Are Jehovah's Witnesses the most redpilled Christians? They follow the Bible the closest and literally successfully undegeneratize degenerates. Name more redpilled christians than the ones who are literally crusading and converting Africans, the zionists, the zealots, The Jehovah's Witnesses.
Most redpilled christians
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Those people came to my door and offered me a pamphlet. We talked for a bit and I said I would probably see them later.
But I'm so paranoid about human interaction I keep my house as quiet as possible whenever the doorbell rings now.
just in name.
Most redpilled would have to be the orthodox church since they still push the idea that jews are christ killers and lots of jewish organizations want them to excise those texts/traditions
>They follow the Bible the closest
Yes, fundamentalism, the ultimate red pill.
There's a reason why Hitler wanted to exterminate us all and why the current world climate conditions the masses to vilify us.
second place at best, not as redpilled as Mormons. their only failing is the fact that they love immigration from Mexico (partly because those people are easy to convert)
typical Japanese.
unless you're not from Japan, in which case, typical weeb.
Fair enough. Jehovah's Witnesses don't really care about Jews. They even have campaigns going on in Israel rn.
Sorry, the Mormons win that prize
Restoration, homie
I think it's because they don't really /see/ national boarders. Because of the "no part of this world" Jesus talked about they don't really give a shit about countries.
Are you a JW? On Sup Forums? Hwut?
The ideas are great, I even went to my local chapter or gathering or whatever it is called. The priest was advocating against hateful messages which included being politically correct.
Even so, definitely a cult, ugly members stay on the bottom, the chad church bois get all that sweet virgin pussy.
The leader was a charismatic doctor type, I swear he is an atheist. He was talking to me how they always need strong leadership and how medical professionals are always highly regarded.
Should I join the cult and get some free moneys ?
modern day arians
Yeah but the Mormons stopped going door to door. The JW have the advantage of the crusade.
this to be honest.
Non-trinitarians not allowed!
>tfw Mormons basically consider themselves to be the real Jews and even have their own word for goyim (gentiles)
>mfw food storage
>mfw huge family size + white population growth
>mfw The Family: A Proclamation to the World openly discourages miscegenation
>mfw nukes fell tomorrow a huge majority of the survivors would be Mormons
>mfw Word of Wisdom
>mfw law of chastity
redpill: the religion
JW's swallow blue pills by the pound. Just slightly different prescription than normies. There's a reason they go out recruiting during the day when women and the unemployed are traditionally at home. They grab the low hanging fruits to infiltrate family units. They then override the patriarchal authority. They're also protective of child fuckers just like the Catholic Church.
If you want the most loyal, conservative, tightest pussy around.
Nobody's perfect, obviously.
I at least don't allow you're 'progressive' hive-mind pro-NWO mentality to rub off on me. That's why no one here likes me nor gives my arguments credit and I barely ever post here (I usually post on Sup Forums cause that's what interests me).
I don't consider myself a political person. We don't get into politics, but we "render unto Caesar" like we're told in the Bible as long as it doesn't interfere with His Word (we don't vote, we don't go to war, etc.). We advocate for equality and liberty, which pretty much makes us liberal-centrists if you were to put us on the compass but we don't identify as anything political.
>Yeah but the Mormons stopped going door to door
u wot
Your religion was started by a 33 degree mason. Which is a proxy of a proxy then.
hope you know what that means.
Buddy, I'm one of them too. No need to get all mad.
I was never mad. No need to go mad.
Chill out, man. You gotta calm down.
>don't vote
>post on Sup Forums
I grew up as a jw, scary fucking evil cult. Destroyed my entire family
I am chill, dude.
We all have our quirks, but posting on a Finnish cereal mascot network does not imply you want to interfere with semi-predestined events.
That's only stateside
How is this not the most redpilled, perfect, family unit environment?
Literally can't argue. Atheist Sup Forumsacks eternally BTFO
I got this Dominican JW preacher who goes to my McDonalds and got me almost into it, I am going to my first service this week.
Is it the Sunday meeting or the midweek meeting?
