Basic Income

find a flaw

Other urls found in this thread: authors/Dalrymple, Theodore/Dalrymple, Theodore Life-at-the-Bottom.pdf

It doesn't work.

enjoyment usually takes over

everyone will be depressed and suicide rates will go through the roof

Go there, come back, and tell me if you still think it works.

You see that big red one "Money to live"?
That's my only reason to work. Remove that and I swear to god I'm retiring.

that's a lot of faith in people's goodness
people have lost their sense of community

I can't. It's a great idea. Nobody has to worry about being able to survive, while people can still save and provide for the future.

I'd like to know where the money for the basic income is gonna come from though. Or why prices won't increase as soon as it's implemented.

This thread is bait, no meaningful question is asked. It exists only to distract and push a "lel xd" culture on this board.

Sage goes in the options field.

I think the idea is corporate taxes on automation

Tax the robots to feed the plebs

I'm broke as fuck and I don't think about "money to live." I just buy shit on a whim. Probably why I'm poor.

You're retarded. UBI is a meme

>A country of NEETs
>weebfags suddenly have money

Of course Japan. USA will gladly slide further into degeneracy

Your premise is fantasy

With what? This is just another take on maslows preexisting hierarchy.

Actually, you're right. Think about how many people will use that basic income to buy plastic shit and ronery pillows..

Let's say they introduce UBI of $30k a year for every working-age American. Why would anyone making less than $30k annually continue to work? Every low-end service job that hadn't yet been automated would disappear overnight


>Why would anyone making less than $30k annually continue to work?

Because then they get 60k


Without religion in there, your image is flawed. Without religion humans will only focus on selfish reasons to do stuff or to do as little as possible as someone else does all the work. We've come a long way from tribes and civilizations can not last if the religion symbiosis is broken and we degenerate back to tribes.

not this shit again.

This is reality. Sadly.

Not enough resources for everyone to have as much as they want. Basic income would cause just enough inflation to keep things forever out of reach of those who don't work to earn more.

It is anti-worker. People who make lower wages are encouraged to give up work. Those with higher wages have to pay for those people who give up work. It's a fucking mess

There is none, add automation to this and we gonna live in a fucking gommunist utopia.

>1 post by this ID

No surprises here. Ignore this thread.

Basic income only would work in white and European society. Billions of niggers, sudacas and chinks shouldnt get it since they breed like rats. If you are getting ubi there should be a limit of 2 children you can have.

Improved version

>Tyrone and Daeshondraniqua understanding to concept of saving money

We don't have a 99.5 percent homogeneous population dumbass. The niggers will just blow it on menthols, shoes, and niggerleaf. Then they'll be "gibs me mo dat"

If you're even slightly smart you can get rid of the red circle in less than 2 years. Your brain will function like that only if you stay in the same economic situation your entire life, and to me that just means you're a failure.

And even if I were to take your bait, I would argue that having enough resources to live is the only universally objective reason to work, all those other reasons are subjective.

Then sell them menthols and shoes. Everyone wins.

And the cries of "gibs me mo dat" become hollow

There is dignity in working

It doesn't work on me that's for sure.

>~270 million adults in US
>give each one $10,000 a year
>$2.7 trillion a year


The problem is shitskins are so dumb they buy those things without considering their actual monthly bills.

Give a nignog $10000 and he will still have troubles paying his monthly rent because he will blow it all on drugs.

It's the same reason why EBT food stamps doesn't allow people to buy alcohol, because retards would spend all their allowance on booze in the first week and then starve and then turn to crime to steal food when they need it.

Shitskins operate on a pure emotion based "In the moment" type of anti-reasoning. They do what they feel like doing without consideration for consequences.

How exactly? Asking for a friend.

Yeah, but they do that now. With a basic income, maybe less would.

And even if not a single nigger straightened themselves out, they'd get ZERO sympathy from anyone, because everyone knows that they have a basic income.

Yep. Its why Japs and chinks have only been here for less time yet are far more successful because they understand wealth accumulation.

Shontaytay and demaindraquan just don't understand the concept of not acting on their animal impulses

Basic income for those who are actually looking for a job is ok.

If recent history has taught us anything it's that there will always be some bleeding heart shitlib advocating and some politician buying votes. I'd love to give up on wage slavery and NEET it up, but the whole UBI thing is a pipe dream anyway.

you think so, why? Sources.

You accept anecdotal evidence?

If we could all live happy and free, why work?

You're implying most people actually care about any of that, and given the chance they won't be free-loading bottom dwellers.

Fuck off, Commie.

Less time working=more time to break the conditioning

> basic income

How about just getting rid of income tax?

Explain exactly what the amount should be and how you got it there, particularly in relation to existing social safety nets.

Protip: EVERY single proposal I've seen results in runaway inflation.

Think about why billionaires work

people stop working. even the naturally intelligent lose their potential through inactivity.

humans are animals. we need adversity to live.

>thinks billionaires work


why even live fampai

Correct. Existential dread arises from leisure. But this is not a flaw, but a feature.

