of the soul. You forsake mankind for not being the best it can be while doing nothing to make us the best.

Shame on you.

>they claim that the ice wall from game of thrones surround us but are incapable of explaining why it didn't take decades for an explorer to go around the coast of the antarctic

you pretty much just explained it

Why be alone when it's much better and easier to stay in group? If we're meaningless better stay in group and work it out. Every fucking logical person would do that. However 90% of humanity is illogical

Please if you don't find meaning in your life and think it pointless.... end it,it will decrease the number of edgy kids online ... fucking nihilistic scum

OP if Sup Forums would run this planet we would be an inter-galactic species which will unravel the meaning, the necessity behind the laws of the universe, mathematics, philosophy.

If things continue as before humans will stay at IQ 85 level until we exhaust easily accessible fossil fuels, then degrade to chimps and never reach the industrial revolution again because all the resources on the surface of the planet are exhausted.

By that logic your opinion is also insignificant

Why is it always a northcuck which says that ?

Human beings cannot rule themselves. It will be proven in the end. An imperfect species can only create imperfect systems.

Yes and this pixel worth it so fucking much.

Gas the jews , neck the niggs , save the earth.

We have only one pixel - don't ruin it !

Enjoy being depressed over something that cannot benefit you in the slightest. Nihilism is a cancer and most the people who believe in the philosophy to go on with their lives. We are here and there might be no reason for us to be here at least enjoy your couple of years of life and not be an insufferable prickly the whole time.


>Why be alone when it's much better and easier to stay in group?

You stated being alone is only difficult as a result of humanity's mental weakness. Now you're embracing that mental weakness? You now thirst for the "easy life?"

It's that thirst for an easy life that's made humanity incapable of evolving, something you, yourself, bemoaned. Granted, I now know that we have different ideas of evolution. After all, to want an easy life is to bathe in slave morality and herd think.

Under your slave morality, strength and cunning, true evolutionary virtues, are though of as evil while weakness, pity, and humility are thought of as good.

Your entire philosophy is motivated by hatred, resentment,and envy for those blessed with strength and cunning. Rather than holding a creative outlook to the world, you hold a reactive one.

Take pride in the fact that you're not a man. Indeed, you're nothing but a sheep.

>/r/ing someone to post the mspaint comic of the guy saying both sides are dumb and that we're all fucked

>not being an atheist that still believes there's value in our existence

nihilist cuck

mark my words this person is going to shoot up a school because their girlfriend breaks up with them

or they'll lack so much pussy in their life that they'll blame it on women and murder for prostitutes



Lay off the weed for a while, OP.

You can't be this stupid! do you even understand my point??

This has nothing to do with me. What i mean about "easier" that we have more brains to invent and create. Yes humans are mental weak for loneliness and nothing to do with embracing it.

>It's that thirst for an easy life that's made humanity incapable of evolving.

Totally wrong, do you think Tesla was interested for the money? People love to understand this world we live and they would do that for free if they had the money and time.

>Your entire philosophy is motivated by hatred

You mean reality and your insult means nothing. Just a primitive way of thinking with no reasonable case or solutions. You're the mirror of humanity today.


>babbys first existential crisis

>nothing matters
>except me pretending that brutality is bad

that doesn't mean you won't be blown up tomorrow by ISIS.

If you truly don't care then become a NAZI. They don't care about emotions/feelings of others, they wanted to get the most out of humans, via Eugenics. If you want peace, just know that weed won't cure our problems, we are still primitive to the core after it wears off.

Eradicating muslims and blacks is the answer.

you sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>bow before me for I am of unknown intellectual capabilities

this was taken 13 billion light years away

Your ideas are based on the assumption that there are no ayylmaos that know of us. There most certainly are, and we are important to them. You are just a stupid fedorafag that wants a sense of superiority so you act like you can see higher than the rest of us. Every single intelligent person in history has had these thoughts before, and then they realized the meaning of life is for us to use our knowledge to perfect our race and colonize the stars and join the IGFOPAE

Wow be careful there buddy with that, I almost cut myself on that edge.
Seriously though, thinking that you're special is just another sign that you're not. And no amount of pseudo-philosophical fapping will change it.

>babby's first existentialism

Tea is for cum drinkers.

>Life is meaningless
>Thats my goy

And alas the sheep returns, chewing on grass and baaing as is in his nature.

It has everything to do with you, not matter how much you whine. You serve as an advocate for slave morality, as you know you could never survive outside the comfort of the herd.

>What i mean about "easier" that we have more brains to invent and create

If this is what you were truly referring to, which I doubt, then you never answered me question to begin with.

Why should someone stay in the cosmically insignificant herd if they feel it's contrary to their self-interest? You laughed before at notions of flags and race and yet you seem to be basing your argument on something even more imaginary, the "common good."

A slave's words, indeed.

>Totally wrong, do you think Tesla was interested for the money? People love to understand this world we live and they would do that for free if they had the money and time.

Edison, who proved victorious and enshrined his place in history, was. But regardless of that, self-interest isn't solely enshrined in money nor is greatness solely enshrined in scientific discovery. Your inability to understand any notion of personal refinement proves just how submerged you are in the herd. You're the black sheep who thinks he's any better than his peers.

>You mean reality and your insult means nothing.

Reality isn't based on your personal envy for those who can do what you cant. The laws of nature prove true to reality regardless of your perceptions and masked truths. The biological definition of evolution will trump your "progress."

> Just a primitive way of thinking with no reasonable case or solutions. You're the mirror of humanity today.

You celebrated your apathy and now demand precious solutions. Just look at how your true nature appears. The solution is to prevent those such as yourself from holding down those with the master morality.