This. If you want the purest of the pure virgins around, you should jump aboard the JW train.
Gotta work for it, though.
when will this meme end?
Honestly, I was thinking about this: Muslims seem to want to follow a prophet really bad but it doesn't even seem like they have a thing vs. false prophets since basically any prophet that comes out they just absorb into their collective like The Borg.
Therefore, what if Mormonism is what will save The West? We just need to spread the redpill that Joseph Smith = Next Muhammad then we could subvert Islam.
Once we do that we finally have the religion that will unify all mankind. Christ is still God but Muhammad is still the Prophet of Jesus and Joseph Smith is The Final Prophet before The End Times.
That said I am not the right kind of guy to witness to Muslims but its just an idea.
>Catholics and Crusaders
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the evil of Catholicism is being used by Satan to make us true Christians look bad.
Also reminder that the Catholic Church was a continuation of the Roman Empire.
Grew up JW with family and stopped going during highschool cause family stopped as well. I learned a lot growing up and feel like JW religion helped shaped me up to be the good person I am today. Thinking about going back to JW to find a wife, since many pretty girls are JW and they grow up to be virgins and loyal wives and not be degenerate whores like 99% of non-JW girls.
JW is an unbiblical cult. Please check the link:
Trying to flush me out? Alright, I'll take the bait. JW here, AMA.
Do it. This horrible world isn't worth dying for.
Tell me something to give it away.
Actually, JW are required to UPHOLD secular government laws and not be law breakers nor protestors. When a convert is discovered to be an illegal immigrant the elders do encourage them to go back. They cannot make them go back but they do encourage them to do go. Illegal immigrant JW cannot promote within our ranks. They cannot become Ministerial Servants, Elders, Regional Overseers nor serve in Missionary work nor at our Bethel sites.
BTW, HOW MANY OTHER JW HERE BESIDES ME!!?? Lets' do a head count.
If they followed the bible the closest then they would follow John 1:1
"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the WORD WAS GOD"
Yay nigger Christians. This is why Christianity sucks.
You, me and the other dude. Kinda surprised there are 3 of us on Sup Forums.
Get out as soon as possible. Trust me, its a destructive cult. Not worth it. For your own sake open your eyes to the lies of the governing body
An EXJW actually wrote letter to the Free Masons and they wrote to this person twice admitting that Charles T Russell was not a Mason ever. In fact, their website has a section dedicated to famous people in history who were Masons and people MISTAKEN for Masons. Guess who's on the MISTAKEN list.
Masons are open about Joseph Smith being a Mason why would they hide CTR's membership?
There seems to be:
1. OP
2. Me
3. You
I don't know who else though.
Also I saw your post, I didn't know that. Found an article on the online library that should be encouraging based on what's been happening in Syria.
>Are Jehovah's Witnesses the most redpilled Christians? They follow the Bible the closest and literally successfully undegeneratize degenerates. Name more redpilled christians than the ones who are literally crusading and converting Africans, the zionists, the zealots, The Jehovah's Witnesses.
Seventh Day Adventists.
you can be redpilled without joining an ostracising cult you know
Go Pagan. Can't trust anything from the Jews, sorry.
Torah observant followers of Yeshua are.
Most accurate group when it comes to what the Bible actually says that I have seen.
Jw think they are the spiritual jews. That is where they go wrong. They are jew larpers.
This is the true Gospel. There are many apostate doctrines that are not in alignment with the totality of Scripture in JW.
Watch this and learn brother. Torah observant followers of Yeshua the Messiah are the most Scripturally accurate group:
>Sorry, the Mormons win that prize
>Restoration, homie
Joseph Smith is fuckin joke, Bubba...
>>tfw Mormons basically consider themselves to be the real Jews and even have their own word for goyim (gentiles)
>>mfw food storage
>>mfw huge family size + white population growth
>>mfw The Family: A Proclamation to the World openly discourages miscegenation
>>mfw nukes fell tomorrow a huge majority of the survivors would be Mormons
>>mfw Word of Wisdom
>>mfw law of chastity
>redpill: the religion
Too bad that there founder was a fuckin liar who bretty much invented everything in his Book of Mormon...
