Who's fault is it?
Saturday night, and you're here browsing Sup Forums
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Honestly OP, it's Trump's fault. He is such a suburban and rural retard.
a shame he went blind
Sunday afternoon, drunk as fuck, got work tomorrow too, but eh..
Argentina isn't white.
He has a patreon now
I'm a good dad and I have kids, so I'm vegging out eating blueberries
Why are aussies literally living in the future? Redpill me on timezones.
What is with this meme that you're a loser unless you have social plans every saturday? I had sex with my gf today and im making 6 figures. Hurr durr but I didn't go our durr. I don't want to go out you faggot.
No one's. I'm joining the Army but I need to lose weight from all the drinking I've done while attending school. My college is full of insane libshits so I decided to nope the fuck out for four years and come back once the fire has settled.
All I do is eat, sleep, breath Army. Workout 6 days a week so strict dieting until I get to serve under GOD EMPEROR!
Is rustle's eyes ok?
Diabetus detected
I blame the Internet desu.
Post feet.
Delusional Argentinians actually believe this. Sad!
spent most of the day helping a relative who has severe health and financial problems.
came home, ate dinner, started watching the Bellator fights ( fuck you Mitrione for canceling your fight with Fedor ) then fell asleep. Just woke up again.
Its the niggers.
Its the jews, its always the jews.
Wife and kids are asleep. Now I play!
>mfw gf is under the desk, sucking my cock as I read your thread.
I blame my dad, my mom, my first girlfriend, and most of all myself. Also the people who decided it was a good idea to make opioids. just gonna nod off for a couple hours brb
It's not that they are on the future, rather that you cling on to the past. Hence why you browse Sup Forums yesterday.
Israel got nuked overnight and Trump started WW3 with Iran
you heard it here first
Rural and suburban retard detected
Fucking white people invented Internet.
>tfw I have to work at 6
>will probably end up lurking pol till 1am
Cuz I love you all
Rural and suburban retards'
This thread exists to distact and subvert.
Sage goes in the options field.
Purely mine, for some reason my mentally deranged self enjoys spending time on the autistic friend simulator more than going out to bars. I've pretty much alienated all my friends at this point.
That's it.
What's the best drug? As in best effects with the least amount of physical addiction/ withdrawal
got fucked up at a party last night, so spent the entire day recovering
Shit that was meant to go to
Trying to save money
Jk I'm in debt
Actually live in a college town.
I ate some Wendy's and played some WoW. Now I'm going to bed 11PM local.
Honestly I planned my evening this way. I enjoy the silence. Human interaction in a chore for me.
Not an argument.
Got on depakote for impulse control and calmed down a little but and dumped this short jersey social worker chicken I was dating. Almost immediately by chance bounced right back and started seeing a jew with huge tits. Finally I don't have work tomorrow and am enjoying sitting on my ass eating oatmeal cookies by myself
>been so far away from society there there's no chance of me coming back
>it's completely my fault
>but I would have to fundamentally change who I am and forget major truths to blend in with normies
>pussy is not worth this
>therefore alone on Saturdays
I'm at work and your taxpayer dollars are funding my Sup Forums browsing, so I guess you.
Why do you lie on the internet?
>tfw too smart to let this shithole effect my life in such a way
Women only go out with Chads and ignore good and smart guys like me, because feminism told them they could ride the cock carousel before getting married.
So I blame feminism.
Pedo Pride
Well, I'm just fucking off at work, so, I'm basically being paid $20 an hour to browse Sup Forums.
this I enjoy browsing the ch0n more than going out to bars and typically more than driving across town to hang out with the few friends that still live in my city and haven't moved
ex-wifes for getting hooked on meth and running away leaving me with the kids.
i'm not bitching about having my sons. I'm happy as can be, but 30 two kids and almost no personal life sucks man.
hope that bitch OD's though
But it doesn't. Sup Forums doesn't control me in any way. I was divorced from normies before we even had words for it.
Post the rest of the pic
i-its my wifes fault.
she showed me Sup Forums
No one's fault. I'm not a party animal and I much prefer staying at home, cooking my own meals and just relaxing by surfing the net.
I gotchu family
if your not actively redpilling people or fixing things, all those years will be wasted you realize that?
28 days later I'm still wide awake from winning.
>Capitalism in a nutshell
Same, one of my last friends got involved in the (((bar scene))) and I just can't justify hanging out in a loud, expensive environment with annoying people for mediocre conversation. Just end it.
it is an argument when your family history includes a lot of alcoholism
as much as I love it, I can't make a habit of it
I just got off a 10 hour shift and am checking up on news or any happenings today (none).
I'm very happy I work saturdays. Being off today would suck because every fucking store, restaurant, bar, show, or "thing to do" will be crowded as shit. Midweek weekend is top tier.
I went out every night of the week except tonight.
Feels good man.
Ey bro. Switch branches while you still can. If you want ultra red pulled comrades join the Marines. The army was hit hard by the social experiment brought on by the Obama administration. Probably 88℅ of Marines support Trump.
I would have to be a part of society to fix it or even interact with people in it.
>slept in all day because I work nights and had a headache
>have dream of having girl to hold tight while I slept with a headache
>felt so real
>woke up 12 hours later to see whole day wasted
I blame no one but myself but I already know life sucks
>implying alcoholism is a bad thing
I just got home from some bullshit. To be honest, Sup Forums+weed>night out drinking 99% of the time.
I actually watched Mad Max Fury Road with my bro and had a good old time. Now I'm just chilling
Did you incest with him?
i will check them
>tfw summer starts now in feburary
>went out every night of the week
Where I'm from we call that being a 'bum'.
I blame my job. Graveyard sucks. Sup Forums gives me a laugh in the middle of the night.
It's sunday morning and i fucked a hot korean girl last night
I remember when 13 year olds used to tell me this on Runescape.
Damn I would have automatically assumed she was Chinesse
the scary thing isn't that im on pol saturday night
the scary thing is that there's no where else ide rather be
Degenerate, prepare for purification
>trying to throw me under the bus, but outing yourself as a runescape dweeb in the process
Whoopty-wew laddy-lad.
>browsing Sup Forums while my gf snuggles me on the couch
I suppose I only have myself to blame
I'm trying to (((study)))
Blood pressure too high: doctor told me to stay in.
I was also 13 in my defense but either way it sounds trashy and unbelievable.
I'm at my friend's with a bunch of blue pulled whores. Drunk desu senpai. Bout to put a Trump baby in this skutter bitch. Yuengling 2017.
because It's kind of boring to just watch my bros play Resident Evil.
is that literally filename tho
i really have nowhere else to go anymore so I just do work around the house mostly
omg same. But I go to Leaf University. What are you studying Pajeet?
Oh, you think that's trashy, huh? Wait until you hear about how she gives me head while I'm on the toilet, taking a shit. She's a trooper.
I work 7 days a week. Saturday is just another day to me.