What is it with liberals being poor and doing weed? Really fires off the neurons.
What is it with liberals being poor and doing weed? Really fires off the neurons
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Why is everything you don't like automatically "liberal"? Do you even know what liberal means?
Doesn't fire off the neurons for them
You're not poor if you can afford to do recreational drugs.
they are looking for a purpose, and have no direction so they project their frustration on others because they have no outlet.
TLDR. they need to get a job and direction
Liberals do anything for attention.
>implying anarchists and communists are in any way liberals
Looks like bad bag of weed. All those stems and shit.
Thread is over guys, pack it up.
I'm ashamed that autist has the same name as me
That top tweet is her looking for attention/bragging. She's so cute, fuck mang.
that's some shit weed
Why is american intellectual culture just dood weed lmao?
Yes. You are a liberal you fucking nigger.
>being named after a month
>What is it with liberals being poor and doing weed? Really fires off the neurons.
You sure? Liberals who aren't blatant poorfag minorities seem to be middle to upper middle-class.
Shut the fuck up weedfag. Just because he insulted your precious selfcuck smokable doesn't mean you should chimp out like a nigger.
I'm fully right wing libertarian, and I smoke loads of weed. I'm not poor though, I've got loads of money.
>desexualize the female body
>oops humanity died out cuz no one fucks anymore
I work 40 hours a week and smoke weed occasionally. I'd love to get into biotech, but I'm too poor to afford medical school.
I have a job and despite aspirations to improve myself it's hard to have hope in our future man, it seems whites are dwindling in number and in our power. I've seen how hard it is to be a white male in the diversity quota corporate world. I'm definitely right wing in lots of respects but I smoke weed because it relieves my anxiety over my future and because it doesn't have a hangover I would drink more if hangovers didn't affect me so strongly.
weed is a lot cheaper than beers and poor people have been drinking lots of beers since forever so I don't understand why you are confused.
tell her to change her name she is undeserving to refer to herself as frog this offends kek
Weed is fine as long as it's done in moderation.
It becomes degenerate when it seeps into everything you do and you can't get 1 day without reminding everyone about how much dank you smoke.
Weed culture is degenerate, through and through.
what type of job? apply for scholarships, write an essay. intern somewhere.. I can't live your life for you, do your own research. What type of biotech? Read books, study on your own.
im employed and conservative as fuck, and smoke tons of pot. further, i have a shit ton of responsibility and fall within the top 5% of individual incomes in the US. i do it because it's enjoyable. i like the sensation of music and taste while under the influence.
there is little to no data indicating that marijuana is a significant threat to public or individual wellbeing.
when i'm an oldfag, i want to retire to the mountains, grow some sick ass indica, and get high, hunt, cook, and eat by a fire with a glass of something all day. what the fuck is wrong with that.
>this offends kek
Nanotech, biological computers, stuff like that. Also transhumanist concepts hopefully. I push carts at Walmart right now. They don't take care of me or provide me with safe working conditions, so I'm playing the lottery weekly to try to get myself out of this hole. I've actually won a few times. Nothing big, but it gives me hope. Sad that this is what Americans have to do because there are no jobs.
?when i'm an oldfag, i want to retire to the mountains, grow some sick ass indica, and get high, hunt, cook, and eat by a fire with a glass of something all day. what the fuck is wrong with that.
same. I already live pretty far north and remotely but I want to go to an even more remote spot, build a cabin, stockpile a ton of guns, grow some food in a greenhouse, maybe even raise livestock, and grow a fuckton of weed.
exercise has proven to improve brain health, you're probably lazy, but if you're not motivated to help yourself, why should anyone else?
life is full of tough choices, either beg for scraps or chase your dreams.
I'm out, I'm not a life coach, do what you want, it's your life, be a loser or not, you have free will, weed is pretty much a path of poverty
I don't understand poor and lazy stoners. It's so easy to be a productive member of society and still smoke. I do everyday about an hour before bed. Before that bowl I make sure any homework/studying is taken care of and that any work needing to be done is done. I also try to always exercise a little before a bowl to try and offset any snacks I might eat after.
Me in the back left staring.
fuck off troll
>where those sand dooms at
>not sand dunes
gets me every time
shes so retarded its cute
>not wanting to die in glorious battle
You do realize you could be doing that right now don't you you?
I lift weights, and run. you don't my life faggot. I only smoke before I go to bed on days when I'm working. Weed isn't a path of poverty when it's cheaper than drinking regularly (I spend no more than 35 a week and I make plenty more than that). Just because you had no friends in college to smoke you down doesn't mean you have to get mad about it.
