History of the world in 16minutes

Found this while looking for historical video documentaries.

> m.youtube.com/watch?v=ymI5Uv5cGU4

I thought it was very interesting, and I'm curious as to what Sup Forums thinks of it.

I thought it curious how rapidly some kingdoms rose and fell.

Watching Alexander the Great build his empire, then it dissolve into separate nation States in which Rome just comes in and takes everything back over.

Also around 700AD, the Islamic conquest was massive. I didn't realize they controlled that much land. I wonder why the first Islamic caliphate collapsed.

Very interesting.

I love how in 1099, the whole ME is dark green Islamic, then at 1100, a little patch of yellow appears over Jerusalem, indicating ownership by France.

Top kek. Amazing it lasted as long as it did.

>he still believes in linear history
>he hasn't taken the nonlinear redpill

i feel bad for you

history of the world in a single image







im sorry but this is just bad history. not that its factually inaccurate or anything but the focus on nation states or empires ignores how little direct control any of these had at any given point in history.

history isnt a list of who was in charge of what at what time, its how tradition and ritual is passed down many generations in context of competing traditions from other groups. simplifying into "hurr durr the romans controlled all of dis" ignores all of the shifting of ideologies and power between various groups at varying levels of society.

this is why hume got the fall of rome so terribly wrong, and why european historians have laboured under the delusion that the ottomans came to power through purposeful jihad

World history in three phrases

6000 or billion or who fucking cares-1776:tldr bigly

1776-2016:America makes this planet worth inhabiting but is kinda gross

2017 Trump puts the universe on notice that he runs shit now

this comment is asinine

I posted a visual timeline of the history of the world. It's on a macro scale. It's just a cool picture, it's not a historical treatise.

if you think its "cool" to post super simplified pop-history graphics that say nothing but the shitty bias they were created with, then i guess you probably also get your ww2 history from call of duty

stop spreading pop-history
its just as bad as reposting something from the "i fucking love science" fb page as real science

on the other hand, the foreigners around the world thing was rad, lots of ideology to sink your teeth into

rip kingdom of jerusalem


I liked the improved video showing not a damn thing going on in the Americas besides a few death cults in the jungle until Spain set up shop.

who published these

Nation's and empires come and go all the blood sweat to build them will ultimately be forgotten therefore what was the point?

humans are pretty fucking cool
wish we could remove muslims tho

Careful, you might become a Buddhist with that logic.