So somebody told me this:

So somebody told me this:

"True Judaism - Mosaic Yahwehism - ended in 70 AD when the Romans blasted into Judea, razed Jerusalem, vaporized the Temple, ended the daily sacrifice and annihilated the Levitic priesthood.

Their house has been desolate ever since - exactly as Jesus prophesied.

What Jews are left with is the hideous "Synagogue of Satan", a Talmudic death cult that worships Leviathan the Serpent, not the God of Abraham, Moses, King David and the mighty prophets of Israel.

This is why they tend to be messed up psychologically."

But if I'm correct in my history, and I'm pretty sure I am, the Romans were in Judea about sixty years before Jesus was Born.

The question is though, was Jesus still right even though this guy is a little wrong on his historical accuracy?

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Bump for knowledge

As unpopular as it certainly is on Sup Forums...

All religions change. Nothing is "pure" or original. Even Islam had a golden age around 1k years ago.

Right but what I'm asking is if Jesus was right in that Judaism has been desolate as he predicted?

Jesus is Isaiah, Joshua of the hebrew bible. Jesus Christ is not a historic human.

it's correct. Judaism as we know it was founded After the death of Christ. It's newer than Christianity.

go to the 7:00 minute mark and watch this in

The Judaism around the turn of the first century was not the Judaism that existed before the Babylonian exile just as the Judaism of today is not the Judaism of the first century. All religions, despite their claims to cosmic truth and infallibility, are subject to the affects of human action...war, famine, politics, even popular culture.

But yes the priesthood was eradicated. I do remember reading that somewhere. That "somebody" may have been slightly off when it comes to the timing of events but he's right about the change in the Judaic religious practices.

wrong video
again: 7:00 in incognito

Yes, that exact event is part of the pattern God uses to prophesy. There's usually two or three times any prophecy given happens close to how it is described; even though Jesus was speaking of this exact thing happening in the last days on earth, it happened just years after he told this to his disciples as well. Its amazing how interconnected all scripture is, and another testament to the Bible containing truth. This happens with many different themes and types as well throughout the Old Testament concerning things about the end times and Revelation in general.

Proof of the Levithian

and here is his buddy whaly

Wow that's an awesome video, thanks!


why would jesus be wrong on the historical accuracy



Not Jesus, the guy who told me about what Jesus said, ya silly.

how so

>But if I'm correct in my history, and I'm pretty sure I am, the Romans were in Judea about sixty years before Jesus was Born
But they didn't raze the temple and they let the Levites live. Judah- ism was alive. State of blind coma, but alive.
Now we have these goblin necros.

>they didn't raze the temple

Until 70 AD. They cast out the last remnants in 144 AD.

The whole world is going to fall apart. All of this stuff between Christianity and jews is starting to come to a head.


Indeed, which is why I bent the knee to Jesus. I saw exactly what is happening, and Jesus tells us the ending of it all too. Only he is the winning side at the end of all this crazy stuff going on in the world. You had best pray and pick up a Bible if you aren't a brother in the faith already. Even worse times than this are coming soon.

>MFW LDS were right...


>>Jesus is Isaiah
Immanuel not Isaiah.

Like I said, I thought the Romans arrived in Judea decades before Jesus was born.

if you build it, He will come

It's kind of weird to to think that these are the end times...

Immanuel is one of the many titles for Jesus.

His hands are stretched out still

religions change when the people change. Have Jews ever been known to assimilate?

The Muslims golden age, was during the period of great wealth and slaves that they STOLE from Europe.

Theres a reason they have a saying

"light skin like a slave"

Their 'golden age' ended when the "white persians" and others that they stole died off or the smart ones that belonged to their region racemixed with the south africans.

they did

Jesus' actual physical existance is cross verified by many sources, the least of which is the Muslim Koran.

Right but the guy was saying the Romans came in at 70AD which is after Jesus died.

That's what I meant. I'm seeing now from the responses that the Romans were driven out temporarily which explains the confusion.

God killed Jesus because he wasn't a devout Christian

I can't answer specifically. The Holy Bible has been rewritten so many times. It's a living document.
It's very difficult to gauge times and dates.
For example, the first council of Nicaea deciding which bits of the Holy Bible to 'include'.
The teachings of Christ are a constant. The sermon on the mount cannot be changed.

There are many resources online for bible study. This website is one of the best:
pic is my church.

Some more learning on Jews and how they think they're going to rule the world.

Can we really trust "historical accounts"?
Can we really trust historians who may be part of an agenda and/or biased?
Can we really trust scientists who may be part of an agenda and/or biased?
Can we really trust any bible or spiritual text?
Can we really trust our own perception? and senses?

Everything can be manipulated... history, scientific documents, your life, etc.

I feel we're all messed up due to the human condition. We're basically left down here to our own defenses and no higher intelligence/lifeform/being has come down here to make it better yet.



Ironically, there is a very small remnant of Jews left who practice Judaism more of less as it was before the Temple was destroyed. Unsurprisingly, they're considered as outcasts by "traditional" Jews.

>higher intelligence/lifeform/being

Tesla and Jesus were already here tho.


Look how they have rewritten history in our own time. See how Trump and his supporters are so vilified.

We know much of history is written by the victor; what else have we been lied to about?

Yeah it's an impending feeling of something big happening, at least to all those who aren't spiritually dead aka normies

LDS believe crazy nonsense. I believe in what Jesus taught. And of course the rest of the Bible. There is no starbase Kolob. Just because they have large white families doesn't mean what they believe is true, a lesson Sup Forums needs to desperately learn.

It's scary to think about.

I was told to always use critical thinking skills and discernment and let that be the compass to determine if something is real or fake but it's not that easy. There's so many factors and ways they can convince you of a lie.

Honestly I feel the only way to truly know the truth about things that matter is to go into the woods and live with no electricity and no involvement with mainstream society. The hard road is always the redpill road.

I can think of a few things...

>tfw Goebbels was referencing what Lenin had said and what Jews were routinely doing in the press, and not staying his beliefs.