what are some pol approved movies?
What are some pol approved movies?
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American Psycho of course. /thread
Lord of the Rings Movies (Extended Editions)
LOL you stole my original Sup Forums thread you bastard
The Lives of Others
Thirteen Days
Come and See
The Day After
splain me why american psycho not in this list
Remember no one gave a shit about Bison until he wanted the world to recognize that the bison dollar was worth 5 British pounds
While not really Sup Forums related the movie Perfume was kind of interesting.
i love this movie so much
The second one was better
There is nothing redpilled about it.
The Princess Bride
... not that it's got anything to do with politics. I just really like it.
thought it was a pretty fucking terrible movie whenever De Niro wasn't on camera desu. Sup Forums approved? was I missing something? and before you ask, yeah, I saw the original cut with the original ending.
unironically this. Excellent film to remind yourself of the kind of thing you're fighting for. Sam's speech to Frodo at the end of the second film - "that's there's still some good left in this world" - is the cure for any blackpill
The movie was originally called Horst Wessel. Ein deutsches Schicksal and was banned immediately after it was first shown in October 1933, since Horst Wessel was shown in a prostitution- as well as Christian milieu. According to the Nazi Film Review Office the film "does neither do justice to Horst Wessel's personality nor to the national socialist movement as the leader of the state."[8]
Goebbels justified the ban as follows:
"As national socialists we do not particularly value to watch our SA marching on stage or screen. Her sphere are the streets. Should however somebody try to solve national socialist problems in the realm of art, he must understand that also in this case the art does not come from ambition but ability. Even an ostentatious display of a national socialist attitude is no substitute for an absence of true art. The national socialist government has never demanded the production of SA-movies. On the contrary: we see a danger in this excess. […] In no way does national socialism justify artistic failure. The greater the idea that shall find a form the greater the aesthetic demands have to be."[9]
Only after the film was revised could it pass the censors.
soooo underrated if you're referring to
actually fuck it Im gonna go watch that shit
That's the one. Also watch that Perfume movie I mentioned, the cover of the movie looks faggy and gay so I always assumed it was some movie for women but it turns out it was a pretty cool Jack the Ripper meets r9k autism style movie.
>american psycho
Schindler's List, but that one is obvious
Fuck Apocalypse Now. The brown water boys were not brain dead stoners. They were the beginning of a new riverine assault force within the newly formed Navy Seals. Mashed potato faced John "Swiftboat" Kerry aside......
A clockwork orange
how exactly is ACO "redpilled"?
Why the fuck has nobody mentioned Citizen Kane? It's literally [currentyear+2]