They need Christ
The thing that pisses you off is these people are not even poor they live the "privileged" life of a well off upper class yuppie. Then go slum it for fun. When they have had enough of pretending to be poor they poss off to a rural family retreat.
Or maybe it's that you are poor because you use recreational drugs.
because she is a qt
I shouldn't have chuckled at this but I did, how naughty of me
This is Antifafu?
its for her lazy eye
I wanna cum on her eye.
Think about that sentence.
>Desexualize the female body.
Why? There is something very disturbing about that sentence.
Fuck's your problem, asshole?
Agreed. Weed makes most people retarded lazy sacks of shit. They lose all ambition and forward momentum. They do it to become happy, but in reality they just become complacent with who they are and never become anything more than half educated and working retail
>inb4 I once knew a guy super smart that smoked. Ect ect gay gay.
She's clearly a fucking dumb 18 year old who read that shit in a (((book))) written by some fat ugly feminist trash.
She's lucky she's a QT, because if she was some fat ugly pig she would realize how dumb her beliefs are.
She's trying really hard to make herself ugly with her haircut and not shaving her arms, legs, or snatch.
Look at her here, QT 3.14.
lmao this nerd said "doing weed"
Let's bully her
That's depressing, she looked much happier on her older images.
if it is or it's not directly tied to sjws/the left, she clearly needs help regardless.
Hopefully her parents do something...wishful thinking
oh god, she perfect.
I wanna listen to The Decemberists with her
No you sick freak, she had to private all her shit because spergs were creeping on her and threatening her.
LEAVE AUGUST ALONE! She reminds me of my sister, but my sister grew out of that style and never became a feminist/coal burner.
proud of my sis :D.
I'm poor and do weed.
But i support trump and welcome our fascists overlords.
You're just a faggot OP, it's ok though. Trump fights for your freedom of speech, no matter how dumb it is.
>t. person who has no clue what they are talking about.
also only faggot chads drive those things. shit taste.
But like my sister they have TERRIBLE taste in men, dating lanket losers for some fucking reason.
Would you prefer sour, dank kush, or whatever term you cool kids use these days?
1) that weed looks pretty garbo
2) "doing weed"
3) because they have poor decision making
Fuck I laughed so hard
>Hopefully her parents do something...wishful thinking
I don't think they care at this point.
sour refers to an actual strain or group of strains, dank refers to good weed in general but kush refers to an indica heavy strain which will give a body high.
So you could use any of those terms depending. The in slang however would be flame, fire or gas. Loud is also appropriate.
That said I just use dope or dank and I call all cannabis grass or reefer.
I am not a popular lad
>makes a generalization
>bu-but you aren't allowed to make one as an opposing argument b-b-btfo Sup Forums!
>why won't she date a fat, ugly, manlet like me?
>grass or reefer.
Try herb, bud, or flowers. You sound like you're from the 70's.
She's matured backwards.
Liberals are hypocrites
Bud I use rarely. Herb Im fond of too.
Im not hippity hoppin with the kids yo
Im a post ironic 21 y/o I kinda wanna sound like Im from the 70s. I also unironically use rad, and the bees knees.
weed is promoted by the jews so that people will forget what is being done with pushing niggers and spics into american culture and normalizing behavior like smoking weed and letting spics steal our jobs and paying niggers to reproduce who havent had a working family member in 3 generations
> weed is for niggers and anyone who smokes weed is a nigger and has no higher ground to call out others about breaking the law or not working
So cute. Bring her to me.
does weed and alcohol make people ignorant and delusional?
the day will come, traitors die first
>we had to amend the Constitution to prohibit alcohol but that was special
>The Federal government can suddenly regulate intrastate trade because activist supreme court and the butterfly affect or something fucking stupid
following illegal laws is for niggers too dumb to know their rights or what the laws says and how it works
Alcohol kills brains cells so yes.
Cannabis does not kill braincells but cannabinoids are fat soluble so they can literally gunk up the fatty tissue surrounding axons if you smoke too much or too often, this corrects itself after a month or two of sobriety. However smoking anything is bad for you, for what should be obvious reasons.
I can't tell if this is trolling or just plain bait
this is why I have no faith in /pol or any movement. The utter thirst and desperation would have one of these guys stampeding over each other to stab you in the back for an approving nod from one of these 5/10 girl.
