/odg/ Oroville Dam General - Lack of Tread Edition

>What happened so far
- Main spillway got damaged - because of no maintaining - because Cali thought that they will never have that much water again - because of Muh Climate Change. And they needed the money for illegals.
- They closed the main spillway to inspect the damage
- Because of the closed main spillway, water went over the emergency spillway
- Emergency spillway was in even worse condition and it got BTFO pretty bad
- They opened the main spillway again, so that water doesn't go over the emergency spillway any longer
- Main spillway gets slowly BTFO and half of it is gone. But it is stable at the moment.
- They try to "repair" the emergency spillway because if rain hits hard, water will go over it again (even if they keep the main spillway open) and would rek the dam

> Be careful! There is plenty of old footage marked als livestream!

> Hourly Waterlevel
> Bubbles near emergency spillway!
> Pictures
> Webcam from the wrong side
> NoFly-Zone
> RainRadar
> Reservoir Condition
> Wind Map
> Latest Seismograph
>2013 Damage
>LA webcam
>Data Sheets

Other urls found in this thread:


Morning fellas, what's the chances the dam runs into problems this weekend?

So how's it looking? Has Kek added enough cloud peepee to cause a happening soon?

Latest numbers.


Scanner is back online

About zero forcast was wrong little to no rain.


so do we discard this happening already?

Reminder, dat inflow rose a little and reached this time 42K again.
Muh corellation, bitches.

But rain continues to weaken.

It keeps lowering, no happening.
Thanks FUCK hwndu is on again, there will be gunshots!

I'm impressed that you were able to fit some bull shit in to one post. Good job! Wanna be President?

Essentially nothing happened other than a spillway failure. Thanks for nothing again, kek and Sup Forums. Seriously, stop making 300 threads about LITERALLY NOTHING.


shut up DIDF

So when does it break? What happened with the rain from last night?

Shadilay shadilay KEK KEK KEK shake California break their necks!

There is another rainstorm happening now.

Also we are coming into spring and more snowmelt.

DTR is here in full force i see...

Funny because it's true.



Oroville Dam Spillway 2-18-17 9:10am More Rain

It lowered by -.1 ft this time.

honestly, if they somehow manage to pass this week of rain without drowning, I seriously hope they're gonna fix that shit.
There must be a limit to how retarded a commie can be, right?

How to open?

Clearly there is interest in this. If you are such a fucking petty child, leave these comfy threads and go to another thread. All you have to do is push buttons on your mouse. It is really really simple.

Ahahaha hahahaha no

DIDF infested thread.

That's just because they lowered the output since they reached their target height.

we could bomb the nips again and people like you would be like "Wow something blew up get a life lmao"

scanner is online now btw.

MCOM here requesting status update.

>ITT: HAPPENING addicts dig on the carpet looking for crumbs to get their fix

I'm not talking shit because I'm here to, but let's call it as it is.

what happened with the rain last night senpai, did it make the water higher and what about the hurricane has it come yet.

Y-you'll see when the hill starts sliding away towards Sacramento!

I had a kebab last night and i had one hell of a muddy flow of my own this morning.

Not eating that shite anymore, fresh fruit and big macs only from now on

Well it's California, so you're not wrong.

dam the record

Hes wasted and falling to sleep

Alright so inflow is gradually rising but they are also lowering outflow rates because now they are safe.

Happening averted guys.

It's been fun though. Lots of good conversation, characters like batteryfag and an overall absence of shills.

Yes and?


kek pls make this happening happen

Sad but I think the Aussie is right. When nothing happened about it in the last 24hrs I think is over, unless battery fails.

Confirmed. Sorry guys.

At least this is gunna cost them a metric fuckload of money to fix

Oh well, had some /comfy/ threads with you guys

Sounds like something a dam would say

This is your threadly reminder to get comfy and settle in

It's getting less and less likely anything interesting will happen every passing day and there isn't even any livestreams.

This is a lame happening.

not going to affect the area around the damn though. Check the forecast for oroville, not that much rain

Then why is every article about Oroville saying that the strongest rainfall will be on Sunday and Monday? When even the mainstream media and dam officials are saying that, you can't play the "muh exaggerated" card.

Seriously guys, we just have to melt all the snow in every nearby mountain, get a few more torrential downpours, and have several safety measures of the dam fail, and have every engineer in the state not try anything, and have a once in a millenium earthquake, then a nearby town nobody has ever heard of will be flooded.

Wew lad, those mental gymnastics of hoping for the very smallest of disasters possible. Tell me again how Bernie had a chance of being president again.

fuck off DIDF

actually, you can. Concern trolling by the MSM to distract from what else may be happening

since they lowered the outflow, they must be very sure that the rain won't make the dam spill over.
Else they'd flood the cities a little now but keep the outflow high.

Too bad they forgot to account for KEK.

Did anything happen last night? I missed out on the late night threads so i'm just going off what people are saying this morning.

All it needs to do is keep eroding away at that hillside and letting water seep into the soil. It just needs to get weak enough and then you get a repeat of pic related.

All they can do is damn up the emergency spillway and hope for the best.

I mean it all comes down to their judgement. Previously their judgement was that the main spillway didn't need repairs, that the emergency spillway could handle 100k+ cfs, etc. They have a bad track record of prediction, although that might have changed once they declared it an emergency, maybe they now have competent people in charge. But because of that history of bad predictions, there'll be people who won't believe it's over until the rainy season is over. (And I'm kind of one of those guys.)

the outflow has been lowered due to both the inflow and storage levels, as well as the river levels past the dam. If they kept it going at 100k CFS the flooding downstream would have become problems

this is damage control in it's purest form. all they can do is react

>It's getting less and less likely anything interesting will happen every passing day

Are you aware how erosion works? The storm hasn't even hit yet. If this storm passes then the threads should die, but rain is forecasted until thursday.

