I am a strong believer in Capitalism, convince me why National Socialism is better

I am a strong believer in Capitalism, convince me why National Socialism is better.

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national socialism isn't better. national capitalism is though.

They're the same, National "Socialism" isn't socialism

Well, you know the Hitler kind. They seemed to have pretty alright economy even if it was short lived.

us hand out wefare, cuck. You already have a form of socialism. Get over it. Nationalism is on the rise because circumstances are FORCING it. Rise of nationalism isn't a cause. It's an effect you turd.

Not enough people here talking about national capitalism. They did great wonders during the 1930s in the USA.

>They seemed to have pretty alright economy even if it was short lived

Actually the Hitler kind of socialism is pretty much proof that socialism can't work. The Nazis used up all their resources within a few years and had to lebensraum to continue their economic growth.

Coupled with the fact that the germans are the most autistic worker bees in the history of the world shows how fucking inefficient socialism truly is. If any country should have been able to maintain itself, it was Nazi germany, and even they couldn't.

it was actually gay and retarded and propped up by socialist shit like "workers vouchers"

Im not a smart man

it isn't national socialism is shit. If you want to see a modern day example of national socialism look at china

>about to usurp the US's role as dominant global power
Really made me think.

China is a big success though

Fucking this. I'm sick to death of hearing about stupid shit like National Bolshevism or "Nazbol". It's always backed up by the same "that wasn't real socialism/my specific brand is infallible" diatribe. It disgusts me that Sup Forums will go through all sorts of mental gymnastics to state how derivatives of marxism are "redpilled" but nobody will ever put forth that much effort to defend or even define national capitalism.

because the taxes you pay stop the cretins of society from being raised that way making you live in a crime-free utopia while still having a large portion of your personal wealth.

>>about to usurp the US's role as dominant global power
when is this gonna happen? coz i've been waiting since 2008 for it to happen but it still hasn't

National Capitalism is just National Socialism - National Bolshevism was just Strasserism. Will paste details of difference between NatSoc and Marxist Socialism below.

Homogeneous society. No subhuman garbage incompatible with Civilization. Law & Order. Free healthcare. Higher unity than any other form of Government. There are tons of things, depends on what you are looking for.

Not a Nazi, but i gotta say, the uniforms are first rate.

Natsoc is popular here because NEETs here want to leech off your money but dont want to share it with Niggers

>capitalism is socialism

same my nigga
nothing like sitting in a comfy office and moving money around and watching it grow

wouldn't an absolute homogeneous be impossible because of the innate urge to crossbreed?

And debt-free money of course so it is actually worth something. The real reason the kikes went to war back then. They do it to this day, now they simply call Putin or Trump a Nazi. Kikes are truly an insane, vile subspecies unworthy of life.

Nazism was a faux socialist movement, Hitler only claimed to be a worker's hero to pander the lowest denominator and least educated classforce, similar to how various right wing parties in Europe have shifted to the economic left today when becoming more and more popular

Hitler and the Nazi party actually sold off much of Germany's steel and shipbuilding industry, Hitler's grievances with capitalism was that Jews drew most of their power from it and asserted Germany must make its own capitalist system.


Nothing in life is a 100%, and it does not have to. But the way they shove this filth around now is absolutely unacceptable to Western Civilization.
The Jews will pay a hefty price for that, that is a done deal.

NEETs would be death squaded homeboy

The problem with free market capitalism as defined is that the jew with the largest bank ends up being the guy with the largest army and as soon as he finds out overthrowing free market capitalism he's free to do so.

>"National Socialism is just (((socialism)))"

Marxist (Left) socialism and National (Right) Socialism are "antipodal zeitgeists engaged in dialectic". That's a fancy way to say they're opposite ideologies designed to clash, like Yin and Yang.

NatSoc was fundamentally an ideology built around race, while Marxist socialism was entirely different: built around class. Hitler aimed to unite the right and left, including workers and their bosses, into a new German nation based on racial identity. Socialism, in contrast, was a class war between workers, bosses, and owners (Capitalists), aiming to build a workers state in which race and gender were insignificant. Socialists, especially Marxist socialists, were anti-religious atheists, whereas NatSoc went so far as to make Christianity the religion of the state.