Keep weeping, sheep.

Arabs do not belong on that pixel.


By who? Humans can't travel that far.

Yeah I was 14 once too OP.

>muh meaning

Irrelevant. Worrying about what some unknown observer thinks of you is even less productive than worrying about what other people think of you.

I don't mind the world as it is. It offers plenty of amusement and has many easily attainable goals I can choose to pursue.

The amount of subjective "meaning" that any being assigns to the planet I'm on is inconsequential to me.

>Why should someone stay in the cosmically insignificant herd if they feel it's contrary to their self-interest?

Because, we all are just a meaningless dust, than why not stay together when it's better that's why we have societies today. similar to bacteria staying together to be much stronger. However people like you who feel special snowflake thinks with identities and for me it means nothing just another human isolating and spreading hate to each other.

This is so cringe how butthurt you're. You make zero sense only insults like a kid. Talking only about me and still don't get my point.

You're so emotional. Enjoy you're delusional life

>I have recently read Nietzsche

Everyone goes thru this phase bro. Learn from it, grow from it, but don't take it too seriously


I'm curious as to why people always gravitate to nihilism when presented with the "I don't give a shit" perspective. If anything, you should be acting like most things aren't a big deal, positive or negative.

and what's your point?

Everybody shits but we still don't have answers..

youre not rust cohle. stop trying to be cool

>t. ayylmao larper

Reminder that there are multiple threads up RIGHT NOW saying
>space is big, let's stop caring
Remember to do your own thinking.


>baaaaw I'm having and existential crisis Sup Forums
Bix nood faggot, if all of existence is irrelevant then how come animals dont commit suicide? Its almost like they are having a competition instead for their right to exist to advance as a species? Or are you implying you outsmart nature and everything thats in it?

Stop doing drugs

ok tank you

>You humans
>I'm still a human
t. Ayy Lmao


And there you go again. Your point is nonsensical as it conflicts with your premise.

Under your premise, human society, even at its best, is only slightly less minuscule than its individual members, and as such, isn't worth dedicating oneself to.

Furthermore, ignorant preaching that everyone should commit themselves to a cosmically insignificant society would only result in the strong dragging themselves down to the level of the weak, which conflicts with natural evolution.

But as always, the sheep clamors for the life of utility. The herd will attempt to enslave those who try to escape from its confines.

There are ants that commit suicide, they literally explode themselves. We can't understand animals, maybe there are cases where they commit suicide.

>outsmart nature
That's the design of human brain meant to do.

What's the point of thinking and invent stuff to out smart the nature and not stay primitive like most humans.

>read the first sentence
>found OP

babbys first philosophic theory

Chaos is the will of nature.
Order is the will of man.

To pretend that you have no earthly concerns and to feel so eviscerated of your duties is the most selfish thought you can have. Society is built upon the very idea that people sacrifice to beat back the darkness and establish a way of life in our own impressions.

Your and apathetic loser who cannot find any purpose in life because YOU have no purpose in life.

Satan is a real force that exists and that is the reason why we will never have peace on earth

Think about why the Jews and elite would go to such length to enslave goyim and reconstruct Israel if they believed there was no supernatural force? They're going to die anyway so why bother? It's because they believe and worship satan and expect to rule beyond this world

I poo in the same pixel representing what you eat.

The immense size of the universe doesn't give you the right to fuck with my property


>result in the strong dragging themselves down to the level of the weak, which conflicts with natural evolution.

You're literally the example of humanity today. Primitive and stupid as fuck.

Snowflake, intelligent societies don't have fucking pointless arguments about emotions. This is deep, maybe hard for you to get.

The mentality of humanity today is sad and will end them good.

At the end of the day most people take all that shit seriously because they want their environment to be a good place for their children to live in, but I'm not fit to have children so don't really care, I'm just alive for the memes.

Can someone with talent make this into a better portrayal of what user implied?

You're right OP. Nothing matters, just as my wife fucking an African bull doesn't matter. It's all cosmically irrelevant.

Yes none of it matters but you don't have to state it like some master autismo edgelord.
You just make yourself impossible to be around.
Go with the flow and don't let knowing that it's bad inhibit you from living a full and exciting life.

Literally *sips tea*

>paradise without retards on earth

Exactly why we are trying to send the retarded refugees and niggers back where they came from.

also this

OP has a cucked nihilistic mentality

>*sips tea*

I'd have to disagree with the insignificance of all of it. Each part is just as significant as the other in the gigantic beautiful machine that is the universe.

Let's take a bird for example. Due to all the combinations of all the galaxies everywhere and the order of them all that bird exists. But the inverse of that is also true. Because that bird exists, all of the combinations of galaxies exist as well. From each point of an observer of the universe appears to be at the very center. This is relativity. It all goes together, each part just as significant as the rest.

>Carl Sagan
>Weed smoker
>Naturalism is the best thing ever
>You and I don't matter.

fffffff I spat my blueberry tea everywhere, fucker

>Your and apathetic loser who cannot find any purpose in life because YOU have no purpose in life.

Oh, you got me

humans will stop "playing with flags" when ayy lmaos come here or when we find them out there

ayy lmaos will then become the great Other in the mind of every person, and instead of warring with each other, we'll go and try to kick the shit out of the ayyliens instead

until then
see you in the trenches m8

>There are ants that commit suicide
Kekked heartily

So all in all, lo and behold, OP just said that he outsmarted the universe. With nihilism. Just keep digging bro, if you got this far you're going to circle back to greeks and realize a couple of things you obviously missed the first time