Combating The Shills

By now we are all aware of the shills on here. You know the ones who spam "DRUMPF BTFO", "REDPILL ME ON X", HOW CAN HE POSSIBLY RECOVER", and any thread that has a low quality OP and is anti-Trump. Shareblue, CTR, /leftypol/, call them what you will. But I will tell you this: IT DOES NOTHING TO CALL THEM OUT BY THOSE NAMES. Why? Because they want you do to that. They want the attention because it gives them (you)'s and a reason to keep derailing threads or keep bumping their slide threads.

So then I ask what can be done? Well simple,you have to use their tactics against them. Reporting threads and not responding to shills is also a good method, but the mods can't be on all the time and neither can they be trusted. Also newfags are too idiotic so they'll respond to the shills anyway. By using their tactics against them, you can derail their shill thread into your shill thread. Take their copypastas and twist them into something Pro-Trump. Create a low quality pro-Trump post in their shitty thread and keep posting it over and over. A great method to read up on are Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. This is the best way to study up and use their tactics against them

So remember, read up on their tactics, twist them and use them against the shills, and above all else, DO NOT CALL THEM SHAREBLUE, CTR, OR /leftypol/. THEY THRIVE ON THAT.

Other urls found in this thread:

It is also best that you familiarize yourself with the tactics the shills use to. Lately they have been using tactics two and three the most


or just do this

By now we are all aware of the shills on here. You know the ones who spam "DRUMPF BTFO", "REDPILL ME ON X", HOW CAN HE POSSIBLY RECOVER", and any thread that has a low quality OP and is anti-Trump. Shareblue, CTR, /leftypol/, call them what you will. But I will tell you this: IT DOES NOTHING TO CALL THEM OUT BY THOSE NAMES. Why? Because they want you do to that. They want the attention because it gives them (you)'s and a reason to keep derailing threads or keep bumping their slide threads.

So then I ask what can be done? Well simple,you have to use their tactics against them. Reporting threads and not responding to shills is also a good method, but the mods can't be on all the time and neither can they be trusted. Also newfags are too idiotic so they'll respond to the shills anyway. By using their tactics against them, you can derail their shill thread into your shill thread. Take their copypastas and twist them into something Pro-Trump. Create a low quality pro-Trump post in their shitty thread and keep posting it over and over. A great method to read up on are Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. This is the best way to study up and use their tactics against them

So remember, read up on their tactics, twist them and use them against the shills, and above all else, DO NOT CALL THEM SHAREBLUE, CTR, OR /leftypol/. THEY THRIVE ON THAT.

By now we are all aware of the shills on here. You know the ones who spam "DRUMPF BTFO", "REDPILL ME ON X", HOW CAN HE POSSIBLY RECOVER", and any thread that has a low quality OP and is anti-Trump. Shareblue, CTR, /leftypol/, call them what you will. But I will tell you this: IT DOES NOTHING TO CALL THEM OUT BY THOSE NAMES. Why? Because they want you do to that. They want the attention because it gives them (you)'s and a reason to keep derailing threads or keep bumping their slide threads.

So then I ask what can be done? Well simple,you have to use their tactics against them. Reporting threads and not responding to shills is also a good method, but the mods can't be on all the time and neither can they be trusted. Also newfags are too idiotic so they'll respond to the shills anyway. By using their tactics against them, you can derail their shill thread into your shill thread. Take their copypastas and twist them into something Pro-Trump. Create a low quality pro-Trump post in their shitty thread and keep posting it over and over. A great method to read up on are Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. This is the best way to study up and use their tactics against them

So remember, read up on their tactics, twist them and use them against the shills, and above all else, DO NOT CALL THEM SHAREBLUE, CTR, OR /leftypol/. THEY THRIVE ON THAT.

I'm saving this for future posting.

You're just a newfag. There aren't any shills here just anons baiting for (You)s

>same threads over and over

>there are no shills goy, nothing to see here


eh believe whatever you want. It's funny to see how it's always the same idiots who believe in the jew meme also spam shill in every thread.