The differences go on and on: Marxist socialism was internationalist, NatSoc was nationalist. Marxist socialism was egalitarian, whereas NatSoc believed that nature was unequal and required competition. Marxist socialism wanted to nationalize all private industry, while NatSoc privatized every major industry except the railroads (it considered these a military asset. In fact, Hitler once joked "they didn't need to nationalize property because they nationalized people". NatSoc drew on a range of pan-German theories, which wanted to blend Aryan workers and Aryan magnates into a super Aryan state, which would involve the eradication of class-focused socialism as a non-German.

Third way economics allows a society to enjoy the benefits of capitalism, while at the same time looks after its weakest. This, along with an authoritarian government, strong racial and national pride, and a powerful military allows the society to grow and prosper.

>"National Socialism is just (((socialism)))"

NatSoc redefined socialism as "Germanism/Volkism", which they saw as "producer-oriented capitalism", as opposed to "Jewish capitalism", aka, international finance, globalism, wall street, etc. In theory, NatSoc economics was a version of Keynesianism, tailored to the Völkisch nature of whichever people adopted it. Its not one dogmatic economic system,and Hitler often joked that the lack of a specific ideology was their strength. NatSoc could be more "free market" as Americans know it, or less. But NatSoc is always in favor of the Volk over economic identity, of "producer capitalism" over "finance capitalism".

Hitler tried to clarify the distinction in 1938:
>“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
>Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. ((((Marxism))) is anti-property; true socialism is not. ((((Marxism))) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”

>Against the Mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930's Germany (Germa Bel)

It's basically the same without the banks and big corporations

From the outside looking in, they look like a juggernaut. That's it. The problem for them is they've got a lot of internal problems that they like to keep quiet. Their western provinces want to separate. Their neighbors all hate them (with the exception of North Korea); this explains their expansion into the South China Sea as an attempt to assert dominance that they do not have. These new massive cities and apartment complexes they build go uninhabited, or within a few years they fall apart, even the ones that are made for their upper class. There's absolutely no concept of maintaining the new things they build. The people there continue to make close to nothing in wages; granted, there middle class is beginning to grow, but it's at an extremely slow pace. The rate at which companies are sending their factories to China is decreasing as well; instead, they're favoring India now, and I can't say I blame them. India's population is expected to hit two billion in about thirty years, and this means that labor there will continue to be extremely cheap. All in all, I think China will continue to grow its economy but at a slow place. India is going to be much more influential and become the economic powerhouse of Asia in the coming years, and that'll dwarf anything that China will be able to accomplish. Not to mention, India doesn't have nearly as many enemies as China does, so they'll be able to outdo China and perhaps even steal much of their industry.

how else do you explain the rampant racemixing in your country

Capitalism is unfair

>thinking you can have a good economy without banks or large businesses

You can watch their mouthpeice everyday, just turn on the electric jew. It's right in front of you eyes. You would have to be blind and stupid not to realize what is going on here.

Capitalism has one huge flaw, it's total failure against kike scum and their vile corporations. Viacom, Fox, NBC, ABC, what the fuck ever. One giant piece of propaganda feces.

Theyre nationalised. So they benefit the people not foreign investors.

There isn't any.

Read the posts below:
The Socialism in the name was just added to attract voters from the Communists who were their main competition at the time. Their economics were basically Capitalist but with certain protection so that companies cannot work against the best interest of the nation, much like Trump says he is going to do.

have you ever been to london?

Capitalism = Kikes = everyone in debt
Anything is better than that.

what do you mean by capitalism?

There's the usual white guilt, I wouldn't call it instinctual

That's why it is going to fail now, it was never meant to last, only to give those with illusionist wealth enough time to accumulate the necessary power to enslave their populations. And that's what we get now, slave trade. The NWO is just that. I ain't nobody's slave, it's time to dispose these self-declared (((masters))).

Socialism = Kikes = Everyone enslaved to the state

free market

Time to board the helicopter friend

don't there have to be some market restrictions?

Capitalism is a good base for smaller societies and economies, but in the long run it opens the door for monopolies, ologarchy, plutocrates and other exploitative speculation that does not benefit a society in any way shape or form.
Looking at the US and the west right now, Profits are far more important than creating a strong solid and sustainable society. Poison the population with GMO's and putting mercury in vaccines? It's all okay as long as you can "invest" in a politician or "news-agency" to shill for you.