> half the pop. commits suicide
> weak genes removed from gene pool
> labor market improves, salaries go up
> UBI no longer needed

You are right OP. After all, look at the creative, self-actualizing, lives people on welfare live now.

True, it's a big reason of why I have trouble seeing niggers as human. They're not intelligent enough for long-term planning and creating budgets.

check brojar Nathaniel vid on that.
I was pro basic gobs until fucking redpill mate

The other reasons don't magically grow to take up that space, that space just stays empty.

The flaw is that there is no purpose for the vast majority of people to exist in a world where this is viable.

Yeah, man, everyone is going to go work at the sewage plant to treat our water if they have basic income!

All the kids will grow up and say "I want to be like Jamal the garbage man when I grow up!" because they have basic income!

Every kid will want to rush into the concrete industry because of basic income, man!

Ohhh....wait...none of that will happen.

Where is the crime and violence bubble?

Your forgetting the robits

>Net spending on social programs is already nearly 2 trillion dollars annually

This is also including the costs of the bureaucrats and services to actually provide these social programs.

You honestly might end up coming out ahead. I'd still prefer a negative tax, though.

I see more reasons to work, more motivators on the left picture.

If you can give yourself tasks you can still work, whether or not you work for money, so there's no difference.

If you are a bit lazy and have to be pushed around a bit, then you work for money to survive.

I fail to see how this isn't the better choice.

Reminder that Basic Income is literally the new scam from the old communists

There would be plenty of reasons to work. For personal enrichment, for extra cash to afford things beyond the basic necessities, etc.

That said, until all the shit jobs that no one really wants to do are fully automated, guaranteed income will never work.

Go build a trash man robot and make our utopia then you fucking pleb.

>find a flaw

How many people on welfare do you see in the right column OP? Do you think they're self improving and helping their communities?

Niggers have had basic income for decades and their communities are shit. Permanent welfare is never the answer.


>meet people

where the fuck do these people work? Work is nothing like this. It's degrading, makes me want to kill myself, and everyone just avoids each other.

I only see one problem with your theory user...

>find a flaw
A person's head is filled with more than just "reasons to work". The red region in his head would really be replaced with "boredom and degeneracy".

>find a flaw

Sure. The flaw is human nature.

you can't seriously think that a legitimate argument for UBI is to claim that implementing it will remove all negative things from your brain, and that negative space will be replaced by all the positive things that were being repressed?

That argument can be used just as easily by the other side just by switching negative aspects with positive and positive with negative, like so.

You're going to have a bunch of low IQ men who are going to resort to violence to compete in the sexual market-place. All they will have to differentiate themselves will be size and aggressiveness since they will be out classed in other respects by other men who more closely align with the right hand side of your image.

>It doesn't work.
Are you speaking to yourself in 3rd person again?

>replace social programs costing $2 trillion with one costing $2.7 trillion
Why would we do such a thing?
>You honestly might end up coming out ahead.
By spending more money?

>This is also including the costs of the bureaucrats and services to actually provide these social programs.
Then add the cost of bureaucrats and services to the $2.7 trillion.

you can get all other categories from non-work things. 90% of society would collapse. the other 10% would be comprised of people who sell sensationalist bullshit to a bunch of retards who now have consistent money they don't have to work for.

fucking kek

In higher population western nations a UBI would actually be less expensive once you get rid of the bureaucracy involved with distribution and insuring people aren't defrauding the system.

no one would want to do boring shitty jobs.

Are there actually people against a universal basic income?

I'll take it over actual class warfare in like 30 years when all the shit jobs get replaced by robots.

No one's gonna make those robots in 30 years because we'll all have UBI.

Here, I improved it some more

>Implying the "before basic income" is needed

you should repent about those non-caritative ways my son

You're falling for the roboticization meme.

HAHAHAHA you think you'll be drowning in pussy when UBI comes around?

women are picky as FUCK already. when UBI comes around, and your ugly ass doesn't have the opportunity to be the "rich guy", you'll only going to be rejected MORE than you already were before. Women will have all the time in the world to find the PERFECT 6'4 CHISELED GOD-LIKE MODEL, which certainly isn't you

Will there be robots to tally me bananas?

Better use watermelons

i cant

read Theodore Dalrymple, the welfare state destroys culture.

if it does this to a white man just imagine the effects on niggers.


just look at the black community; the welfare state is basically already UBI

>no one works
>everyone does what they want
>works out perfectly don't it?
>the community is flourishing!
>so much self-improvement!

>read Theodore Dalrymple, the welfare state destroys culture

It's just an elite memé, Bubba Dean...

So, basic income is a jewish trick to destroy the white race

you haven't read it so read and then come back with an opinion.

fucking leaf, just watch a video about it then

>you haven't read it so read and then come back with an opinion.

Yeah, im gonna read it, but it's still a meme... authors/Dalrymple, Theodore/Dalrymple, Theodore Life-at-the-Bottom.pdf

wonderful, you know the best memes are the true ones.


Guaranteed basic income if the person agrees to sterilization.