Italy is 3rd world now!

Alright eurocucks, you did it, you managed to be worse than south fucking america!

Here I was, coming back from my trip to Italy (disgusting traffic by the way), on my way to the airport I just parked at a crappy market to eat some shitty itallian food, the parking lot was pretty full, so I didn't worry to leave all my stuff inside the car, just like I do in Brazil every single day and absolutely nothing ever happened.

Well, turns out when I came back, some rapefugee blew the back window of my rented car and took every fucking thing that was inside my bag. My laptop, iPad and about $1000 in cash, all gone. I don't know how the fucker managed to do it without no one noticing, since that was a full parking lot at a pretty crowded location.

I was told that the rapefugee just waked by, blew the window, and in 1 minute he was gone, no one helped, the cops didn't even care, your people are disgusting, no wonder europoors will slowly die in another holocaust, so congratulations europoors, you just managed to be even worse than brazil, I wonder if you cucks enjoy watching those lazy stinking fuckers rapidly getting in your country while human rights just cucks the whole europe.

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> pic related
Also that happened 30 minutes before my flight, best trip ever!

Disgusting wops

Tl;dr: nigger went to wop land, got nog'd on

You're the same tho, the only difference is the fact that you have to pay the rapefuges for them to come in.

Pick one


Where in Italy were you though. I was in the North part and it seemed alright.

Whereas Italy conveniently fishes them out


South is really fucked up.

how's that criminal behavior any different from brazilian?

We don't have any rapefuges here, also the police helps the citizens

you have niggers and pardos

> Brazil
> Calling Italy Third World
top kek

Just gut one before your flight bro

Once the breaking point is reached Europe will revert to what it does best; absolute slaughter. Fighting amongs ourselves was incredibly bloody, now imagine all that directed towards a common enemy. Muslims should run for their lives, history has shown us the bloodlust of europeans.

That's the future you choose.

I thought a country of the 1st world was safe

>1st world
No longer the case in all areas of blue, because animals moved in

Your pic seems off.

as ironic as it is, he isnt wrong

Explicitly wrote that South and Eastern Euro cancer + subhuman arabs and nigger ruin the whole thing


Sorry Romario, we don't speak favelanese.

Your pic and what you said implies places like the UK and Germany are perfectly fine. France even.

> Australia
That's a funny way to spell Canada

I speak from perspective of natives

>See's flag
>It's Brazil
Fucking discarded

Oh shit! Get 'em, flip flop nigger. Euro poors just got cucked. Euro fags are such pussies. Go build some more castle-mansions for refugees to live in

Oh how cute, their offspring even goes to the school!

I wonder how many times a week they beat the white bois

>leaving valuables in plane site

give'em free monies!

It's over. I hate Italy now

You left your valuables visible in the back seat, not in the trunk.
I hope you learned your lesson.

And you have hackers, also the media constantly says you beat the shit out of your women, is that true?

Go to Mexico

dude, that was a 15 minute lunch, no one could imagine some dindu would come out of nowhere.

Wouldn't know, I'm South German/Swiss

Oh, I'm so sorry.