To speak for national-socialism, just look at germany's situation under the post WW1 weimar-republic. (1920-1933), Then compare it to nazi-germany during the five years 1933-38.

>not wanting early mussolini fascism with a laissez faire economy


National Capitalism > National Socialism

i don't think white guilt affects normal people at a personal level, at a social level maybe but not a personal level

I think the only restrictions should be that you must show what goes into your product and how it is made. Also if there are no politicians to buy off the better.

... That makes no sense, they're not related. It's like saying I prefer Dogs to Labradors

Capitalism is an economic system
National Socialism is a form of government.

Now, I know this is a lot to ask but, can you stop being retarded.

>le nazi government man shows up to your business

"Hallo, are you following the environmental and work regulations? Good. See you later!"

You can be the biggest businessman you want, but you have to play by the rules. Also, no funny shit like carrier tried to pull. You would get the same treatment that trump has patented. Do what you want with your capital, but don't expect to trade with us freely if you're cutting into the welfare of our citizens by dealing with us.

>muh resources

Shitskins are mad that whitey isn't rolling over and dying like they thought we would. Sorry subhumans, most of us don't feel guilty about killing criminal chimps.

It affects white liberals, they have to show off that they not racists at all times during interactions with others, sometimes that means by dating black people

>be Anglo
>be NatSoc

pick one

how does that work?

Easy to convince you:

Every person gets born with a different intelligence and personality and has a different upbringing.

Not everybody can become an engineer, scientist, entrepreneur, physician etc.
If you are one of above it isn't because you deserved it, but because you had luck in life.

So now seeing that life is unfair and all your success has only been achieved by a lucky fade, you should see why you should share your fortune with unlucky people. Of course you should earn more but there have to be limits,

because the only difference between you and your nation fellowman who lives on the street was pure luck.

The economy was based on building Germany's war machine and was unsustainable.

You think you get free market competition like Trump, but all you get is a thankless job at McDonald's cleaning the shit from their toilets for literally nothing. Screw Capitalism. It failed miserably on all fronts.
We need Nationalism more than ever now, to clean up our own mess. And that won't help, it will only make things fall down around our ears even faster. What Trump is trying to do, is an Illusion, the Dollar and the Euro are on their deathbed, they are literally worth shit now.
The big collapse is closer than anyone can imagine....

ok so we have those restrictions. what about markets that we want to be illegal like prostitution?

If a country reaches a population over 100 million they need to at least have socialist aspects. Once you hit 500 million it needs to start grabbing communist aspects.

The reason why is because humans can be parasitic when given the chance. The effects of the parasitic behavior increases with numbers, steadily.

1 Parasite holds down 2 people.
2 Parasites hold down 4 people.
3 Parasites hold down 7 people....

Parasites arn't always stupid either.
Look at organized crime, and even unorganized crime. Some of the smartest people abusing the legal system and society to enrich themselves in unethical ways.
Massive populations require authoritarian control, at some point various areas need socialist/communist aspects.

If everyone could get a fucken job, obey the laws, and push themselves to there highest ability. This could be a capitalist utopia.

But we have niggers, spics, white trash, mudslimes etc....

Black =/ Niggers
Mexicans =/ Spics
White =/ White Trash
Mudslimes = Muslims


does that place exist? i thought it was a fairy tale?

Did you see how much corporate money flowed into Clinton's coffers? I rest my case.

NatSoc is a political philosophy that can be adapted to every race with a few tweaks. It would need a few changes to modernise it possibly but there is no reason you can't be NatSoc from any race really


Except it never works out that way because without competition there is no incentive to do a good job / innovate

>lol FUCK foreign investors xD
Stupid leftist they get paid in so far as they invest. I suppose you don't like investment either.

...combined with the paid-for riots, and bam, you have a regime change or new government. Time for the same stupid game. And after that, the next. And the next, and the next... fuck Capitalism. It's a ruse, to say it with his words.
It creates the problems in the first place, it never helped anyone except that blood kike Rothschild.

it is a fairy tale, because here everyone's tale is fair kek

National Capitalism is what the founding fathers had envisioned for the United States.

