So what conspiracy theories, if true, are the scariest or most unnerving?
So what conspiracy theories, if true, are the scariest or most unnerving?
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bix nood dinga bo bo muhfugguh niggA money?
Interdimensional psychic pedo vampires
elites are servants to lucifer
why is that photo so creepy
>why is that photo so creepy
literal Rothschild party in france
Trump is a puppet of russia
The fact that no one has been hung or shot for 9/11 yet really scares me; it been 15 years guys and ya'll burgers have all the guns.
>why is that photo so creepy
Because when the richest people in the world (who can afford literally any entertainment they want) decide to go with taxidermy heads, you know they're very, very creepy fuckers
This book is a history of the Rothchild family.
It's worth reading.
Well, tell us about it a little?
You think they will charge that's fuckers never. Why do u think W paints all those dead soldier paintings etc. he's got all their blood on his hands. Probably the only way he can sleep at night.
Agenda 21 depopulation
It's a lineage tracing the family with narration about the family's activities through the years.
Go back to tumblr you kike
I know, but I don't get why they're getting away with it. Seems to me everyone knows at this point knows their treason.
Yankee trash
God is real and he is watching.
Ow faggot, that tumbler comment hurt.
sorry, thought thats how all y'all burgers talked.
no need to be a nigger about it.
For me it's the one where an ex-Jesuit priest came to Jack Chick and revealed to him that the Vatican was a descendant of ancient Babylonian mystery worship (in a direct, literal way). That the Catholic Church has been deceiving the world for centuries in order to accumulate riches and power as a shadow ruler, pulling the strings behind world events.
They control medicine, the media, porn, D&D, and invented Muslims in order to persecute the true church and Jews.
The Jesuits are compiling all the names of protestants in a super computer in the Vatican which will be used in the oncoming Great Tribulation in which the true Church will be routinely martyred as they were in the Reformation.
Even as a Catholic (as badass as this conspiracy would be), it would terrify me if it were true.
This isnt a conspiracy at this point
Only the first two symbols kind of work, and only when you flip the middle one.
That nanotech is being spread through geoengineering/gmos to get out bodies ready for transhumanism, morgellons?
Also, the "Mark of the Beast" is actually 616. The 666 thing is a misinterpretation fueled by pop culture.
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on these two?
why are leafs always such little cunts? Is it really because you're passive aggressive Asians or is your country just pathetic?
The book by Malachi Martin, Windswept House. I searched to find out who characters were based on, and the satanic Cardinal who performed the ceremony installing satanism into the Vatican turned out to be tight with the Clintons. Holy Name Church is full of satanic shit the cardinal had put in there. Weird shit.
The world isn't being ironic.
>the Vatican was a descendant of ancient Babylonian mystery worship (in a direct, literal way)
Ive seen this before in some youtube 'documentary' but what are some actual more credible sources to research deeper into this?
Are we the true (((Jews)))?
The ancient Babylonian mystery cult is Judaism, though. Talmud was written there (400AD, in the area), and pharisees took their teachings from Babylon during Hebrew captivity.
Flat Earth
Everything would be a lie
What's bix nood even means?
I think the documentary was like know your enemy where it started out talking about the ancient babylonian mystery religion and then went through history up to modern times. but where did that dude that made that youtube documentary get the information from? what are the sources?
Osama bin laden being a cia agent
Elite pedophiles
New world order.
biggest conspiracy are the ones in front of us shamelessly.
bohemian grove
skull and bones
office of strategic influence
Hate on the south all you want, pansy, but we supply the bred soldiers that keep our military stronk.
I thought I was the only one (relatively speaking) aware of this. Doesn't the theory go that the 616 and "great beast" of Revelations correspond to political turmoil and dealing with a pain-in-the-ass Greek despot or something along those lines?
Satanic ritual abuse
Possibly. The hat bishops wear resembles a yamaka
I am an angel of the Lord. A watcher and every man has his sins recorded on video tape and you will not survive if you do not repent. Ask for forgiveness now.
That this will never end
literal VHS?
There IS an afterlife, I'm seeing ghosts quite often these days. As is this woman. I'm not convinced they're benevolent
So you're mentally ill then, right? I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there is zero evidence of an afterlife.
For you
Satan is real. It doesnt matter whether you are an atheist, christian, or w.e. The Christian concept of a dark angel, the great deceiver, is true. This evil has attempted to drive humans away from their divine (bening, loving nature) since the dawn of man's consciousness. Its worship can bring earthly, temporal power at the cost of immense spiritual suffering and terror. This evil has been manifested and worshipped by humans since before Christ (many aspects of pre-christian pagan rituals like human/child sacrifices and ritual sex). It is still practiced by many of the world's elites.
Ritual child abuse and torture is very real, and there is a very strong drive in culture to undermine the truth of Christ as saviot to keep mankind in chains.
Hitler was a posessed satanic puppet, the Nazis achieved a lot of their power through their worship of very dark ancient deities and rituals. The state of Germany today has a lot to do with the spiritual "curses" placed upon this nation for its wide embrace of Nazi "satanism". The same reason Mexico is suffering so greatly in its own way for its population's worship of santa muerte and other demonic pagan entities which are very real. Muhammad was a prophet of evil and that is why Islam can never be truly reformed - at its very core it is an ideology of destruction, dominance, and submission. The same can be said for Marxism and many aspects of judaism, going back to pre-temple times but especially the seeds of the pharisees and those who were chastised by Christ.
