What do you think boys? Read this..get headache. Wat do?
Sup Forums: The Skeleton Key to the Rise ofTrump
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kek'd heartily.
It's in Italian.
>Make massive generalisations about Sup Forums users
>Everyone on Sup Forums is a NEET
>Everyone knows that Trump is full of shit
>Gamergate didn't achieve anything
I'm guessing the author of this stopped browsing Sup Forums half a decade ago, they seem to think that Sup Forums only has stereotypical /r9k/ posters on it.
There is some truth in this article. A lot of young guys whose lives suck adopt a 'fuck the normies' culture that latched onto racism and fascism.
Hayes is a nigger name in Missouri.
The author conveniently gave the SJW version of events for Gamergate which basically dismisses anything and everything that happened.
Sure, he's right that (paraphrasing) Gamergate was autistic but at the same time they did uncover gamesjournopros and did villify anyone and everyone who didn't constantly espouse the SJW agenda.
It was interesting to see the author acknowledge that the whole 'white privilege' thing and 'empowering women' came at the cost of young white men who definitely don't inherently have any power in a society that doesn't want them, need them or provide avenues of success.
I love it how the author seems to believe that 'sjws' are all just empowered women when we know that many of them are either virtue signalling celebrities doing slacktivism so that their buddies think they are good people or basement dwelling failures of life like Ryulong the guy who obsessively edited the Gamergate article on wikipedia and has been confirmed to be a NEET who lives with his parents at age 28.