Knowledge Bomb. US Coup/Civil War Operation

MSM & Hollywood has been pushing for a coup/civil war/killing of leadership in the US for a while now.(They started doing this at the end of the 2016 election, and increased it after Trump won/became president.). Michael Moore is part of this, he proved his "directing" skills at the Soros/Islamic Womens March.

Social Media(Twitter,Facebook,Reddit) has been doing massive Censorship against anything Trump/Conservative/Nationalist/Populist/Alternative/Independent. The CEO of Twitter even said/hinted that a "Arab Spring" might happen in the US.(It wouldn't be the first time Twitter assisted in a Soros operation) CTR/Shareblue is also very active with AstroTurf & David Brock(working with the Dems/DNC again) has been trying to create the "impeachment" atmosphere.

Deep State/Rouge Intel agents/7th Floor people along with former O staff have been causing/doing some leaks/sabotages of the Trump Admin. They've came out of the shadows, and are likely going to get double crossed by the Globalists who used them.

Obama is connected within this whole thing. Connections to the CIA/Deep State/Rouge Intel agents, White House staff that used to be his, Soros & Running protest groups/organizations(He was a "Community Organizer" if you remember), all while living still in DC. The book "Rules for Radicals" comes to mind involving this whole thing, along with how O also is running a parallel Shadow Government.

Soros(George & also Alex) wants to do a Arab Spring/Ukraine style operation to/in the US. This is very important to understand due to all the protests/marches/groups/networks he is funding/backing right now. His destabilization operations have blueprints/systems to them that can be identified.

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

PAST THREADS TO DIG INTO: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Future topics I plan on covering:

1) Twitter HQ

2) The Soros

3) Saving the West & Family by destroying Feminism.

Important information in this thread & the ones coming up.

tell me about the pyramids. what power do they have?

why new pic

pls change goodyear to (((current year)))

how do we combat this

Because a Leaf was using my older one for abit & also figured the picture needed a change for some thread information going forward.

K Keep me posted