Is he, dare I say it, /our guy/?
Blaire White
>Implying she wasn't always /our guy/
Where's the sex tape, though?
what up with this shill'??'
I would sniff its feet and butt. Anyone else with me?
Blaire's always been /ourguy/.
she's really shitty at using makeup tbqh
bw is civic nationalist cuck
she's not even aware about the JQ
Nat Soc
What a disgusting freak. And I like trannies for the record
I want to lick >her
am gay now?
Congratulations, faggot.
Would smash
...With ballpeen hammer.
if it looks like a girl you call it a girl
this is the bro code
she is pretty good at what she does, even if her redpill status is at a low level
those Slav qts look too fragile, I like German women.
it depends on if she has a feminine penis or not. idk how butchered her fake tits are either.
wtf I love traps MORE now
the only thing up for debate is how many trannies each bro is allowed to have
the christian bro code is one woman per man, but is it different for trannies waifu's?
Kill yourself insane deranged faggot
>even if her redpill status is at a low level
Did you even watch the video?
She drops some redpills.
>posting that stale old meme fetish
Get with the times grandad
Real women have vaginas. Kill yourself you mentally ill faggot abomination
i've seen tits, haven't seen a penis yet
yeah, but pretty basic stuff, she isn't talking JQ or genocide
The tranny voice only makes me harder.
it suffers from a severe mental illness
and needs to be purged
I love them all but must admit that there's something about Slavchics that I find irresistable
Kill yourself disgusting faggot apezilian nigger
>dat man voice
confirmed our girl who is this babe anyway I am in love
>allowed in a Christian society
she's really cute :3
looks very similar to my ex (female)
Kill yourself faggot leafnigger freak you are sick in the head
christianity is dead my man that's why we're making the bro code
Kill yourself repulsive faggot abomination.
My penis doesn't care.
Kill yourself autistic faggot neckbeard weirdo
I'm not gay but I want this trannies penis in my mouth.
Why are drumpfkins low iq retards and sexists?
>fastest growing, most widespread religion in the world
>tfw I've been having some confusing feelings and could end up as another nazi trap/tranny if I can't fight off the degeneracy
I've already got a plan to try and resist it, but I just don't know if I'll make it Sup Forums. Are fe(males) that agree with Sup Forums on just about every issue really that horrible for our cause?
So the younger generation of white people are starting to stop hating themselves and maybe even have pride in their race, but where does it end? I'm fine with whites liking themselves and all, but there's clearly a history of them going genocidal when not "kept in check" so to speak. Just saying it how I see it as a person of color.
Kill yourself you gross faggot nigger. You are fucked up there is something wrong with you. Go to a tall building and jump faggot nigger
i rather live in a normal brown world
than a faggot white world.
Kill yourself gross ugly faggot freak. Mentally ill faggot abomination
dude even your fellow chinks are buying into christianity.... there has to be more to life than rice and starcraft
Stop making blanket statements about an entire race of people, you bigot.
chinks make pretty good trannies though
a broken clock is right twice a day I guess
still mentally ill
Is it just me or is Blaire White's face looking more...masculine these days?
You literally owe me €3,000.
there's none of that nonsense here, never has been
feels good desu, feels even better to live in an ethnic nation state among compatriots who share the bond with the land
we have a lot of Slavic girls where I live and I never had 1 conversation with one that didn't turn into an argument. it didn't even have to be about politics, even getting the time became an argument.
the nigga got a thick ass penis, its a he
your nation is famous for producing prostitutes for civilized nations. You are the biggest bunch of pussies in the balkans as well.
she's always been incredibly masculine
I think she just used better angles in previous videos
her brow ridge is intense as fuck
your average tranny even manages to be incredibly attractive compared to her
I find that people are different in burgerland regardless of their heritage
I have had my share of arguments with them but can't really characterize them as such; then again, I've only had Slovene, Croat, Serb, Bulgarian and Czech qts to sample from
who cares what a mongrel like you thinks, I don't give a fuck about anyone I don't personally know
Chinks are being pushed into christianity by kikes to gain control of them next after they are done with us whites. Why do you think jewish men are marrying asian women at such a high rate? Gotta break into that society some way, goy.
Friendly reminder that all the nu-alt right that worships trannies, fags pepe and trump will hang with the rest of the degenerates and depraved on rope day.
Who is this turk rape baby calling a mongrel? We exterminated our native populations. you ARE the native population, lol!
Fag enablers are as bad as the fags themselves.
You deserve every misfortune that befalls you and more.
No. Traps R Gay.
You're mongrels because you are a mish mash of random whites. You have no identity, all you have is america which is only a few hundred years old and founded on usury and sodomy.
> turk rape baby
I suppose your history lessons start with 18th century, that's ok kiddo, as long as you are able to sum up all fractions of your heritage to the whole
You just wait for that day of the rope.
You forgot to complain about anime on this weebsite, though.
When is the day of the rope? Let me guess, the same day of the Rapture, and the day communism wins?
>people are actually referring to a dude as a "she"
Every day is the day of the rope. Every day you retards receive the wages of your sin. You die of aids, you're thrown off rooftops, you're left depressed, addicted to drugs, living life as libertine pig awaiting your slaughter. It will just keep tumbling like a showball down a mountain and you have no way of stopping it, because your enemy is yourselves.
He has a penis.
This is an /lgbt/ raid thread, they happen all the time.
>zer zim it
Yes goyim, fuck those traps....just think you'll never be able to have any disgusting kids to ruin your life
right here senpai, i'd suck that feminine penis too
>complain about white genocide
>love gays and fuck traps which isn't gay
such a fucking joke. They've become as hypocritical as those leftist "which button do I press" memes.
implying you wouldn't
Bruuuuh I knew far rightist were fcking retarded
But now they even need a fcking tranny to have some relevance
Ultimate kek
Even if he had a vagina I wouldn't, I'm not promiscuous
So many fags ITT
>be white male
>see your people being attacked
>no one listens to you without patronizing you
>transition into a transgender
>become woman of the year
>transition into transgender
>defend whiteness
A rare leaf who stayed on the tree.
That's not a tranny. I demand proof! No way in hell. Or maybe asians are just naturally more feminine
>entry-level traps like Bailey Jay.
That hardly even counts as liking trannies anymore.
He looked better before he went on hormones.
Kill yourself deranged mentally ill faggot
He has a bigger Adam's apple than you
Im triggered
You are just now figuring that out?