Pol pretends to be Christian and anti degeneracy

>pol pretends to be Christian and anti degeneracy
>doesn't follow the Bible

Your not Christians you're hypocrites

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If the Constitution isn't a suicide pact, neither is the Bible.

Jesus didn't run a country

Your entire argument goes to shit when it turns out I'm not a christ cuck. Fuck off faggot.

we believe in kekism tho...

I agree OP, that's why I'm not a Christian
Fuck Off We're Full

>When non-Christians use the Bible to try and manipulate actual Christians

The old testament is for the Jews, send them all to Israel.

So Leviticus is on the table? I mean I'm personally cool with that but there are a few other parts to that book you might need to consider before telling Christians to follow it again


>leviticus says we need to let in refugees!

but leviticus also says we need to execute homosexuals

>Only the parts I like are true!