She deserves being harrassed
>you would look better with your shirt off
Yeah right. He probably said "you would look better after smirnoff"
Go to bed, August
Tenth grade isn't easy for anyone. You'll have your vengeance when you get that STEM degree tho
Im not in high school
Quit slang shaming me you bigot
Numbs emotional pain with temporary pleasure.
Reddest pill is to live with suffering and learning to not succumb to it.
In this you find the greatest joy.
Nobody knows what liberal means, especially not user.
Hiya kids, it's 5-time super bowl winning QB and hall of famer Tom Brady here, and today I'm going to educate you on the dangers of marijuana.
>Brain Changes Are Associated with Casual Marijuana Use in Young Adults
>Cannabis Smoking 'Permanently Lowers IQ'
>Cannabis Use, Abuse, and Dependence
>Cannabis Use and Risk of Lung Cancer
>Cannabis Use Steals 8 IQ Points from the Teenage Mind
>Decreased dopamine brain reactivity in marijuana abusers is associated with negative emotionality and addiction severity
>Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Pulmonary Function and Respiratory Complications
>The Health Effects of Marijuana
>Long and Short Term Effects of Marijuana Use
>Longtime Marijuana Use Linked With Decreased Motivation, Study Finds
>Marijuana May Cause Heart Problems in Young Adults
Now, I hope you read each of these well-sourced studies thoroughly. After this, hopefully you will know to NEVER touch a marijuana cigarette. Remember, winners don't do drugs. Be safe!
This is me. I only smoke at night after I lift and get all my shit done, and mostly it's just for sleep.
>i am sincerely very unhappy
Aww, she is so cute, I just wanna hug her so bad :(
weed is still for losers
low and both normal iq people can't handle drugs yet we allow the sale of those to them
before the bastardisation of voting, you had to be land owner or not a slave to hours, this was the iq test right there
now everyone can vote
Really makes me think, because all my stoner friends are poor fucks with no direction or future.
Like what the other user said, you have to start doing research on the topic. Go to a local college and take some classes there. Mainly biology (no shit). Take to the advisors there and ask em what you can do to prepare you into a university. From there, you can finally pursue a degree in biotechnology.
Take loans, work jobs, etc... I know it sounds a lot but you can do it if you put your head into it.
Here is my college and life story in greentext:
>High school GPA low asf
>Barely got into uni
>Got to a 2.09 by end of FIRST year
>Brought that mother fucker up by not slacking and retaking class
>Graduate with a S O L I D 3.8 gpa
>Look back the 5 years I've spent in school and all the hard work and non-stop studying sessions I had to do
Do it bro, don't let your life go to waste. Not a university shill, but biotech is very demanding because you need to read, a LOT.
You got this, you fucking faggot.
She still accepts follows. Probably checks if your account is completely new or not. It's easy.
Let's be serious for a second Sup Forums.
If you had a girlfriend like her you would drop your toxic racism guaranteed.
Never change for anyone user
She is one of Kek's chosen. She shall return to the light one day.
There are no neurons to fire.
In leafland probably.
In the states that's a different story.
20 bucks a gram in illegal (most) states if you're a poor nigger who only buys grams at a time. Most people like that usualy smoke a gram a day.
Now if your dealer isn't some nigger and not THAT greedy you can generally get an 8th for 50 bucks. If your dealer is some greedy nigger then you're looking at 60 an 8th (probably get shorted too)
You're looking at around 40-50 an 8th for some decent outdoor bud.
You're still going to pay a premium for buying grams though just for the hassle.
Now lets look at gram a day guy. He's blowing 140 bucks a week consistently.
A 12 pack of budweiser runs 14 bucks a day on average. And that's if you're a drunkfuck who drinks a 12 pack a day. Hell even a 6 pack a day you're a drunk fuck.
That's hardly more expensive leaf.
Most regular everyday smokers I know go through a quarter ounce a week.
Augfrog's weed there is shit tier anyways. I see stems galore. So she's getting ripped. Or whatever beta orbiter who's buying her weed for her is getting ripped.
Those stems yo.
She's paying for those stems. I even see fucking leaf in there.
Looks like it's supposed to be a half ounce. I have the same bags in my kitchen.
Still you're fucking retarded if you think weed's less expensive than beer.
If she had a boyfriend like me she'd be saving the white race.
please americans, do not talk like a liberal character.
this is not how normal people talk.
it is a little embarrassing too watch.
because she doesnt understand she is fool.
but i would also like to fuck this girl,
at full force in her vagina, mouth and anus.