And what the fuck is national capitalism other than rebranded nazism?

One has a dictator the other a constitutional republic under a leader. Hitler copied the united states and fucked up

how is national capitalism any different from what you have now?

And his leeches of course. We are one pool of leeches. Nothing else swimming around or survived in that pile of shit. Except...
there are these bloody-resistant Bacteria. refusing to comply. And they seem to get more numerous and resistant every day. Oy vey...





Germany was not like the Soviet Union. Plenty of free enterprise.

>checkaux mateaux

National Cap is not National Soc. When hitler took over the Socialist party it had mostly capitalist in it. Hitler killed a lot of peps in his party after he took party because they claimed he was not socialist enough but he dictated a free market which is not national capitalism.

It honestly was better being a slave in a kind master's villa than being a freeman shitting in the streets and waiting for some grain handouts.

I'm a NatSoc but this argument is just fucking stupid.
People who make less should get extra support from others because it is a race's duty to help each other, especially those in need. Those who make more should be fine with giving more sway to help their race because they have more to spare.

Not because of some Obama-tier "you're only successful because of luck, you didn't actually contribute anything to your success."

This. As far as I can tell, NS is rather similar to the US in the 1930s plus extra gov initiatives based around racial hygienics and public health and militarism.


yes you know your shit

Though, that doesn't mean the smarter ones didn't try to save up to buy their freedom.

People who produce more should get more there you are right.

BUT there have to be limits. WHY?

First of all, if you produce something, you use ressources which belong to everyone. If you use these ressources I cant use them anymore.

Secondly, Because I also have limits. Maybe because of my upbringing I have the skills to kill you then rape your wife callously with no qualms. Why do my capabilities have limits but yours dont?

So to live in a peaceful society we all need to have limits.

And if your brain is to small to comprehend this then we make no rules for everyone, a complete free market, which includes that I will come an take my part of the cake nigger

>pay debts
Correct, otherwise everybody would borrow more than they can afford and the system wouldn't work. Still banks will sometimes give you 'leeway' if they are smart

>abolish welfare states
Capitalism can exist with a welfare state

>increase prices
Capitalism leads to lower prices

>buy useless shit
Don't have to

>I want profits
Profits are the incentive to use money productively

would a national capitalist economy allow financial institutions to engage in speculation?

i'm freaking out, i'm freaking the fuck out. I am germanic-polish and i've always been a wehraboo.

I didn't know until a month ago that the commie jews had an armed uprising in 1918-1919.

Now I find out exactly how the banks tried to fuck Deutschland into the financial coffin that was the Versailles Treaty.

Now I find out how Hitler brought the economy back: barter work for the people(gov't works, roads, infrastructure, etc) for certificates worth that work, and bam you have a sheet that says i worked this hard, i've earned this much.

an equal exchange is made that benefits the community initially and then benefits the individual, thus rewarding him for working for the community.

and the goddamn jewish run banks shut that idea down because it wasn't going to line their goddamn pockets.

I'm 10000% fucking mad. Goddamn mad I tell you. Fucking mad.

So what is NatCap in your opinion then?

We have crony-capitalism, or corporatism. Where the government gives corporations a helping hand (2008 bailout as one example). Big banks are too involved.

Free-market capitalism is what America needs to get back to if we're going to sustain ourselves.

At least you both agree that people should help each other. Think of it that way.

Whatever mistakes Hitler made, we're all fighting together this time. Northern, Eastern, Western, Southern, and Central Europeans. No doubt about it. Europeans are different tribes of the same race, and just like tribes made confederations and nations to deal with outside threats in ancient times, we're going to stand by each other while respeting our cultures and unique populations.

National Capitalism would be an end to corporatism through nationalistic means and constitution to limit the power of government and eliminating figureheads from cooperating with Corporations. Similar to what trump is doing but to a greater extent.

crony capitalism exists everywhere because it is mutually beneficial to both corporations and politicians. how are you gonna eliminate it? by banning bailouts? or by abolishing the federal reserve?

both are practically impossible btw

It's when businesses try to help their own government by working together instead of working with other governments or for themselves.

Free market = jews gang up with their cult and dominate the markets. Then they start selling cuck porn, practice usury, and sell toxic products.

National socialism just protects society better from the dangerous elements.