Tl;dr, nazi and pagan faggots on /pol are no better than beaner cartel members. They are not your allies, they are enemies in the oldest and most important of all battles for mankind.
Also, meme magic is real, but it will be co-opted by the enemy. Just like ebola chan....worship of kek will be used as a tool to drive useful idiots towards lowering their spiritual guard and worshiping powers they cannot understand.
I've heard of it being in reference to Nero. Both 616 (in earlier manuscripts) and 666 (in later ones) reflect different spellings of his name (Greek or Latin). It's theorized that it may have been a sort of code used to disparage the emperor.
In all seriousness this. In terms of what Jones said other dimensional beings are influencing our world to bring us down. Plus the elites are trying to live forever be escaping thus dimension. WHAT THE FUCK IS LIFE EVEN IF THIS IS THE CASE!?
Lucifer is Εωσφόρος in greek. ie Bringer of Light. The devil is never named in the bible. It is either called the adversary or bringer of light.
And you can numerically deduce that Εωσφόρος adds up to 616, when you use the greek alphabet combined with gematria (phoenician numbering system that the world adapted and uses to this day.)
It doesnt mean anything, its just gibberish from an anti-black sketch that was catchy 2bh
That isn't even what Jones said. He said elites are trying to communicate to other dimensional beings. Elites like Elon Musk who believes that we can communicate with the architects of the Matrix or some shit.
That the elite really do communicate with extra dimensional beings
God's really into Vaporwave.
Also to add there's the conspiracy that all serial killers are actually government hitmen and that the government is a running Satanist cults (also ties into proto-pizzagate stuff).
Thanks, next up should you want it , they found the space ship!
God knows it is the superior format
Another theory I've come up with is that we are in a simulation and the players are "good" and "evil". Where each player gets more points depending if people do good or bad.
nazis worshipped the black sun
part of the vril cult
vril performed underground cermonies with children to extract "vril energy"
literally just like moloch worship
vril-the coming race
hitler's rise funded by rothschild front ford
red cross proved jewish death were from typhus
debunking holocaust
holocaust prublished in ny times, before hitler was out of diapers
forgot one thing
like lincoln and JFK
hitler only fell out of favor with the int community(rothschild controlled), when he printed a germany currency, debt free, the riechmark
that "sculpture" in the pope's private church creeps me the fuck out
>bening, loving nature
You're a gay hippie retard.
That any orientation of space, time, and matter is possible. You only need the energy, knowledge, and will to make it happen. Good or Evil. And that certain psychopaths would enjoy locking others into a "I have no mouth and I must scream" reality.
that ww1, andd ww2 were cooked up by the eternal anglo elite and their jew butt buddy. and everything that followed, with the end goal of one world gubercuntment ran by anglo corporations and banks.
if proven true - that would mean they are the biggest pieces of shit to ever walk the earth.
and enemy of europeans.
>tfw that's my area code
The world is a loosh farm (positive and negative energy that living beings give off) to feed interdimensional entities.
This, 911 and that the holocaust isn't real
hello satan
holy shit... satan sent us a screenshot.
Shneersh - nigger game - I am honest
that conspiracy theories are invented and believed by people who need a method to reassure themselves that at least someone has a plan, that the world isn't just barely contained chaos.
Scroll down to the one titled Islamic connection
>>Former catholic here.
Watch this entire series, and prepare yourself, because you won't be able to die of old age. The final days are mere years away. The Lord your God is calling for you to come out of Babylon. He won't call you forever.
The sleepy sickness incident that left thousands of persons as comatose statues for the rest of their lives being a weapon test is pretty unnerving.
global warming
Santa muerte is not, in any way satanic, and perciving death to be something inherently evil is a sickness of the mind.
rich elites rape and sacrifice to moloch little kids
>scariest or most unnerving?
none of them because they are all fiction.
if fiction scares you, you're a kid.
that BBC is in fact superior.
bix nood tellm lik it iz nam saying 100%100%100%!!!
So a group of smart powerful people from Babylon figured out how the human mind works and started religion as a way to gain power and control? And they learned this by previously serving as leaders of tribes or cities or how?
I feel I want to know more about the power structure and hierarchy between the time when humans went for early agriculture and started forming cities and developing all kinds of things that has to do with civilization. Obviously they had some sort of free time to be able to create all this cult stuff, probably from having a functioning society with trade and food.
The Rockefeller depopulation plan.
They, the Jewish banker oligarchy, want to reduce planets population to 500 million.
And they get to choose who deserves to live.
That we actually are in an artificial reality, and everything is a simulation.
Raves are actually subliminal rituals for Satan, saturn, or Shiva. Trace music has its name for a specific reason, aside from the general style. Drugs are also part of this. The biggest thing about these rituals is that the rabbit hole goes deeper involving the cartels, clubs, and possible human trafficking or sacrifices. Pizzagate-level shit if they're all-ages without dividing minors and adults.
Our sun is alive and is feeding other entities.
>iron fair
>aliens banks
>200 child
>iq power
I thought that was scientific consensus
Yeah raves are always full of degenerates and sluts.