Why do millennials work so hard?

Why do millennials work so hard?

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>Why do millennials NOT work so hard?
fixed it.

LITERALLY everyone. Don't question it.

10 jobs & 100 guys want the 10 job
also media blames kids for what companies do and starting your own business is very hard and complicated

so tl;dr byrocracy and importing jobs to third world is the reason why you get less workers locally. give them a chance first

>with at least one chronic physical or mental illness

Fibromyalgia, social anxiety, etc. aren't crippling ilnnesses, they're just excuses not to work and get gibsmedat.

> starting your own business is very hard and complicated

This is a fabrication and a lie - at least here in the UK.

It is surprisingly easy to start a business, its more the case that info on how to do so isn't so clear but it is as simple as declaring to the tax man what you are doing and then deciding liabilities on your company.

I used to work hard and then I realized the stress wasn't worth it, so I quit my job and hiked across the country. Now I'm lazy as fuck.

25 year old millenial here. I work about 60 hours a week moving beer around for Anheuser-Busch. Going to school on and off to become a teacher (redpill the hearts and minds yada yada). I'm an exception I think. Most of my peers have easy as fuck part time retail jobs. Or they work at a restaurant somewhere. Nobody wants to put in the effort to get a well-paying or meaningful job anymore. Over the past two years I've severed connections with all but like two of my friends because I can't stand to be around them anymore.

they need to work hard for the bluepill

HA HA HA HA. Unless she thinks posting your ass with shoped face, fake tits and 1 ton of make up is a job.