I live an hour from the dam, you have no idea how incompetent these people are and how much they lie to cover their asses.


So many people here memed Aqua and wished for California storm, actualy to punish those who DESERVE it,
but probably mistaken it a little (?)
and so the storm came and striken the Cali where it most deserves (LA, Unholywood) ...


Just the Oroville inflow does not reflect it much yet...

there's a new mud flow, which could be devastating as it might cause more erosion and water log the hill, causing a landslide

>But rain continues to weaken.
Mountain run off will take some time to accumulate in the reservoir, so they'll have to keep the outflow high.


Did anything come of that "crack" they were talking about on the radio scanner yesterday?

Their target was 850 before yesterdays rain. LOL. They missed their target. They lowered it because of the power station, the levee's downstream, and the massive erosion that is happening.

We need to at least wait until after that storm has passed to call off the happening, it was never going to happen before that. This is a slow-motion happening, not much will happen until it does.
Have faith brothers.

Storm's a-brewin'


Oh! instead of ice melting, or paint drying, or watching hair grow we just have to wait for erosion to take place. What a happening!

>This is a slow-motion happening

happening fags need to prepare to wait seevral months

it'll make the inevitable collapse even sweeter

My prediction is that they weather the next few days, then reduce the primary spillway to the point where it's not fucking up the power plant's outflow area, restore the powerplant, shut off the primary spillway and then spend however long until it next starts to rain severely repairing it.

Door's right there, make sure you take your ritalin with you

He always pulls through

Kek finds a way

Patience is the secret to a long life friend.

This is a slow happening guys, the real test will be Sunday-Monday. There's enough rain to actually start erosion on the hillside of the e-spillway again that day, and plus most dams in the Oroville watershed are almost all 100% full some are already overflowing. If the watershed rivers get 8 inches of rain, like they are supposed to Monday, it doesn't take long to add 50 feet of water.

In addition to that the rest of the dam /levy infrastructure is really going to be tested in the Sacramento these next few days. And I'd kind of like to watch it with you guys since you are far more entertaining than the Weather channel or NOAA.

when was the last time anything happened? I'm bored


Is there something wrong with that?

Go jerk off, go to your local bar or something. Thread will still be here when you get back, king austismo.

850 but they missed it by 4.
They knew about yesterday's rain, they probably accounted for that.
But as says, it all comes down to their assumption and to who is actually in charge.

What I was saying is that even if there were going to be damage downstream due to the excessive outflow combined with the rain that's hitting downstream, it would be a desiderable outcome compared to the spillage and potential breakage of the spillways.
With a minor flooding you can always say "GOYS IT WAS A DESPERATE SITUATION YOU HAVE TO UNDERSTAND" but it's pretty hard to try that when the damn thing breaks down.

It might be over for now
But they won't be able to repair main spillway for a long, long time
Till they fix it, dam isn't safe

Come to MCOM to get a spare battery.

Last weekend?

Impressive length user

MCOM can I get an update?

We have two spare batteries.
We still haven't found the bathroom terrorists.

checked, bathroom terrorists gonna bring down the dam

Actually this one is good to make notion, how large is that hole...
(And this is some early phase from 11th or 12th Feb, now the hole is even much bigger...)

One rogue flush is all it would take at this point.

>hole is bigger.
The entire lower portion is gone...

Why aren't we trying to meme an earthquake?

Battery Rundown

>electricity bows to the battery
>in contact with outlets and light posts
>possess conductive abilities
>control oroville with a shocking flow
>owns power plants & generators locally
>direct descendants of the electricity from zeus
>will provide electricity for first keks on mars
>oroville will be the first power plant
>own 99% of californias usable electricity on earth
>first power plant will be oroville power plant
> battery said to have high flow, such conductivity has only existed on the earth deep in the mariana trench & japan
>ancient native scriptures tell of battery failures that will descend upon california and will bring an age of dark cities and power plant technology progression
>they own thunderclouds around the world
>you likely have oroville batteries inside you now
>the battery is in regular communication with the agencies, fowarding the word of oroville power plant
>who do you think set up the meeting between greenpeace and the WNA? the first meeting of the two organisations since their creation and arranged the WNAs leader first trip to sahara to oroville failsafe power plant in desert land?
>they learned fluent electrical engineering in under a day
>other dams entrusted their electricity to the oroville battery
>there is no electricity in california, only in the battery
>the battery is about 50 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base spillway currently accepted by our society
>in reality, they are eroded beings existing in only a short span of time and space from the big overflow of california
>we dont know their ultimate plans yet
>we hope the battery is well constructed

Actually a good chunk of the lower portion is still there, you can see it on the along the left side of the spillway, it's just essentially useless now. The water is just flowing mostly around it instead of on it.

The hole isn't a hole anymore, the spillway there is just gone. You can see it in more recent pictures, the sides of the spillway have vanished in that area and the water is diverting to either side.

Last chart before I go to bed. There's been a pretty decent amount of rainfall today, and definitely enough to set up a potential happening if the weather on Sunday/Monday is severe.

See you tomorrow, anons.

> We all want to see the frog's swim-suit...


Do we have any more recent pic like this?


No aerial shots but the DWR is probably the best photos you'll find recently