Nice to meet you. Yes, it is good for us to gather here. After all, Sup Forums is a board of peace and nobody knows more about inner peace then Jehovah's people.
Yup, us three.
>Isaiah 41:9 - ...‘You are my servant; I have chosen you, and I have not rejected you.
>Proverbs 2:1-5 - My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, 2 so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment; 3 if, moreover, you call out for understanding itself and you give forth your voice for discernment itself, 4 if you keep seeking for it as for silver, and as for hid treasures you keep searching for it, 5 in that case you will understand the fear of Jehovah, and you will find the very knowledge of God.
>Isaiah 41:10 - Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not gaze about, for I am your God. I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness.’
We are the Nazarenes (Torah Observant followers of Yeshua):
This is the Faith of Yahushua
>Therefore, what if Mormonism is what will save The West? We just need to spread the redpill that Joseph Smith = Next Muhammad then we could subvert Islam.
Isn't being red-pilled all about knowing and accepting the truth?
I'd assume that finding the truth takes an immeasurable amount of faith on one's own part, while also being rational and looking at the evidence which can be practically impossible with all the lies, though, and I have found this to be true, all lies do lead to the truth.
Sup Forums has really helped me get a bearing as to how many lies there are in this world. At first, I ignorantly accepted everything Sup Forums had been telling me, but with growing up, doing my own research, and relying on God and thinking about what He would want to see from me, I found that most of the things here are incorrect and how truly Godless this world has become. Sup Forums's lies helped me see God's truths.
So, in becoming truly "red-pilled", I'd firmly suggest that you take a step back, look at things from His perspective. No, you don't have to become a JW, but at least see things from another perspective than your own. Then think, reflect. Then make up your mind.
>Thinking about going back to JW to find a wife, since many pretty girls are JW and they grow up to be virgins and loyal wives and not be degenerate whores like 99% of non-JW girls.
Don't get your hopes up man.
I might be a little late to the party bro
Tell me something about love.
>They follow the Bible the closest
No, JWs are a cult of christianity like mormons. They add a bunch of weird supplemented info to christianity that isn't in the bible.
that logo is fucking sexy
Nice troll OP. It appears some here are even dumb enough to fall for it.
>1830s obvious cult is most red pilled
Sorry but you guys don't practice what Christ commanded. Only us JW do that. That is how Christ said in the future they would be able to tell the true religion apart from the false. You guys don't practice Christ commandments.
>“Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them.”—Matt. 28:19.
>(Acts 1:8) but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de′a and Sa·mar′i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.”
>(Romans 10:18) Nevertheless I ask, They did not fail to hear, did they? Why, in fact, “into all the earth their sound went out, and to the extremities of the inhabited earth their utterances.”
>(Romans 11:13) Now I speak to YOU who are people of the nations. Forasmuch as I am, in reality, an apostle to the nations, I glorify my ministry,
>(Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people,
This is how you know some serious truth-bombs are about to drop.
I think we even outclassed Alex Jones.
Love is what you know. I know that many young women of this generation are trash. Unfortunately, many trashy attitudes rub off onto JW girls. However, The spiritual ones are the apex of good women, but you got to prove yourself worthy for them. Joining to get laid will get you nowhere
Welcome, pick a shirt and tie.
What is that from? This has to be shopped
I'll take the red combo. How long have you been on this board? I haven't seen too many JW's around
Former JW here.
I doubt you're still a JW. If you are you should be disfellowshipped for coming here
Pronto. But what I really meant was that if that guy worked for it, Jehovah would without a doubt reserve for him the perfect wife in no time. That's how much he cares.
I don't know, I just got it off images. I'm sure it was made by a bro who was hyped for the site's launch. I don't actually know if the GB would make something this intense, no offense.
That's hurtful
Jehovah witness is cult Christianity where if you suck the inner circle off enough you will be skylifted into heaven when Armageddon hits
>Love is what you know.
