soon, how do you feel?
Americans, California will return to Mexico
You people just bring overpopulation and filth wherever you go. God, how do you have pride in such a bottom feeding race? "Yeah esse, we movin in to cali!" All for what though? To ruin what we built? To make it look like where you came from? You people, long after whites leave this country, will be stuck in a constant inpoverished state with no one with the initiative to improve your nations.
is mexican a race?
You can keep it you subhuman filth.
Good riddance. Never liked California. I'll miss the National Parks, though...
Please no, you can keep that degenerate shithole.
We'll give you SoCal with out opposition as long as you agree to match any funding we spend on construction of the wall. Take it or leave it.
Why can't these be the types of Mexicans that immigrate to the United States?
As long as we can keep the northern half of California I won't lose any sleep over it.
let's give it back, so we can start a war with them again and retake it AGAIN and kick them out as mixifags
If we get to keep NorCal, you got yourself a deal.
Honestly keep it. There will never be another Democratic president and the 9th circuit court will cease to exist. The elimination of California is the best thing that could happen to us.
Even Californian Mexicans would rather be independent.
Seems like a good deal, fund it! Really, Cali is a shithole. There are less hospitals in California today than there was in 1970.
>my culture is the only acceptable
Burguer being burguer.
Please take it. We'll pay you.
We'll even throw in Texas.
You can have it its just a bunch of cucks.
sounds good.
Downside. The wall has to be longer
With no California Trump wins the popular vote by a few million votes.
You can have it.
No we keep Texas. They have guns.
Over the line.
California will soon have a military governor with a mandate to restore law and order and give the local shitlibs one-way helicopter rides.
Next stop after Sacramento, Mexico City.
If anything, Trump will try to retroactively increase the size of the Gadsden purchase to include the entire length of Rio Grande.
Let me get this straight. You dumb ass Mexicans wont leave America to northern gang infested Mexico. But you will leave as gang infested slightly more northern Mexico.
Lol brown people are such shit at logic.
Good luck beaner. it will be a burden off of our soldiers
I got friends in your country, and from what they've told me over the last 5 years... you REALLY shouldn't have you read the news about your own country? O_o
We lose the 8th largest economy in the world and give it to mexico..
I hope you aren't buying into Raj Chetty's illiterate zip code hypothesis.
I say we give you Cali and shoot on site any Mexicans that leave from there on as terrorists against the United States. Go gull east germany against them.
Sorry for Oregon and Nevada for becoming border states
I'm okay with it. The sooner, the better.
Stop shitposting Miguel.
we need NM too snowniggers. AZ is a white shitty place
Because the ones that look like that are probably the heads of the government and cartels. Why move to the US and be a normal person when you can live like a king in Mexico?
nah texas needs to go
throw in Arizona, new Mexico and Nevada while you're at it. Maybe Utah just to scare the shit out of them
US and be a normal person
or a slave
It snows in New Mexico you dumb bean.
Just the southern portion, we still keep the west mountain range. You get none of our precious mountains and that's final.
I like you, we need your nigger south part too.
What have they told you and where do they live?
Do not listen to this guy, he is a terrible negotiator. Makes bad deals! sad!
I know, I live near el paso. Ruidoso is full of mexican tourists.
You can have that shithole if you really want.
But if you put on foot on Atlantis we will nuke your country to the stone age.
Better idea, purge Mexico and make it a US territory.
After that, Day of the Rake for the Canuckolds.
where is dat
No. Those are full or near fully white spaniards.
We keep the redwoods.
All of the ones here look like pic related.
be careful what you wish for Mexico
Why are most if your politicians light skinned (direct spanish descendents)?
I know Mexicans who look like this here in America, aka they look like any fucking Italian, and they literally say things like "wow, white people are so racist towards brown people like me." They also use the term Latinx.
not only the politicians, north and west mexico is mostly white
The people in the central northern regions of Mexico—such as the states of Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, and Queretaro—have the greatest percentage of European admixture, at 78.5%, of all the states that have been genetically tested.[75]
because we discovered it in 1492
italian and spanish, they are the same.
there's plenty of non-brown ones, they just blend in.
Come and Take it faggot.
Dude, you crossed the line.
wait why would you give land to mexico? How about we just invade california and do a purging
disgusting. look how grotesque their faces are shaped
No mames guey. You think ANYBODY wants the DF running the show?
Hell, look at how many people are willing to literally walk across the fucking desert just to get away from the chillangos.
Protip. Loads of the mexicans that immigrate are actually guatemallans.
because they will live America in 2019
If those beautiful, kindhearted people have your idea of a grotesque face, what do you think of this?
You can have Southwest Arizona and all of New Mexico too.
Califorina will never be in mexico, if california dose end up part of Mexico I'm leaving
We would actually pay you to take that mess off our hands.
They're majority Hispanic.
Tfw based Californians will do what's right
Fuck trump
A good chunk of NM belongs to Texas Republic.
sounds good, but we want florida too.
Come get it amigo.
Florida is island spic territory; Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans.
The best part is that we don't even need to use violence, we already own the land in every aspect except in paper.
calexit in 2019
California is the most diverse state in the United States and that is something we are proud of. This diversity is a central part of our culture and an indispensable part of our economy. As a U.S. state, our immigration system was largely designed by the 49 other states thirty years ago. This immigration system has since neglected the needs of the California economy and has hurt too many California families. Independence means California will be able to decide what immigration policies make sense for our diverse and unique population, culture, and economy, and that we’ll be able to build an immigration system that is consistent with our values.
you rednecks hurt calis feelings
>california break away
>state of jefferson is created and still remains in the united states
>the new republic of california is not a signatory participant in the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
>mexico is now entitled possession of california that was lost from the war in 1848
>mexican soldiers invade after california outlaws all guns
Make it happen. Those liberals will get what they deserve.
fucking wish. Cant do it anymore though. The time when that was possible has long passed
please make it so
I hate California with every vestige of my being and wish it would sink into the ocean. That said I would fight to the death to prevent a single inch of it from falling into the hands of your third world shit hole.
I think of this when I see that face.
mexico needs to keep the white california liberals too, we don't need white refugees repeating mistakes in uncucked places
>california leaving the union
i feel elated
Take it. We Northern West Virginians hate California as much if not more than we hate Southern West Virginia
It would be great if Mexico got California back. Hollywood and Silicon Valley would both be completely destroyed within a month. Cartels and other lowlife Mexican criminals (including their political class) would pick California's bones clean.
We can't afford to give it up sadely. The wall would cost too way more to build and protect, and we'd be losing resources. I hate the people that live there, but I hate giving free shit to Mexico more.
fuck aztlan
>building a wall when there's already a canal
Lol, take California? US essentially becomes a third world country.
What a surpise, none of those people are white.
I'll be given a chance to relocate, right?
I don't want to be a Mexican.
Shut up, fake Texas. This doesn't concern you.
>To ruin what we built?
What in the fuck are you talking about guy? California already ruined itself. You should be hoopin and hollerin that they're getting taken over.
not exactly
demoncrats ruined CA
there's millions of Trump supporters there and the decades of gerrymandering to the point where they rigged the election before the rigged machines come into play, shit became hard
CA is US soil. Does anyone really think that pencil neck nieto could negotiate such a thing from Trump?
Promise to go full cartel on Pedowood and Silicuck Valley when you do.