Is this why Generation Z is considered to be one of the most conservative? First Pewdiepie, now this 20 million subscriber fucker literally shit all over the left and their retarded jew scheme. How many other Youtubers are hiding their power levels..
Another redpilled Youtuber
Royan Higa's always been cool
His literal first criticism was how Christians were being crybaby fags about the whole Starbucks Christmas thing.
>Non whites being Red pilled
Aw, I checked the flag and I see why.
No shit, you can't hide your power levels if you blatantly choose one side against the other. It has to start like this or else it won't work.
>implying he's wrong
Fuck off asianmasculinity
Tiny dick chang
I'll fuck your sisters and inseminate them
Yes, stop listening to Jewish definition of nationalism.
Jews are preparing for a terminal strike.
Gen Z is finished.
You're a fucking idiot and missed the whole point. This is about red-pilling Gen Z I don't care if it's a transgender poo doing it or a fucking homeless nigger. How can you not understand that?
can any one of you give me info on the thread that was recent;y deleted in the catalog containing a webm of something? It's reply count/time ration was significant and it 404'd before i got the chance to see it.
That ending 30 sec was interesting
Not bad
It was titled; "fucking day of the rope when"
What was it?
yes, I'm expecting Jewish NKVD death squads to try to round us up with communist subversives soon.
holy shit i'm back in seventh grade
We can see your ID you stupid fag.
Fuck off little dicklet chang
Every famous youtuber is for bluepills and you're an useless tool if you even pretend to think that some youtuber is redpilled. They all do it for money.
Kids and young adults are more conservative than adults, because it's easier to handle the surrounding world while being more conservative than liberal.
>disclaimer at the beginning
What a cuck. Whatever, I'll support it because it will make the redpill palatable to Asians. What a weird, ironic culture.
>newfags not understanding 4chans
Wow nigahiga is a disgruntled normie too
>claims to hate asian
>posts AM/WFM couple
Nah, you're the self hating chink here.
You have to be a retard to think most Asians aren't already redpilled. Please go outside more.
He is. Starbucks removed 'merry christmas' not to offend people.
How can you agree with that?
They do it for the money, yes. That doesn't mean they are bluepilled. Making good content is their primary goal, because that's what sells.
The message almost has nothing to do with the quality of the content which means as long as people watch they don't give a fuck what it's about. Why would it be bluepilled in any way and how does it benefit them.
>he doesn't know about unique posters and IDs
You're the newfag.
>Utter shit
Well, that's six minutes of my life I'll never get back.
It's for normie's consumption. The first 2 minutes should have ticked you off
Making fun of political correctness is low hanging fruit.
I mean Pewdiepie isn't the most redpilled but at least he is going after the mainstream media and has confirmed to go on Sup Forums from time to time
Should he go after niggers and jews instead? It's making the most out of what you have.
that was meant for the brainlet but ty user
t. newestfag on Sup Forums
H3H3 said that he would go on Sargons livestream but he didn't want to ruin his career.
He knows that SJW's would target him and his wife if he did.
Jontron is friends with H3H3 and went has been on two 5 hour Sargon livestreams.
The Angry Video Game Nerd got attacked by a bunch of SJW's when he said that he didn't want to review the ghostbusters movie, Sup Forums defended him online and took to twitter to tell Patton Oswalt shit like "You're just mad that AVGN's wife is still alive while yours is dead". You've got to think that someone like AVGN who is a legitimately nice guy and hard worker noticed who wants him to fail and who will protect him from SJW censorship.
I don't have to? If you don't like Starbucks don't buy it. Don't whine like retard and bring up "muh jesus"
No he could make fun of how the news works since the news is a better redpill for normies to swallow since political correctness being shit is common knowledge
>good content.
The'yre not redpilled in anyway. If you can make money by saying stupid shit, then you get payed by saying stupid shit, even if the shit you say is sometimes redpilled.
He and the likes of him are what to be called "redpilled". They really aren't they just found out that most of the world is pretty normal people, and most of the normal people are more conservative than liberal. It's just marketing.
Kek. Ending was pretty funny.
>yfw I didn't care and I was Christian
>yfw it was early-tier fake news
Generation Zyklon B
>Sup Forums is literally filled with children who are shilling ecelebs
Redpilled means denying the holocaust, becoming a race realist, a Natsoc and being aware of world Jewry among with some other minor details.
His no of those things.
why is the new owner of Sup Forums promoting ecelebs..
>this place has really gone down hill.
could it be jews?
It's because youtubers dont have 10 layers of Jew bosses whose dicks they suck like mainstream media
Stop being a fucking crybaby, you're no better than sensitive SJWs
>Companies shouldn't be able to make their own marketing decisions
Fuck off commie
>How many other Youtubers are hiding their power levels
not many i would guess. the thing about youtubers is they are dull people, beige and bland. they are successful because they appeal to other dull people. people who are out fucking bitches and skydiving are doing that (plus posting on Sup Forums) not making videos for youtube.
if this starts to become 'a thing' on youtube it is because they are hopping on a bandwagon and trying to ride the wave of the current trend.
if pdp had never said anything, no one else would have said anything. it is just a new topic for videos and because it is currently a hot topic, they make videos to get more views.
the asian guy in OP video would be making buzzfeed-lite videos if that would bring in the money. youtubers are fickle because they know that what they have is fleeting and built on nothing. they must be where the views are or else they make no money.