Mainstream Memedia

Drumpf BTFO

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>even BBC is getting in on the echoes shit
what the fuck brits get your house in order

>This is actually the best they have
Ive never been so sure that we've won and the left destroyed in my life than right now in this moment looking at this

It's like they don't even try

Is man resorting to forcing internet memes now?

Is msm resorting to forcing internet memes now?

>all mainstream media reports on (((internet memes))) mocking trump
>literally never saw the memes until the media reported them
>the media is still going to try and pretend they aren't a partisan hack of a lugenpresse

It's actually kind of astounding how they continue to discredit themselves.

It fits desu.
Trump has not shown any of his strong sides yet.

>brits pay to be brainwashed

>5 days to become reach the lowest approval rate in history of US Presidents