You're not even trying
>(1 Corinthians 13:4-7) Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, 5does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. 6It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. 7It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
It's true.
There's all kinds of porn and gore and 'worldly' shit on here. Any JW who actively lurks and posts here could be disfellowshipped if his elders found out.
I always wear the Blue Shirt/Purple Tie combo and a tan suit/pants. It's cheap but looks cool.
Be the Lion not the sheep
Yeah Jehovah knows what you need. I got reinstated with a similar mindset, but I had a very rude awakening to be honest. I had to change my priorities, but a little more to it was involved.
> I don't actually know if the GB would make something this intense, no offense.
Youre right
This esoteric stuff really bothers me. Is there some kind of connection between Medo-Persia and the Third Reich (Aryans)?
Are you Implying that I visit /gif/ and Sup Forums besides Sup Forums? I can easily choose what I take when I'm here. I'm not ignorant to the filth but it pretty easy to maneuver around it. And where else could I go for dank memes? Sup Forums literally trolled trump into presidency.
>How long have you been on this board?
I've been here since 2006. Former Sup Forumstard, now stay from the degenerate boards and stick to Sup Forums, /out/, Sup Forums. As you can see my nametag I'm the primary one on Sup Forums In fact, JW AMA threads are usually started by me. I'm also the starter of the Ex-Muslim threads as well.
That is only if you do what is expected of you first.
>(Romans 14:17) For the kingdom of God does not mean eating and drinking, but [means] righteousness and peace and joy with holy spirit.
>(Matthew 6:33) “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU.
I haven't seen too many JW's around
>You're not even trying
I know...
Honestly, it's hard for me to see past the blue pill ideologies where I'm at user. Maybe it's just my location
There is porn on Sup Forums all the time. And unnecessary temptation.could 'lead you down the path of unrighteousness'.
Why do you even care about Trump? You're supposed to be apolitical.Nigga, are you even an unbaptised minister yet?
We can just choose to ignore those areas. I'm actually a former Sup Forumstard before I became a JW. Now I just stick to Sup Forums, /out/, and Sup Forums
>having a magazine as part of the canon
All that needs to be said
I haven't been to meetings in multiple years but I attend the memorial every year and think about Jehovah almost daily.
Does that count?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums have porn on them all the time retard. You knowingly look at smut. That is grounds for being disfellowshipped.
You're either a complete newbie or a total retard engaging in extreme cognitive dissonance. Where is your ministry faggot, I want to talk to your elders.
>Honestly, it's hard for me to see past the blue pill ideologies where I'm at user. Maybe it's just my location
I wouldn't be surprised. How's Canada's blue pilled ideology affecting you in your personal life. JW, by definition, are a conservative group even if we are neutral. With all the pro-Islam and pro-gay crap going on there I wouldn't be surprised if you guys are not openly persecuted on the streets by some Muslims or gays now.
religion is retarded and detrimental to human progress and so must be destroyed
>And unnecessary temptation.could 'lead you down the path of unrighteousness'.
Do you see how girls dress now-a-days? I might as well be a shut in if I should follow your logic.
>Why do you even care about Trump? You're supposed to be apolitical.
If Satan's system is clearly against Trump, which it clearly is, that is when I start to take notice. This isn't a political issue, this is much bigger than that.
Which commandment of Christ don't we practice?
We do all of those. What do you think I am doing here?
Mormons are
that's why those yid fuckers released this to berate them
It's a cult folks. JWs deny Jesus' deity. JWs deny the trinity. In fact you can only be saved by joining their organization. A non-christian cult, like the mormons. And I'm sure they're good people, but it's not orthodox christianity.
JW debunked:
What prevents you from going?
Wow you got us good user! I sure am s-s-sshaking in my boots!
The Jews fear the Mormon
Jesus (Yahushua) spoke to John. Revelation is the words of Jesus. Jesus died and rose on the third day and He is the Son of God. Do you believe this?
It's not narrative, it's like a research paper, it bundles up what we can learn taking verses and such from the Bible and applying it to other things. It's good for outsiders to grasp what JWs are all 'about'.